# Copyright (c) 2024 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations # see annotations as str
import inspect
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Callable, Container, Iterable, Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union
if TYPE_CHECKING: # only for type checkers
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparametrizable import (
import optuna # not necessary to import this module
except ImportError:
class Hyperparameter:
"""Hyperparameter base class used to specify d-o solver hyperparameters."""
name: str
"""Name of the hyperparameter.
Should correspond to how the hyperparameter is specified in the solver
`__init__()`, `init_model()`, or `solve()` keywords arguments.
default: Optional[Any] = None
"""Default value for the hyperparameter.
None means "no default value".
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None
"""Other hyperparameter on which this ones depends on.
If None: this hyperparameter is always needed.
depends_on = hyperparameter2.name, possible_values
this hyperparameter is needed if hyperparameter2 value is in possible_values.
Warning: For now, the hyperparameter on which this one depends on cannot be a SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.
- How to define possible_values?
- Usually a set or a list can be used. But sometime we need something smarter.
- For integer or float hyperparameters, possible_values could be an interval (e.g. by using pandas.Interval)
- For now, only simple dependency on a single hyperparameter, and a "set" of values is possible.
The api could evolve to emcompass dependency on several other hyperparameters and more complex condition.
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None
"""Corresponding key in generated kwargs.
Used for kwargs generated by
- `solver.suggest_hyperparameters_with_optuna()`
- `solver.get_default_hyperparameters()`
- `solver.complete_with_default_hyperparameters()`
Default to hyperparemeter name. Can be used to have several hyperparameter with different limits/types
depending on other hyperparameters value but supposed to share the same name in kwargs for solver initialization.
def __post_init__(self):
if self.name_in_kwargs is None:
self.name_in_kwargs = self.name
def suggest_with_optuna(
self, trial: optuna.trial.Trial, prefix: str = "", **kwargs: Any
) -> Any:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_xxx()`
def copy_and_update_attributes(self, **kwargs) -> Hyperparameter:
hyperparameter_cls = self.__class__
init_args_names = list(inspect.signature(self.__init__).parameters)
for name in init_args_names:
if name not in kwargs:
kwargs[name] = getattr(self, name)
h_new = hyperparameter_cls(**kwargs)
return h_new
class IntegerHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
"""Integer hyperparameter."""
low: Optional[int] = None
"""Lower bound.
If None, the hyperparameter value has no lower bound.
high: Optional[int] = None
"""Upper bound.
If None, the hyperparameter value has no upper bound.
step: int = 1
"""step to discretize."""
log: bool = False
"""Whether to sample the value in a logarithmic scale."""
default: Optional[int] = None
"""Default value for the hyperparameter.
None means "no default value".
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None
"""Other hyperparameter on which this ones depends on.
If None: this hyperparameter is always needed.
depends_on = hyperparameter2.name, possible_values
this hyperparameter is needed if hyperparameter2 value is in possible_values.
Warning: For now, the hyperparameter on which this one depends on cannot be a SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.
- How to define possible_values?
- Usually a set or a list can be used. But sometime we need something smarter.
- For integer or float hyperparameters, possible_values could be an interval (e.g. by using pandas.Interval)
- For now, only simple dependency on a single hyperparameter, and a "set" of values is possible.
The api could evolve to emcompass dependency on several other hyperparameters and more complex condition.
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None
"""Corresponding key in kwargs when suggested via `solver.suggest_hyperparameters_with_optuna().`
Default to hyperparemeter name. Can be used to have several hyperparameter with different limits/types
depending on other hyperparameters value but supposed to share the same name in kwargs for solver initialization.
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
low: Optional[int] = None,
high: Optional[int] = None,
step: Optional[int] = None,
log: Optional[bool] = None,
prefix: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
low: can be used to restrict lower bound
high: can be used to restrict upper bound
step: can be used to discretize by a given step
log: whether to sample the value in a logarithmic scale
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_int()`
if low is None:
low = self.low
if high is None:
high = self.high
if step is None:
step = self.step
if log is None:
log = self.log
return trial.suggest_int(name=prefix + self.name, low=low, high=high, step=step, log=log, **kwargs) # type: ignore
class FloatHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
"""Float parameter."""
low: Optional[float] = None
"""Lower bound.
If None, the hyperparameter value has no lower bound.
high: Optional[float] = None
"""Upper bound.
If None, the hyperparameter value has no upper bound.
suggest_low: bool = False
"""Whether to potentially suggest the lower bound.
