Source code for discrete_optimization.generic_tools.cp_tools

Constraint programming common utilities and class that should be used by any solver using CP


#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import timedelta
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import minizinc
from minizinc import Instance, Status

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.callbacks.callback import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import Solution
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_solver import SolverDO, StatusSolver
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.exceptions import SolveEarlyStop
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparameter import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.result_storage.result_storage import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CpSolverName(Enum): """ Enum choice of underlying CP/LP solver used by Minizinc typically """ CHUFFED = 0 GECODE = 1 CPLEX = 2 CPOPT = 3 GUROBI = 4 ORTOOLS = 5 HIGHS = 6
map_cp_solver_name = { CpSolverName.CHUFFED: "chuffed", CpSolverName.GECODE: "gecode", CpSolverName.CPLEX: "cplex", CpSolverName.CPOPT: "cpo", # need to install CpSolverName.GUROBI: "gurobi", CpSolverName.ORTOOLS: "ortools", CpSolverName.HIGHS: "highs", } _minizinc_minimal_parsed_version = (2, 8) _minizinc_minimal_str_version = ".".join( str(i) for i in _minizinc_minimal_parsed_version )
[docs] def find_right_minizinc_solver_name(cp_solver_name: CpSolverName): """ This small utility function is adapting the ortools tag if needed. :param cp_solver_name: desired cp solver backend :return: the tag for minizinc corresponding to the given cpsolver. """ driver = minizinc.default_driver # Check minzinc binary is found and has proper version if minizinc.default_driver is None: raise RuntimeError( "Minizinc binary has not been found.\n" "You need to install it and/or configure the PATH environment variable.\n" "See minizinc documentation for more details:" ) if minizinc.default_driver.parsed_version < _minizinc_minimal_parsed_version: raise RuntimeError( f"Minizinc binary version must be at least {_minizinc_minimal_str_version}.\n" "Install an appropriate version of minizinc and/or configure the PATH environment variable.\n" "See minizinc documentation for more details:" ) tag_map = driver.available_solvers(False) if map_cp_solver_name[cp_solver_name] not in tag_map: if cp_solver_name == CpSolverName.ORTOOLS: if "" in tag_map: return "" else: # You will get a minizinc exception when you will request for this solver. return map_cp_solver_name[cp_solver_name] else: return map_cp_solver_name[cp_solver_name]
[docs] class ParametersCp: """ Parameters that can be used by any cp - solver """ intermediate_solution: bool free_search: bool multiprocess: bool nb_process: int optimisation_level: int def __init__( self, intermediate_solution: bool, free_search: bool = False, multiprocess: bool = False, nb_process: int = 1, optimisation_level: int = 1, ): """ :param intermediate_solution: retrieve intermediate solutions """ self.intermediate_solution = intermediate_solution self.free_search = free_search self.multiprocess = multiprocess self.nb_process = nb_process self.optimisation_level = optimisation_level
[docs] @staticmethod def default() -> "ParametersCp": return ParametersCp( intermediate_solution=True, free_search=False, optimisation_level=1, )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_cpsat() -> "ParametersCp": return ParametersCp( intermediate_solution=True, free_search=False, multiprocess=True, nb_process=6, optimisation_level=1, )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_fast_lns() -> "ParametersCp": return ParametersCp( intermediate_solution=True, free_search=False, )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_free() -> "ParametersCp": return ParametersCp( intermediate_solution=True, free_search=True, )
[docs] def copy(self) -> "ParametersCp": return ParametersCp( intermediate_solution=self.intermediate_solution, free_search=self.free_search, multiprocess=self.multiprocess, nb_process=self.nb_process, optimisation_level=self.optimisation_level, )
[docs] class SignEnum(Enum): EQUAL = "==" LEQ = "<=" UEQ = ">=" LESS = "<" UP = ">"
map_mzn_status_to_do_status: dict[Status, StatusSolver] = { Status.SATISFIED: StatusSolver.SATISFIED, Status.UNSATISFIABLE: StatusSolver.UNSATISFIABLE, Status.OPTIMAL_SOLUTION: StatusSolver.OPTIMAL, Status.UNKNOWN: StatusSolver.UNKNOWN, }
[docs] class CpSolver(SolverDO): """ Additional function to be implemented by a CP Solver. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def init_model(self, **args: Any) -> None: """ Instantiate a CP model instance Afterwards, self.instance should not be None anymore. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def solve( self, callbacks: Optional[list[Callback]] = None, parameters_cp: Optional[ParametersCp] = None, **args: Any, ) -> ResultStorage: ...
