Source code for discrete_optimization.coloring.solvers.toulbar

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Optional

from discrete_optimization.coloring.problem import ColoringSolution
from discrete_optimization.coloring.solvers.starting_solution import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparameter import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.result_storage.result_storage import (

    import pytoulbar2
except ImportError:
    toulbar_available = False
    toulbar_available = True

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ToulbarColoringSolver(WithStartingSolutionColoringSolver): hyperparameters = WithStartingSolutionColoringSolver.hyperparameters + [ CategoricalHyperparameter( name="value_sequence_chain", choices=[True, False], default=False ), CategoricalHyperparameter( name="hard_value_sequence_chain", choices=[True, False], default=False, depends_on=("value_sequence_chain", [True]), ), IntegerHyperparameter( name="tolerance_delta_max", low=0, high=2, default=1, depends_on=("value_sequence_chain", [True]), ), ] model: Optional[pytoulbar2.CFN] = None
[docs] def get_range_value( self, index_node: int, nb_colors_on_subset: int, nb_colors_all: int ): node_name = self.problem.nodes_name[index_node] if self.problem.has_constraints_coloring: nodes = self.problem.constraints_coloring.nodes_fixed() if node_name in nodes: value = self.problem.constraints_coloring.color_constraint[node_name] return range(value, value + 1) in_subset = self.problem.is_in_subset_index(index_node) ub_i = nb_colors_on_subset if in_subset else nb_colors_all return range(ub_i)
[docs] def init_model(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: number_nodes = self.problem.number_of_nodes index_nodes_name = self.problem.index_nodes_name kwargs = self.complete_with_default_hyperparameters(kwargs) nb_colors = kwargs.get("nb_colors", None) nb_colors_on_subset = kwargs.get("nb_colors_on_subset", nb_colors) if nb_colors is None: # Run greedy solver to get an upper bound of the bound. sol = self.get_starting_solution(**kwargs) nb_colors = int(self.problem.evaluate(sol)["nb_colors"]) nb_colors_all = self.problem.count_colors_all_index(sol.colors) nb_colors_on_subset = self.problem.count_colors(sol.colors)"{nb_colors_on_subset} colors found by the greedy method ") else: nb_colors_all = nb_colors # we don't have to have a very tight bound. Problem = pytoulbar2.CFN(nb_colors) Problem.AddVariable("max_color", range(nb_colors_on_subset)) Problem.AddFunction(["max_color"], range(nb_colors_on_subset)) range_map = {} for i in range(number_nodes): in_subset = self.problem.is_in_subset_index(i) range_map[i] = self.get_range_value( index_node=i, nb_colors_on_subset=nb_colors_on_subset, nb_colors_all=nb_colors_all, ) Problem.AddVariable(f"x_{i}", range_map[i]) if in_subset: Problem.AddFunction( [f"x_{i}", "max_color"], [ 10000 if val1 > val2 else 0 for val1 in range_map[i] for val2 in range(nb_colors_on_subset) ], ) # encode that x_{i}<=max_color. # Problem.AddLinearConstraint([1, -1], [0, i+1], '>=', 0) # max_color>x_{i} (alternative way ?) value_sequence_chain = kwargs["value_sequence_chain"] # Warning : don't use this with special "constraints" if value_sequence_chain: hard_value_sequence_chain = kwargs["hard_value_sequence_chain"] tolerance_delta_max = kwargs["tolerance_delta_max"] # play with how "fidele" should be the "max_x" variable for j in range(number_nodes): Problem.AddVariable(f"max_x_{j}", range(nb_colors_all)) Problem.AddFunction([f"max_x_{0}"], [0] + [1000] * (nb_colors_all - 1)) Problem.AddFunction([f"x_{0}"], [0] + [1000] * (nb_colors - 1)) Problem.AddFunction( ["max_color", f"max_x_{number_nodes-1}"], [ 1000 if val1 != val2 else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors) for val2 in range(nb_colors_all) ], ) for j in range(1, number_nodes): Problem.AddFunction( [f"max_x_{j-1}", f"max_x_{j}"], [ 10000 