If step is None, optuna will suggest a float inside the range (low, high),
but will never suggest exactly the lower bound by default.
To force the behaviour, we will introduce a derived categorical hyperparameter
whose name will be the hyperparameter name suffixed with ".suggest_bound".
If step is not None, this attribute should probably be let to False.
suggest_high: bool = False
"""Whether to potentially suggest the upper bound.
If step is None, optuna will suggest a float inside the range (low, high),
but will never suggest exactly the upper bound by default.
To force the behaviour, we will introduce a derived categorical hyperparameter
whose name will be the hyperparameter name suffixed with ".suggest_bound".
If step is not None, this attribute should probably be let to False.
step: Optional[float] = None
"""step to discretize if not None."""
log: bool = False
"""Whether to sample the value in a logarithmic scale."""
default: Optional[float] = None
"""Default value for the hyperparameter.
None means "no default value".
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None
"""Other hyperparameter on which this ones depends on.
If None: this hyperparameter is always needed.
depends_on = hyperparameter2.name, possible_values
this hyperparameter is needed if hyperparameter2 value is in possible_values.
Warning: For now, the hyperparameter on which this one depends on cannot be a SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.
- How to define possible_values?
- Usually a set or a list can be used. But sometime we need something smarter.
- For integer or float hyperparameters, possible_values could be an interval (e.g. by using pandas.Interval)
- For now, only simple dependency on a single hyperparameter, and a "set" of values is possible.
The api could evolve to emcompass dependency on several other hyperparameters and more complex condition.
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None
"""Corresponding key in kwargs when suggested via `solver.suggest_hyperparameters_with_optuna().`
Default to hyperparemeter name. Can be used to have several hyperparameter with different limits/types
depending on other hyperparameters value but supposed to share the same name in kwargs for solver initialization.
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
low: Optional[float] = None,
high: Optional[float] = None,
log: Optional[bool] = None,
suggest_low: Optional[bool] = None,
suggest_high: Optional[bool] = None,
prefix: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
low: can be used to restrict lower bound
high: can be used to restrict upper bound
log: whether to sample the value in a logarithmic scale
step: step of discretization if specified.
If explicitely set to None, no discretization performed.
By default, use self.step (and thus default discretization only if self.step not None)
suggest_low: if set, will override `suggest_low` attribute. See its documentation.
suggest_high: if set, will override `suggest_high` attribute. See its documentation.
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_float()`
if low is None:
low = self.low
if high is None:
high = self.high
if log is None:
log = self.log
if "step" in kwargs:
step = kwargs.pop("step")
step = self.step
if suggest_low is None:
suggest_low = self.suggest_low
if suggest_high is None:
suggest_high = self.suggest_high
if suggest_low or suggest_high:
choices = [""]
if suggest_low:
if suggest_high:
suggest_bound = trial.suggest_categorical(
name=prefix + self.name + ".suggest_bound", choices=choices
if suggest_bound == "low":
high = low # restrict range to a singleton {low}
elif suggest_bound == "high":
low = high # restrict range to a singleton {high}
return trial.suggest_float(
name=prefix + self.name, low=low, high=high, log=log, step=step, **kwargs # type: ignore
LabelType = Optional[Union[bool, int, float, str]]
"""Licit labels type for categorical hyperparameter."""
class CategoricalHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
"""Categorical hyperparameter."""
choices: Mapping[LabelType, Any]
"""Mapping lables to corresponding possible choices."""
def __init__(
name: str,
choices: Union[Iterable[LabelType], Mapping[LabelType, Any]],
default: Optional[Any] = None,
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None,
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None,
if isinstance(choices, Mapping):
self.choices = choices
# list given instead of a mapping: choices should already be suitable labels
self.choices = {c: c for c in choices}
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
choices: Optional[Union[Iterable[LabelType], Mapping[LabelType, Any]]] = None,
prefix: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
choices: restricts choices
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_categorical()`
if choices is None:
choices = self.choices
elif not isinstance(choices, Mapping):
choices = {c: c for c in choices}
label = trial.suggest_categorical(name=prefix + self.name, choices=choices.keys(), **kwargs) # type: ignore
return choices[label]
class EnumHyperparameter(CategoricalHyperparameter):
"""Hyperparameter taking value among an enumeration.
enum: enumeration used to create the hyperparameter
choices: subset of the enumeration allowed. By default, the whole enumeration.