[docs] class MinizincCpSolver(CpSolver): """CP solver wrapping a minizinc solver.""" hyperparameters = [ EnumHyperparameter( name="cp_solver_name", enum=CpSolverName, default=CpSolverName.CHUFFED ) ] instance: Optional[Instance] = None silent_solve_error: bool = False """If True and `solve` should raise an error, a warning is raised instead and an empty ResultStorage returned."""
[docs] def solve( self, callbacks: Optional[list[Callback]] = None, parameters_cp: Optional[ParametersCp] = None, instance: Optional[Instance] = None, time_limit: Optional[float] = 100.0, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ResultStorage: """Solve the CP problem with minizinc Args: callbacks: list of callbacks used to hook into the various stage of the solve parameters_cp: parameters specific to CP solvers instance: if specified, use this minizinc instance (and underlying model) rather than `self.instance` Useful in iterative solvers like LnsCpMzn. time_limit: the solve process stops after this time limit (in seconds). If None, no time limit is applied. **kwargs: any argument specific to the solver Returns: """ # wrap callbacks in a single one callbacks_list = CallbackList(callbacks=callbacks) # callback: solve start callbacks_list.on_solve_start(solver=self) if parameters_cp is None: parameters_cp = ParametersCp.default() if instance is None: if self.instance is None: self.init_model(**kwargs) if self.instance is None: raise RuntimeError( "self.instance must not be None after self.init_model()." ) instance = self.instance intermediate_solutions = parameters_cp.intermediate_solution # set model output type to use output_type = MinizincCpSolution.generate_subclass_for_solve( solver=self, callback=callbacks_list ) instance.output_type = output_type if time_limit is None: timeout = None else: timeout = timedelta(seconds=time_limit) try: result = instance.solve( timeout=timeout, intermediate_solutions=intermediate_solutions, processes=parameters_cp.nb_process if parameters_cp.multiprocess else None, free_search=parameters_cp.free_search, optimisation_level=parameters_cp.optimisation_level, ) except Exception as e: if len(output_type.res) > 0: self.status_solver = StatusSolver.SATISFIED else: self.status_solver = StatusSolver.UNKNOWN if isinstance(e, SolveEarlyStop): elif self.silent_solve_error: logger.warning(e) else: raise e else:"Solving finished") self.status_solver = map_mzn_status_to_do_status[result.status] # callback: solve end callbacks_list.on_solve_end(res=output_type.res, solver=self) return output_type.res
[docs] @abstractmethod def retrieve_solution( self, _output_item: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Solution: """Return a d-o solution from the variables computed by minizinc. Args: _output_item: string representing the minizinc solver output passed by minizinc to the solution constructor **kwargs: keyword arguments passed by minzinc to the solution contructor containing the objective value (key "objective"), and the computed variables as defined in minizinc model. Returns: """ ...
[docs] class MinizincCpSolution: """Base class used by minizinc when building a new solution. This is used as an entry point for callbacks. It is actually a child class dynamically created during solve that will be used by minizinc, with appropriate callbacks, resultstorage and reference to the solver. """ callback: Callback """User-definied callback to be called at each step.""" solution: Solution """Solution wrapped.""" step: int """Step number, updated as a class attribute.""" res: ResultStorage """ResultStorage in which the solution will be added, class attribute.""" solver: MinizincCpSolver """Instance of the solver using this class as an output_type.""" def __init__(self, _output_item: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any): # Convert minizinc variables into a d-o solution self.solution = self.solver.retrieve_solution( _output_item=_output_item, **kwargs ) # Actual fitness fit = self.solver.aggreg_from_sol(self.solution) # update class attributes to remember step number and global resultstorage self.__class__.res.append((self.solution, fit)) self.__class__.step += 1 # callback: step end stopping = self.callback.on_step_end( step=self.step, res=self.res, solver=self.solver ) # Should we be stopping the solve process? if stopping: raise SolveEarlyStop( f"{self.solver.__class__.__name__}.solve() stopped by user callback." )
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_subclass_for_solve( solver: MinizincCpSolver, callback: Callback ) -> type[MinizincCpSolution]: """Generate dynamically a subclass with initialized class attributes. Args: solver: callback: Returns: """ return type( f"MinizincCpSolution{id(solver)}", (MinizincCpSolution,), dict( solver=solver, callback=callback, step=0, res=solver.create_result_storage(), ), )