import warnings
from import Callable
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
import keras.ops as K
import numpy as np
from decomon.core import (
from decomon.layers.core import DecomonLayer
from decomon.layers.utils import exp, expand_dims, frac_pos, multiply, softplus_, sum
from decomon.types import Tensor
from decomon.utils import (
ELU = "elu"
SELU = "selu"
SOFTPLUS = "softplus"
SOFTSIGN = "softsign"
SOFTMAX = "softmax"
RELU = "relu"
SIGMOID = "sigmoid"
TANH = "tanh"
EXPONENTIAL = "exponential"
HARD_SIGMOID = "hard_sigmoid"
LINEAR = "linear"
GROUP_SORT_2 = "GroupSort2"
def relu(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
alpha: float = 0.0,
max_value: Optional[float] = None,
threshold: float = 0.0,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
alpha: see Keras official documentation
max_value: see Keras official documentation
threshold: see Keras official documentation
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
if threshold != 0:
raise NotImplementedError()
if not alpha and max_value is None:
# default values: return relu_(x) = max(x, 0)
return relu_(
inputs, dc_decomp=dc_decomp, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, mode=mode, slope=slope, **kwargs
raise NotImplementedError()
def linear_hull_s_shape(
inputs: list[Tensor],
func: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] = K.sigmoid,
f_prime: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] = sigmoid_prime,
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""Computing the linear hull of s-shape functions
inputs: list of input tensors
func: the function (sigmoid, tanh, softsign...)
f_prime: the derivative of the function (sigmoid_prime...)
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
mode = ForwardMode(mode)
affine = get_affine(mode)
ibp = get_ibp(mode)
inputs_outputs_spec = InputsOutputsSpec(dc_decomp=dc_decomp, mode=mode, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain)
x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g = inputs_outputs_spec.get_fullinputs_from_inputsformode(
inputs, compute_ibp_from_affine=False
dtype = x.dtype
empty_tensor = inputs_outputs_spec.get_empty_tensor(dtype=dtype)
if ibp:
u_c_out = func(u_c)
l_c_out = func(l_c)
u_c_out, l_c_out = empty_tensor, empty_tensor
if affine:
w_u_0, b_u_0, w_l_0, b_l_0 = get_linear_hull_s_shape(
inputs, func=func, f_prime=f_prime, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, mode=mode
if len(w_u.shape) == len(b_u.shape):
# it happens with the convert function to spare memory footprint
n_dim = int([1:]))
M = np.reshape(
np.diag([K.cast(1, dtype=w_u_0.dtype)] * n_dim), [1, n_dim] + list(w_u.shape[1:])
) # usage de numpy pb pour les types
w_u_out = M * K.concatenate([K.expand_dims(w_u_0, 1)] * n_dim, 1)
w_l_out = M * K.concatenate([K.expand_dims(w_l_0, 1)] * n_dim, 1)
b_u_out = b_u_0
b_l_out = b_l_0
w_u_out = K.expand_dims(w_u_0, 1) * w_u # pour l'instant
b_u_out = b_u_0 + w_u_0 * b_u
w_l_out = K.expand_dims(w_l_0, 1) * w_l
b_l_out = b_l_0 + w_l_0 * b_l
w_u_out, b_u_out, w_l_out, b_l_out = empty_tensor, empty_tensor, empty_tensor, empty_tensor
if dc_decomp:
raise NotImplementedError()
h_out, g_out = empty_tensor, empty_tensor
return inputs_outputs_spec.extract_outputsformode_from_fulloutputs(
[x, u_c_out, w_u_out, b_u_out, l_c_out, w_l_out, b_l_out, h_out, g_out]
def sigmoid(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Sigmoid activation function .
`1 / (1 + exp(-x))`.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
func = K.sigmoid
f_prime = sigmoid_prime
return linear_hull_s_shape(
inputs, func, f_prime, dc_decomp=dc_decomp, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, mode=mode, slope=slope
def tanh(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Hyperbolic activation function.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
func = K.tanh
f_prime = tanh_prime
return linear_hull_s_shape(
inputs, func, f_prime, dc_decomp=dc_decomp, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, mode=mode, slope=slope
def hard_sigmoid(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Hard sigmoid activation function.