def __init__(
name: str,
enum: type[Enum],
choices: Optional[Union[Iterable[Enum], dict[str, Enum]]] = None,
default: Optional[Any] = None,
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None,
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None,
if choices is None:
choices = {c.name: c for c in enum}
elif not isinstance(choices, Mapping):
choices = {c.name: c for c in choices}
# `Hyperparametrizable.copy_and_update_hyperparameters()` need that __init__ args are also attributes:
self.enum = enum
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
choices: Optional[Iterable[Enum]] = None,
prefix: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Enum:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
choices: restricts list of choices among the enumeration `self.enum`
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_categorical()`
if choices is None:
choices = self.choices
elif not isinstance(choices, Mapping):
choices = {c.name: c for c in choices}
return super().suggest_with_optuna(
trial=trial, choices=choices, prefix=prefix, **kwargs
class SubBrickClsHyperparameter(CategoricalHyperparameter):
"""Hyperparameter whose values are Hyperparametrizable subclasses themselves.
For instance subsolvers for meta-solvers.
choices: dict[str, type[Hyperparametrizable]]
"""Mapping of labelled Hyperparametrizable subclasses to choose from for the subbrick.
NB: for now, it is not possible to pick the metasolver itself as a choice for its subbrick,
in order to avoid infinite recursivity issues.
include_module_in_labels: bool
"""Flag to include module path in Hyperparametrizable labels used by optuna to select the value.
This is useful if 2 hypermarametrizable classes share the same name but come from different modules.
def __init__(
name: str,
choices: Union[
dict[str, type[Hyperparametrizable]], Iterable[type[Hyperparametrizable]]
default: Optional[type[Hyperparametrizable]] = None,
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None,
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None,
include_module_in_labels: bool = False,
if not isinstance(choices, Mapping):
if include_module_in_labels:
choices = {c.__module__ + c.__name__: c for c in choices}
choices = {c.__name__: c for c in choices}
# `Hyperparametrizable.copy_and_update_hyperparameters()` need that __init__ args are also attributes:
self.include_module_in_labels = include_module_in_labels
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
choices: Optional[
dict[str, type[Hyperparametrizable]],
] = None,
prefix: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> type[Hyperparametrizable]:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
choices: restricts list of subbricks to choose from
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_categorical()`
if choices is None:
choices = self.choices
elif not isinstance(choices, Mapping):
if self.include_module_in_labels:
choices = {c.__module__ + c.__name__: c for c in choices}
choices = {c.__name__: c for c in choices}
return super().suggest_with_optuna(
trial=trial, choices=choices, prefix=prefix, **kwargs
class SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
"""Keyword arguments for subbricks.
This hyperparameter defines kwargs to be passed to the subbrick defined by another hyperparameter.
subbrick_hyperparameter: name of the SubBrickHyperparameter this hyperparameter corresponds to.
If None, this means the subbrick is always constructed from the same class which should be then specified
via `subbrick_cls`.
subbrick_cls: class of the subbrick.
Relevant only if `subbrick_hyperparmeter` is None. This means the class of the subbrick is always the same.
def __init__(
name: str,
subbrick_hyperparameter: Optional[str] = None,
subbrick_cls: Optional[type[Hyperparametrizable]] = None,
default: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None,
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None,
self.subbrick_cls = subbrick_cls
self.subbrick_hyperparameter = subbrick_hyperparameter
if subbrick_cls is None and subbrick_hyperparameter is None:
raise ValueError(
"subbricl_cls and subbrick_hyperparameter cannot be both None."
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
subbrick: Optional[type[Hyperparametrizable]] = None,
names: Optional[list[str]] = None,
names_by_subbrick: Optional[dict[type[Hyperparametrizable], list[str]]] = None,
kwargs_by_name: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, Any]]] = None,
kwargs_by_name_by_subbrick: Optional[
dict[type[Hyperparametrizable], dict[str, dict[str, Any]]]
] = None,
fixed_hyperparameters: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
fixed_hyperparameters_by_subbrick: Optional[
dict[type[Hyperparametrizable], dict[str, Any]]
] = None,
prefix: str = "",
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
subbrick: subbrick chosen as hyperparameter value for `self.subbrick_hyperparameter`.
Can be None only if `self.subbrick_hyperparameter` is None and the subbrick class has already
been specified by `self.subbrick_cls`.
names: names of the hyperparameters to choose for the subbrick.
Only relevant names will be considered (i.e. corresponding to existing hyperparameters names for the chosen subbrick),
the other will be discarded (potentially, being meaningful for other subbricks).
