Source code for discrete_optimization.facility.solvers.lns_lp

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import logging
import random
from import Iterable
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Union

from discrete_optimization.facility.problem import FacilityProblem, FacilitySolution
from discrete_optimization.facility.solvers.greedy import (
from discrete_optimization.facility.solvers.lp import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparameter import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.lns_mip import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.lns_tools import ConstraintHandler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class InitialFacilityMethod(Enum): DUMMY = 0 GREEDY = 1
[docs] class InitialFacilitySolution(InitialSolution): """Initial solution provider for lns algorithm. Attributes: problem (FacilityProblem): input coloring problem initial_method (InitialFacilityMethod): the method to use to provide the initial solution. """ hyperparameters = [ EnumHyperparameter( name="initial_method", enum=InitialFacilityMethod, ), ] def __init__( self, problem: FacilityProblem, initial_method: InitialFacilityMethod, params_objective_function: ParamsObjectiveFunction, ): self.problem = problem self.initial_method = initial_method ( self.aggreg_from_sol, self.aggreg_from_dict, self.params_objective_function, ) = build_aggreg_function_and_params_objective( problem=self.problem, params_objective_function=params_objective_function )
[docs] def get_starting_solution(self) -> ResultStorage: if self.initial_method == InitialFacilityMethod.GREEDY: greedy_solver = GreedyFacilitySolver( self.problem, params_objective_function=self.params_objective_function ) return greedy_solver.solve() else: solution = self.problem.get_dummy_solution() fit = self.aggreg_from_sol(solution) return ResultStorage( mode_optim=self.params_objective_function.sense_function, list_solution_fits=[(solution, fit)], )
class _BaseFacilityConstraintHandler(ConstraintHandler): """Constraint builder used in LNS+LP for coloring problem. This constraint handler is pretty basic, it fixes a fraction_to_fix proportion of allocation of customer to facility. Attributes: problem (ColoringProblem): input coloring problem fraction_to_fix (float): float between 0 and 1, representing the proportion of nodes to constrain. """ def __init__( self, problem: FacilityProblem, fraction_to_fix: float = 0.9, ): self.problem = problem self.fraction_to_fix = fraction_to_fix def adding_constraint_from_results_store( self, solver: Union[GurobiFacilitySolver, MathOptFacilitySolver], result_storage: ResultStorage, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Iterable[Any]: subpart_customer = set( random.sample( range(self.problem.customer_count), int(self.fraction_to_fix * self.problem.customer_count), ) ) current_solution = result_storage.get_best_solution() if current_solution is None: raise ValueError( "result_storage.get_best_solution() " "should not be None." ) if not isinstance(current_solution, FacilitySolution): raise ValueError( "result_storage.get_best_solution() " "should be a FacilitySolution." ) solver.set_warm_start(current_solution) dict_f_fixed = {} for c in range(self.problem.customer_count): if c in subpart_customer: dict_f_fixed[c] = current_solution.facility_for_customers[c] x_var = solver.variable_decision["x"] lns_constraint = [] for key in x_var: f, c = key if c in dict_f_fixed: if f == dict_f_fixed[c]: if not isinstance(x_var[f, c], int): lns_constraint.append( solver.add_linear_constraint( x_var[key] == 1, name=str((f, c)) ) ) else: if not isinstance(x_var[f, c], int): lns_constraint.append( solver.add_linear_constraint( x_var[key] == 0, name=str((f, c)) ) ) return lns_constraint
[docs] class GurobiFacilityConstraintHandler( GurobiConstraintHandler, _BaseFacilityConstraintHandler ): """Constraint builder used in LNS+LP for coloring problem with gurobi solver. This constraint handler is pretty basic, it fixes a fraction_to_fix proportion of allocation of customer to facility. Attributes: problem (ColoringProblem): input coloring problem fraction_to_fix (float): float between 0 and 1, representing the proportion of nodes to constrain. """
[docs] def adding_constraint_from_results_store( self, solver: GurobiFacilitySolver, result_storage: ResultStorage, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable[Any]: constraints = ( _BaseFacilityConstraintHandler.adding_constraint_from_results_store( self, solver=solver, result_storage=result_storage, **kwargs ) ) solver.model.update() return constraints
[docs] class MathOptConstraintHandlerFacility( OrtoolsMathOptConstraintHandler, _BaseFacilityConstraintHandler ): """Constraint builder used in LNS+LP for coloring problem with mathopt solver. This constraint handler is pretty basic, it fixes a fraction_to_fix proportion of allocation of customer to facility. Attributes: problem (ColoringProblem): input coloring problem fraction_to_fix (float): float between 0 and 1, representing the proportion of nodes to constrain. """
[docs] def adding_constraint_from_results_store( self, solver: MathOptFacilitySolver, result_storage: ResultStorage, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Iterable[Any]: constraints = ( _BaseFacilityConstraintHandler.adding_constraint_from_results_store( self, solver=solver, result_storage=result_storage, **kwargs ) ) return constraints