if val1 > val2 or val2 > val1 + tolerance_delta_max else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors) for val2 in range(nb_colors) ], ) # Max is increasing but 1 by 1 only. Problem.AddFunction( [f"max_x_{j}", f"x_{j}"], [ 10000 if val2 > val1 else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors) for val2 in range(nb_colors) ], ) Problem.AddFunction( [f"max_x_{j - 1}", f"x_{j}"], [ 10000 if val2 > val1 + tolerance_delta_max else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors) for val2 in range(nb_colors) ], ) if hard_value_sequence_chain: Problem.AddFunction( [f"max_x_{j}", f"max_x_{j-1}", f"x_{j}"], [ 0 if val1 == max(val2, val3) else 10000 for val1 in range(nb_colors) for val2 in range(nb_colors) for val3 in range(nb_colors) ], ) # x_j <= max_x_{j} Problem.AddFunction( [f"max_x_{j-1}", f"x_{j}"], [ 10000 if val2 > val1 + 1 else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors) for val2 in range(nb_colors) ], ) len_edges = len(self.problem.graph.edges) index = 0 costs_dict = self.default_costs_matrix( nb_colors_all=nb_colors_all, nb_colors_on_subset=nb_colors_on_subset ) for e in self.problem.graph.edges: if index % 100 == 0:"Nb edges introduced {index} / {len_edges}") index1 = index_nodes_name[e[0]] index2 = index_nodes_name[e[1]] costs_i1_i2 = self.get_costs_matrix( index1=index1, index2=index2, costs=costs_dict, range_map=range_map ) Problem.AddFunction([f"x_{index1}", f"x_{index2}"], costs_i1_i2) index += 1 self.model = Problem
[docs] def default_costs_matrix(self, nb_colors_all: int, nb_colors_on_subset: int): costs = [ 10000 if val1 == val2 else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors_all) for val2 in range(nb_colors_all) ] costs_dict = {} if True: costs_dict = { "out-out": costs, "in-out": [ 10000 if val1 == val2 else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors_on_subset) for val2 in range(nb_colors_all) ], "out-in": [ 10000 if val1 == val2 else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors_all) for val2 in range(nb_colors_on_subset) ], "in-in": [ 10000 if val1 == val2 else 0 for val1 in range(nb_colors_on_subset) for val2 in range(nb_colors_on_subset) ], } return costs_dict
[docs] def get_costs_matrix( self, index1: int, index2: int, costs: dict[str, list], range_map: dict[int, Any], ): in_subset_index1 = self.problem.is_in_subset_index(index1) in_subset_index2 = self.problem.is_in_subset_index(index2) key = "out-out" if in_subset_index1 and in_subset_index2: key = "in-in" if not in_subset_index1 and in_subset_index2: key = "out-in" if in_subset_index1 and not in_subset_index2: key = "in-out" if not in_subset_index1 and not in_subset_index2: key = "out-out" if not self.problem.has_constraints_coloring: return costs[key] nodes_fixed = self.problem.constraints_coloring.nodes_fixed() node_index1 = self.problem.index_to_nodes_name[index1] node_index2 = self.problem.index_to_nodes_name[index2] if not (node_index1 in nodes_fixed or node_index2 in nodes_fixed): return costs[key] else: return [ 10000 if val1 == val2 else 0 for val1 in range_map[index1] for val2 in range_map[index2] ]
[docs] def solve(self, time_limit: Optional[int] = 20, **kwargs: Any) -> ResultStorage: """ Args: time_limit: the solve process stops after this time limit (in seconds). If None, no time limit is applied. **kwargs: Returns: """ if self.model is None: self.init_model() if self.model is None: raise RuntimeError( "self.model must not be None after self.init_model()." )"CFN Model init.") if time_limit is not None: self.model.CFN.timer(time_limit) solution = self.model.Solve(showSolutions=1)"=== Solution === \n {solution}") if solution is not None: rcpsp_sol = ColoringSolution( problem=self.problem, colors=solution[0][1 : 1 + self.problem.number_of_nodes], ) fit = self.aggreg_from_sol(rcpsp_sol) return self.create_result_storage( [(rcpsp_sol, fit)], ) else: return self.create_result_storage()