Faster to compute than sigmoid activation.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
if dc_decomp:
raise NotImplementedError()
mode = ForwardMode(mode)
raise NotImplementedError()
def elu(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Exponential linear unit.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
if dc_decomp:
raise NotImplementedError()
mode = ForwardMode(mode)
raise NotImplementedError()
def selu(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU).
SELU is equal to: `scale * elu(x, alpha)`, where alpha and scale
are predefined constants. The values of `alpha` and `scale` are
chosen so that the mean and variance of the inputs are preserved
between two consecutive layers as long as the weights are initialized
correctly (see `lecun_normal` initialization) and the number of inputs
is "large enough" (see references for more information).
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
if dc_decomp:
raise NotImplementedError()
mode = ForwardMode(mode)
raise NotImplementedError()
def linear(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA foe Linear (i.e. identity) activation function.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
return inputs
def exponential(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Exponential activation function.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
return exp(inputs, dc_decomp=dc_decomp, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, mode=mode, slope=slope, **kwargs)
def softplus(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Softplus activation function `log(exp(x) + 1)`.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
if dc_decomp:
raise NotImplementedError()
return softplus_(inputs, dc_decomp=dc_decomp, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, mode=mode, slope=slope)
def softsign(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Softsign activation function `x / (abs(x) + 1)`.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
func = K.softsign
f_prime = softsign_prime
return linear_hull_s_shape(
inputs, func, f_prime, dc_decomp=dc_decomp, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, mode=mode, slope=slope
def softmax(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
axis: int = -1,
clip: bool = True,
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
"""LiRPA for Softmax activation function.
inputs: list of input tensors
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain: type of convex input domain (None or dict)
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
**kwargs: see Keras official documentation
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
the updated list of tensors
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
if dc_decomp:
raise NotImplementedError()
mode = ForwardMode(mode)
ibp = get_ibp(mode)
inputs_outputs_spec = InputsOutputsSpec(dc_decomp=dc_decomp, mode=mode, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain)
outputs_exp = exponential(
minus(inputs, mode=mode, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain),
outputs = expand_dims(
sum(outputs_exp, axis=axis, dc_decomp=dc_decomp, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, mode=mode),
outputs = multiply(outputs_exp, outputs, mode=mode, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain)
x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g = inputs_outputs_spec.get_fullinputs_from_inputsformode(
outputs, compute_ibp_from_affine=False
if ibp:
o_value = K.cast(1.0, dtype=u_c.dtype)
z_value = K.cast(0.0, dtype=u_c.dtype)
u_c = K.minimum(u_c, o_value)
l_c = K.maximum(l_c, z_value)
return inputs_outputs_spec.extract_outputsformode_from_fulloutputs([x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g])
def group_sort_2(
inputs: list[Tensor],
dc_decomp: bool = False,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
data_format: str = "channels_last",
slope: Union[str, Slope] = Slope.V_SLOPE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Tensor]:
if perturbation_domain is None:
perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
mode = ForwardMode(mode)
raise NotImplementedError()
def deserialize(name: str) -> Callable[..., list[Tensor]]:
"""Get the activation from name.
name: name of the method.
among the implemented Keras activation function.
the activation function
name = name.lower()
if name == SOFTMAX:
return softmax
elif name == ELU:
return elu
elif name == SELU:
return selu
elif name == SOFTPLUS:
return softplus
elif name == SOFTSIGN:
return softsign
elif name == SIGMOID:
return sigmoid
elif name == TANH:
return tanh
elif name == RELU:
return relu
elif name == EXPONENTIAL:
return exponential
elif name == LINEAR:
return linear
elif name == GROUP_SORT_2:
return group_sort_2
raise ValueError(f"Could not interpret activation function identifier: {name}")
def get(identifier: Any) -> Callable[..., list[Tensor]]:
"""Get the `identifier` activation function.
identifier: None or str, name of the function.
The activation function, `linear` if `identifier` is None.
if identifier is None:
return linear
elif isinstance(identifier, str):
return deserialize(identifier)
elif callable(identifier):
if isinstance(identifier, DecomonLayer):
"Do not pass a layer instance (such as {identifier}) as the "
"activation argument of another layer. Instead, advanced "
"activation layers should be used just like any other "
"layer in a model.".format(identifier=identifier.__class__.__name__)
return identifier
raise ValueError("Could not interpret " "activation function identifier:", identifier)