# Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from typing import Any, Optional
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from discrete_optimization.facility.problem import FacilityProblem, FacilitySolution
from discrete_optimization.facility.solvers import FacilitySolver
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import ParamsObjectiveFunction
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_solver import ResultStorage
class GreedyFacilitySolver(FacilitySolver):
build a trivial solution
pack the facilities one by one until all the customers are served
def solve(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ResultStorage:
solution = [-1] * self.problem.customer_count
capacity_remaining = [f.capacity for f in self.problem.facilities]
facility_index = 0
for index in range(len(self.problem.customers)):
customer = self.problem.customers[index]
if capacity_remaining[facility_index] >= customer.demand:
solution[index] = facility_index
capacity_remaining[facility_index] -= customer.demand
facility_index += 1
assert capacity_remaining[facility_index] >= customer.demand
solution[index] = facility_index
capacity_remaining[facility_index] -= customer.demand
sol = FacilitySolution(problem=self.problem, facility_for_customers=solution)
fit = self.aggreg_from_sol(sol)
return self.create_result_storage(
[(sol, fit)],
class DistanceBasedGreedyFacilitySolver(FacilitySolver):
def __init__(
problem: FacilityProblem,
params_objective_function: Optional[ParamsObjectiveFunction] = None,
problem=problem, params_objective_function=params_objective_function
self.matrix_cost = np.zeros(
(self.problem.customer_count, self.problem.facility_count)
for k in range(self.problem.customer_count):
for j in range(self.problem.facility_count):
self.matrix_cost[k, j] = self.problem.evaluate_customer_facility(
self.min_distance: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.min(self.matrix_cost, axis=1)
self.sorted_distance: npt.NDArray[np.int_] = np.argsort(
self.matrix_cost, axis=1
self.sorted_customers: npt.NDArray[np.int_] = np.argsort(-self.min_distance)
# sort the customers based on the minimum distance of facility (so the first element is the one which is the furthest to a facility
self.available_demands = np.array(
for k in range(self.problem.facility_count)
def solve(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ResultStorage:
solution = [-1] * self.problem.customer_count
capacity_remaining = np.copy(self.available_demands)
for customer in self.sorted_customers:
prior_customers = kwargs.get("prio", {}).get(
customer, self.sorted_distance[customer, :]
if any(x % 1 != x for x in prior_customers):
prior_customers = self.sorted_distance[customer, :]
for f in prior_customers:
f = int(f)
if capacity_remaining[f] >= self.problem.customers[customer].demand:
solution[customer] = f
capacity_remaining[f] -= self.problem.customers[customer].demand
sol = FacilitySolution(problem=self.problem, facility_for_customers=solution)
fit = self.aggreg_from_sol(sol)
return self.create_result_storage(
[(sol, fit)],