By default, all available hyperparameters will be suggested.
Passed to `subbrick.suggest_hyperparameters_with_optuna()`.
names_by_subbrick: similar to `names` but depending on type of subbrick chosen.
`names` will be extended by `names_by_subbrick[subbrick]` (if the key exists)
where `subbrick` is either the argument of this function, or (if None) `self.subbrick_cls`.
kwargs_by_name: options for optuna hyperparameter suggestions, by hyperparameter name.
Passed to `subbrick.suggest_hyperparameters_with_optuna()`.
kwargs_by_name_by_subbrick: same as `kwargs_by_name` but depending on type of subbrick chosen.
`kwargs_by_name` will be updated by `kwargs_by_name_by_subbrick[subbrick]` (if the key exists)
where `subbrick` is either the argument of this function, or (if None) `self.subbrick_cls`.
fixed_hyperparameters: values of fixed hyperparameters, useful for suggesting subbrick hyperparameters,
if the subbrick class is not suggested by this method, but already fixed.
fixed_hyperparameters_by_subbrick: same as `fixed_hyperparameters` but depending on type of subbrick chosen.
`fixed_hyperparameters` will be updated by `fixed_hyperparameters_by_subbrick[subbrick]` (if the key exists)
where `subbrick` is either the argument of this function, or (if None) `self.subbrick_cls`.
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_categorical()`
if subbrick is None:
if self.subbrick_cls is None:
raise ValueError(
"`subbrick` cannot be None if `self.subbrick_cls` is None."
subbrick = self.subbrick_cls
# kwargs_by_name updated according to subbrick
if kwargs_by_name is None:
kwargs_by_name_updated = {}
kwargs_by_name_updated = dict(kwargs_by_name)
if kwargs_by_name_by_subbrick is not None:
kwargs_by_name_updated.update(kwargs_by_name_by_subbrick.get(subbrick, {}))
# fixed_hyperparameters updated according to subbrick
if fixed_hyperparameters is None:
fixed_hyperparameters_updated = {}
fixed_hyperparameters_updated = dict(fixed_hyperparameters)
if fixed_hyperparameters_by_subbrick is not None:
fixed_hyperparameters_by_subbrick.get(subbrick, {})
# names updated according to subbrick
subbrick_hyperparameter_names = subbrick.get_hyperparameters_names()
if names is None:
names_updated = list(subbrick_hyperparameter_names)
names_updated = [
name for name in names if name in subbrick_hyperparameter_names
if names_by_subbrick is not None:
names_updated.extend(names_by_subbrick.get(subbrick, []))
# update prefix with subbrick name and class (if not fixed class)
if self.subbrick_hyperparameter is None:
prefix = f"{prefix}{self.name}."
prefix = f"{prefix}{self.subbrick_hyperparameter}.{subbrick.__name__}."
# use subbrick suggest method
return subbrick.suggest_hyperparameters_with_optuna(
**kwargs, # type: ignore
class SubBrickHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
"""Hyperparameter whose values are SubBrick instances.
That is to say
- a hyperparametrizable class
- a kwargs dict to be used for it in __init_(), init_model(), solve(), ...
This is useful to suggest subsolvers for meta-solvers.
Under the hood, this hyperparameter will generate the corresponding SubBrickClsHyperparameter and
def __init__(
name: str,
choices: Union[
dict[str, type[Hyperparametrizable]], Iterable[type[Hyperparametrizable]]
default: Optional[SubBrick] = None,
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None,
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None,
include_module_in_labels: bool = False,
name: see Hyperparameter doc.
choices: see SubBrickClsHyperparameter doc.
default: see Hyperparameter doc.
depends_on: see Hyperparameter doc.
name_in_kwargs: see Hyperparameter doc.
include_module_in_labels: See SubBrickClsHyperparameter doc.
