"""Linear programming models and solve functions for Coloring problem."""
# Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from collections.abc import Callable, Hashable
from typing import Any, Optional, TypedDict, Union
import networkx as nx
from ortools.math_opt.python import mathopt
from discrete_optimization.coloring.problem import ColoringProblem, ColoringSolution
from discrete_optimization.coloring.solvers import ColoringSolver
from discrete_optimization.coloring.solvers.greedy import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import ParamsObjectiveFunction
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparameter import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.lp_tools import (
import gurobipy
except ImportError:
gurobi_available = False
gurobi_available = True
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
OneColorConstraints = dict[int, ConstraintType]
NeighborsConstraints = dict[tuple[Hashable, Hashable, int], ConstraintType]
VariableDecision = dict[str, dict[tuple[Hashable, int], VariableType]]
class ConstraintsDict(TypedDict):
one_color_constraints: OneColorConstraints
constraints_neighbors: NeighborsConstraints
class _BaseLpColoringSolver(MilpSolver, ColoringSolver):
"""Base class for Coloring LP solvers."""
hyperparameters = [
name="greedy_start", choices=[True, False], default=True
name="use_cliques", choices=[True, False], default=False
def __init__(
problem: ColoringProblem,
params_objective_function: Optional[ParamsObjectiveFunction] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
problem=problem, params_objective_function=params_objective_function
self.number_of_nodes = self.problem.number_of_nodes
self.nodes_name = self.problem.graph.nodes_name
self.index_nodes_name = {
self.nodes_name[i]: i for i in range(self.number_of_nodes)
self.index_to_nodes_name = {
i: self.nodes_name[i] for i in range(self.number_of_nodes)
self.graph = self.problem.graph
self.model = None
self.variable_decision: VariableDecision = {}
one_color_constraints: OneColorConstraints = {}
constraints_neighbors: NeighborsConstraints = {}
self.constraints_dict: ConstraintsDict = {
"one_color_constraints": one_color_constraints,
"constraints_neighbors": constraints_neighbors,
self.description_variable_description = {
"colors_vars": {
"shape": (0, 0),
"type": bool,
"descr": "for each node and each color," " a binary indicator",
self.description_constraint: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {}
self.sense_optim = self.params_objective_function.sense_function
self.start_solution: Optional[ColoringSolution] = None
def init_model(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Initialize the internal model.
Keyword Args:
greedy_start (bool): if True, a greedy solution is computed (using GreedyColoring solver)
and used as warm start for the LP.
use_cliques (bool): if True, compute cliques of the coloring problem and add constraints to the model.
kwargs = self.complete_with_default_hyperparameters(kwargs)
greedy_start = kwargs["greedy_start"]
use_cliques = kwargs["use_cliques"]
if greedy_start:
logger.info("Computing greedy solution")
greedy_solver = GreedyColoringSolver(
sol = greedy_solver.solve(
if sol is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"greedy_solver.solve(strategy=NxGreedyColoringMethod.best).get_best_solution() "
"should not be None."
if not isinstance(sol, ColoringSolution):
raise RuntimeError(
"greedy_solver.solve(strategy=NxGreedyColoringMethod.best).get_best_solution() "
"should be a ColoringSolution."
self.start_solution = sol
logger.info("Get dummy solution")
self.start_solution = self.problem.get_dummy_solution()
nb_colors = self.start_solution.nb_color
nb_colors_subset = nb_colors
if self.problem.use_subset:
nb_colors_subset = self.problem.count_colors(self.start_solution.colors)
nb_colors = self.problem.count_colors_all_index(self.start_solution.colors)
if nb_colors is None:
raise RuntimeError("self.start_solution.nb_color should not be None.")