self.subbrick_cls_hp = SubBrickClsHyperparameter(
self.subbrick_kwargs_hp = SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter(
# `Hyperparametrizable.copy_and_update_hyperparameters()` need that __init__ args are also attributes:
self.choices = self.subbrick_cls_hp.choices
self.include_module_in_labels = self.subbrick_cls_hp.include_module_in_labels
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
choices: Optional[
dict[str, type[Hyperparametrizable]],
] = None,
names: Optional[list[str]] = None,
names_by_subbrick: Optional[dict[type[Hyperparametrizable], list[str]]] = None,
kwargs_by_name: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, Any]]] = None,
kwargs_by_name_by_subbrick: Optional[
dict[type[Hyperparametrizable], dict[str, dict[str, Any]]]
] = None,
fixed_hyperparameters: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
fixed_hyperparameters_by_subbrick: Optional[
dict[type[Hyperparametrizable], dict[str, Any]]
] = None,
prefix: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> SubBrick:
trial: see Hyperparameter doc
choices: used by underlying SubBrickClsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
names: used by underlying SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
names_by_subbrick: used by underlying SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
kwargs_by_name: used by underlying SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
kwargs_by_name_by_subbrick: used by underlying SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
fixed_hyperparameters: used by underlying SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
fixed_hyperparameters_by_subbrick: used by underlying SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
prefix: see Hyperparameter doc.
**kwargs: passed to SubBrickClsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
and SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna
subbrick_cls = self.subbrick_cls_hp.suggest_with_optuna(
trial=trial, choices=choices, prefix=prefix, **kwargs
subbrick_kwargs = self.subbrick_kwargs_hp.suggest_with_optuna(
return SubBrick(cls=subbrick_cls, kwargs=subbrick_kwargs)
class SubBrick:
"""Wrapper class for a hyperparametrizable class and its kwargs.
Meant to be used as output by `SubBrickHyperparameter.suggest_with_optuna()`.
cls: type[Hyperparametrizable]
kwargs: dict[str, Any]
kwargs_from_solution: Optional[dict[str, Callable[..., Any]]] = None
class ListHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
"""Variable list of hyperparameters.
This represents a list of hyperparameters that are copies of a given template, with a bounded variable length.
hyperparameter_template: Hyperparameter
"""Hyperparameter template to fill the list."""
length_high: int
"""Upper bound on list length."""
length_low: int = 0
"Lower bound for list length."
numbering_start: int = 0
"""The numbering of the generated hyperparameters will start from this number."""
default: Optional[Any] = None
"""Default value for the hyperparameter.
None means "no default value".
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None
"""Other hyperparameter on which this ones depends on.
If None: this hyperparameter is always needed.
depends_on = hyperparameter2.name, possible_values
this hyperparameter is needed if hyperparameter2 value is in possible_values.
Warning: For now, the hyperparameter on which this one depends on cannot be a SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter.
- How to define possible_values?
- Usually a set or a list can be used. But sometime we need something smarter.
- For integer or float hyperparameters, possible_values could be an interval (e.g. by using pandas.Interval)
- For now, only simple dependency on a single hyperparameter, and a "set" of values is possible.
The api could evolve to emcompass dependency on several other hyperparameters and more complex condition.
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None
"""Corresponding key in generated kwargs.
Used for kwargs generated by
- `solver.suggest_hyperparameters_with_optuna()`
- `solver.get_default_hyperparameters()`
- `solver.complete_with_default_hyperparameters()`
Default to hyperparemeter name. Can be used to have several hyperparameter with different limits/types
depending on other hyperparameters value but supposed to share the same name in kwargs for solver initialization.
def __init__(
name: str,
hyperparameter_template: Hyperparameter,
length_high: int,
length_low: int = 0,
numbering_start: int = 0,
default: list[Any] = None,
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None,
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None,
self.hyperparameter_template = hyperparameter_template
self.length_low = length_low
self.length_high = length_high
self.numbering_start = numbering_start
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
length_low: Optional[int] = None,
length_high: Optional[int] = None,
numbering_start: Optional[int] = None,
prefix: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Any]:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
length_low: overrides `self.length_low`
length_high: overrides `self.length_high`
numbering_start: overrides `self.numbering_start`
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_xxx()`
if length_low is None:
length_low = self.length_low
if length_high is None:
length_high = self.length_high
if numbering_start is None:
numbering_start = self.numbering_start
list_length_name = prefix + self.name + ".length"
list_length = trial.suggest_int(
name=list_length_name, low=length_low, high=length_high
list_hp = []
for i in range(list_length):
hp = self.hyperparameter_template.copy_and_update_attributes(
list_hp.append(hp.suggest_with_optuna(trial=trial, prefix=prefix, **kwargs))
return list_hp
class BaseListWithoutReplacementHyperparameter(ListHyperparameter, ABC):
"""Base class for variable list of categorical or subbrick hyperparameters, without replacement.
This represents a list of hyperparameters that are copies of a given template, with a bounded variable length.
Hyperparameters in the list cannot have twice the same value.
As we cannot dynamically restrict the choices with optuna (because it would modify the underlying distribution
of second element of the list), illicit suggestion (repeating same choices) will raise a `TrialDropped` exception,
sot that the study generated by `generic_optuna_experiment_monoproblem()`
or `generic_optuna_experiment_multiproblem()` will skip such cases.
To achieve this, we use `study.optimize(..., catch=TrialDropped)`, so that the study carry on after such exceptions.
Child classes need to implement `has_duplicates()`.
hyperparameter_template: Union[CategoricalHyperparameter, SubBrickHyperparameter]
"""Hyperparameter template to fill the list."""
length_high: int
"""Upper bound on list length.
NB: the list length will also be limited by the number of available choices.
def __init__(
name: str,
hyperparameter_template: Union[
CategoricalHyperparameter, SubBrickHyperparameter
length_high: Optional[int] = None,
length_low: int = 0,
numbering_start: int = 0,
default: list[Any] = None,
depends_on: Optional[tuple[str, Container[Any]]] = None,
name_in_kwargs: Optional[str] = None,
if length_high is None:
length_high = len(hyperparameter_template.choices)
def suggest_with_optuna(
trial: optuna.trial.Trial,
length_low: Optional[int] = None,
length_high: Optional[int] = None,
numbering_start: Optional[int] = None,
prefix: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Any]:
"""Suggest hyperparameter value for an Optuna trial.
trial: optuna Trial used for choosing the hyperparameter value
prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name
(useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers)
length_low: overrides `self.length_low`
length_high: overrides `self.length_high`
numbering_start: overrides `self.numbering_start`
**kwargs: passed to `trial.suggest_xxx()`
if length_high is None:
length_high = self.length_high
# limit by the number of choices
length_high = min(length_high, len(self.hyperparameter_template.choices))
list_values = super().suggest_with_optuna(
if self.has_duplicates(list_values):
raise TrialDropped(
f"Dropping trial with hyperparameter repetition in list {self.name}"
return list_values
def has_duplicates(self, list_choices: list[Any]) -> True:
"""Check if the list contains duplicates
list_choices: list of values taken from choices
class CategoricalListWithoutReplacementHyperparameter(
"""Variable list of categorical hyperparameters, without replacement.
This represents a list of hyperparameters that are copies of a given template, with a bounded variable length.
Hyperparameters in the list cannot have twice the same value.
As we cannot dynamically restrict the choices with optuna (because it would modify the underlying distribution
of second element of the list), illicit suggestion (repeating same choices) will raise a `TrialDropped` exception,
sot that the study generated by `generic_optuna_experiment_monoproblem()`
or `generic_optuna_experiment_multiproblem()` will skip such cases.
To achieve this, we use `study.optimize(..., catch=TrialDropped)`, so that the study carry on after such exceptions.
hyperparameter_template: CategoricalHyperparameter
"""Hyperparameter template to fill the list."""
def has_duplicates(self, list_choices: list[Any]) -> True:
"""Check if the list contains duplicates
list_choices: list of values taken from choices
return len(set(id(v) for v in list_choices)) < len(list_choices)
class SubBrickListWithoutReplacementHyperparameter(
"""Variable list of subbrick hyperparameters, without replacement.
This represents a list of hyperparameters that are copies of a given template, with a bounded variable length.
Hyperparameters in the list cannot have twice the same value.
As we cannot dynamically restrict the choices with optuna (because it would modify the underlying distribution
of second element of the list), illicit suggestion (repeating same choices) will raise a `TrialDropped` exception,
sot that the study generated by `generic_optuna_experiment_monoproblem()`
or `generic_optuna_experiment_multiproblem()` will skip such cases.
To achieve this, we use `study.optimize(..., catch=TrialDropped)`, so that the study carry on after such exceptions.
hyperparameter_template: SubBrickHyperparameter
"""Hyperparameter template to fill the list."""
def has_duplicates(self, list_choices: list[Any]) -> True:
"""Check if the list contains duplicates
list_choices: list of subbricks as produced by `hyperparameter_template.suggest_with_optuna()`
NB: subbrick.kwargs can contain any kind of values, potentially not hashable.
So this is easier to check equality (more often implemented than hash)
for i_subbrick, subbrick in enumerate(list_choices):
for next_subbrick in list_choices[i_subbrick + 1 :]:
if subbrick == next_subbrick:
return True
return False
class TrialDropped(Exception):