self.model = self.create_empty_model("color")
colors_var: dict[tuple[Hashable, int], VariableType] = {}
range_node = self.nodes_name
range_color = range(nb_colors)
range_color_subset = range(nb_colors_subset)
range_color_per_node = {}
for node in self.nodes_name:
rng = self.get_range_color(
for color in rng:
colors_var[node, color] = self.add_binary_variable(
name="x_" + str((node, color))
range_color_per_node[node] = set(rng)
one_color_constraints: OneColorConstraints = {}
for n in range_node:
one_color_constraints[n] = self.add_linear_constraint(
colors_var[n, c] for c in range_color_per_node[n]
== 1
cliques = []
g = self.graph.to_networkx()
if use_cliques:
for c in nx.algorithms.clique.find_cliques(g):
cliques += [c]
cliques = sorted(cliques, key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
cliques = [[e[0], e[1]] for e in g.edges()]
cliques_constraint: dict[Union[int, tuple[int, int]], ConstraintType] = {}
index_c = 0
opt = self.add_integer_variable(lb=0, ub=nb_colors, name="nb_colors")
if use_cliques:
for c in cliques[:100]:
cliques_constraint[index_c] = self.add_linear_constraint(
(color_i + 1) * colors_var[node, color_i]
for node in c
for color_i in range_color_per_node[node]
>= sum([i + 1 for i in range(len(c))])
cliques_constraint[(index_c, 1)] = self.add_linear_constraint(
colors_var[node, color_i]
for node in c
for color_i in range_color_per_node[node]
<= opt
index_c += 1
edges = g.edges()
constraints_neighbors: NeighborsConstraints = {}
for e in edges:
for c in range_color_per_node[e[0]]:
if c in range_color_per_node[e[1]]:
constraints_neighbors[(e[0], e[1], c)] = self.add_linear_constraint(
colors_var[e[0], c] + colors_var[e[1], c] <= 1
for n in range_node:
(color_i + 1) * colors_var[n, color_i]
for color_i in range_color_per_node[n]
<= opt
self.set_model_objective(opt, minimize=True)
self.variable_decision = {"colors_var": colors_var, "nb_colors": opt}
self.constraints_dict = {
"one_color_constraints": one_color_constraints,
"constraints_neighbors": constraints_neighbors,
self.description_variable_description = {
"colors_var": {
"shape": (self.number_of_nodes, nb_colors),
"type": bool,
"descr": "for each node and each color," " a binary indicator",
self.description_constraint["one_color_constraints"] = {
"descr": "one and only one color " "should be assignated to a node"
self.description_constraint["constraints_neighbors"] = {
"descr": "no neighbors can have same color"
def convert_to_variable_values(
self, solution: ColoringSolution
) -> dict[Any, float]:
"""Convert a solution to a mapping between model variables and their values.
Will be used by set_warm_start().
# Init all variables to 0
hinted_variables = {
var: 0 for var in self.variable_decision["colors_var"].values()
# Set var(node, color) to 1 according to the solution
for i, color in enumerate(solution.colors):
node = self.index_to_nodes_name[i]
variable_decision_key = (node, color)
] = 1
hinted_variables[self.variable_decision["nb_colors"]] = solution.nb_color
return hinted_variables
def retrieve_current_solution(
get_var_value_for_current_solution: Callable[[Any], float],
get_obj_value_for_current_solution: Callable[[], float],
) -> ColoringSolution:
colors = [0] * self.number_of_nodes
for (
) in self.variable_decision["colors_var"].items():
value = get_var_value_for_current_solution(variable_decision_value)
if value >= 0.5:
node = variable_decision_key[0]
color = variable_decision_key[1]
colors[self.index_nodes_name[node]] = color
return ColoringSolution(self.problem, colors)
def get_range_color(self, node_name, range_color_subset, range_color_all):
if self.problem.has_constraints_coloring:
if node_name in self.problem.constraints_coloring.nodes_fixed():
return range(
self.problem.constraints_coloring.color_constraint[node_name] + 1,
if self.problem.use_subset:
return (
if node_name in self.problem.subset_nodes
else range_color_all
return range_color_all
class GurobiColoringSolver(GurobiMilpSolver, _BaseLpColoringSolver):
"""Coloring LP solver based on gurobipy library.
problem (ColoringProblem): coloring problem instance to solve
params_objective_function (ParamsObjectiveFunction): objective function parameters
(however this is just used for the ResultStorage creation, not in the optimisation)
hyperparameters = _BaseLpColoringSolver.hyperparameters
def init_model(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Initialize the gurobi model.
Keyword Args:
greedy_start (bool): if True, a greedy solution is computed (using GreedyColoring solver)
and used as warm start for the LP.
use_cliques (bool): if True, compute cliques of the coloring problem and add constraints to the model.
_BaseLpColoringSolver.init_model(self, **kwargs)
self.model.setParam(gurobipy.GRB.Param.Threads, 8)
self.model.setParam(gurobipy.GRB.Param.Method, -1)
self.model.setParam("Heuristics", 0.01)
def convert_to_variable_values(
self, solution: ColoringSolution
) -> dict[gurobipy.Var, float]:
"""Convert a solution to a mapping between model variables and their values.
Will be used by set_warm_start().
return _BaseLpColoringSolver.convert_to_variable_values(self, solution)
class MathOptColoringSolver(OrtoolsMathOptMilpSolver, _BaseLpColoringSolver):
"""Coloring LP solver based on pymip library.
Gurobi and CBC are available as backend solvers.
problem (ColoringProblem): coloring problem instance to solve
params_objective_function (ParamsObjectiveFunction): objective function parameters
(however this is just used for the ResultStorage creation, not in the optimisation)
hyperparameters = _BaseLpColoringSolver.hyperparameters
problem: ColoringProblem
def convert_to_variable_values(
self, solution: ColoringSolution
) -> dict[mathopt.Variable, float]:
"""Convert a solution to a mapping between model variables and their values.
Will be used by set_warm_start() to provide a suitable SolutionHint.variable_values.
See https://or-tools.github.io/docs/pdoc/ortools/math_opt/python/model_parameters.html#SolutionHint
for more information.
return _BaseLpColoringSolver.convert_to_variable_values(self, solution)