Source code for discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparametrizable

#  Copyright (c) 2024 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations  # see annotations as str

from collections import ChainMap, defaultdict
from import Iterator
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional

import networkx as nx

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparameter import (

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # only for type checkers
        import optuna
    except ImportError:

[docs] class Hyperparametrizable: """Base class for classes like SolverDO having (tunable) hyperparmeters. They have utility methods to - retrieve available hyperparameters - fill kwargs with default hyperparameters values - suggest hyperparameters by making use of optuna trials methods """ hyperparameters: list[Hyperparameter] = [] """Hyperparameters available for this solver. These hyperparameters are to be feed to **kwargs found in - __init__() - init_model() (when available) - solve() """
[docs] @classmethod def get_hyperparameters_names(cls) -> list[str]: """List of hyperparameters names.""" return [ for h in cls.hyperparameters]
[docs] @classmethod def get_hyperparameters_by_name(cls) -> dict[str, Hyperparameter]: """Mapping from name to corresponding hyperparameter.""" return { h for h in cls.hyperparameters}
[docs] @classmethod def get_hyperparameter(cls, name: str) -> Hyperparameter: """Get hyperparameter from given name.""" return cls.get_hyperparameters_by_name()[name]
[docs] @classmethod def copy_and_update_hyperparameters( cls, names: Optional[list[str]] = None, **kwargs_by_name: dict[str, Any] ) -> list[Hyperparameter]: """Copy hyperparameters definition of this class and update them with specified kwargs. This is useful to define hyperparameters for a child class for which only choices of the hyperparameter change for instance. Args: names: names of hyperparameters to copy. Default to all. **kwargs_by_name: for each hyperparameter specified by its name, the attributes to update. If a given hyperparameter name is not specified, the hyperparameter is copied without further update. Returns: """ if names is None: names = cls.get_hyperparameters_names() kwargs_by_name = defaultdict(dict, kwargs_by_name) # add missing names return [ h.copy_and_update_attributes(**kwargs_by_name[]) for h in cls.hyperparameters if in names ]
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_hyperparameters( cls, names: Optional[list[str]] = None ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get hyperparameters default values. Args: names: names of the hyperparameters to choose. By default, all available hyperparameters will be suggested. Returns: a mapping between hyperparameter's name_in_kwargs and its default value (None if not specified) """ if names is None: names = cls.get_hyperparameters_names() hyperparameters_by_names = cls.get_hyperparameters_by_name() return { hyperparameters_by_names[name] .name_in_kwargs: hyperparameters_by_names[name] .default for name in names }
[docs] @classmethod def complete_with_default_hyperparameters( cls, kwargs: dict[str, Any], names: Optional[list[str]] = None ): """Add missing hyperparameters to kwargs by using default values Args: kwargs: keyword arguments to complete (e.g. for `__init__`, `init_model`, or `solve`) names: names of the hyperparameters to add if missing. By default, all available hyperparameters. Returns: a new dictionary, completion of kwargs """ kwargs_complete = cls.get_default_hyperparameters(names=names) kwargs_complete.update(kwargs) # ensure preferring values from kwargs return kwargs_complete
[docs] @classmethod def suggest_hyperparameter_with_optuna( cls, trial: optuna.trial.Trial, name: str, prefix: str = "", **kwargs ) -> Any: """Suggest hyperparameter value during an Optuna trial. This can be used during Optuna hyperparameters tuning. Args: trial: optuna trial during hyperparameters tuning name: name of the hyperparameter to choose prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameter name (useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers) **kwargs: options for optuna hyperparameter suggestions Returns: kwargs can be used to pass relevant arguments to - trial.suggest_float() - trial.suggest_int() - trial.suggest_categorical() For instance it can - add a low/high value if not existing for the hyperparameter or override it to narrow the search. (for float or int hyperparameters) - add a step or log argument (for float or int hyperparameters, see optuna.trial.Trial.suggest_float()) - override choices for categorical or enum parameters to narrow the search """ return cls.get_hyperparameter(name=name).suggest_with_optuna( trial=trial, prefix=prefix, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def suggest_hyperparameters_with_optuna( cls, trial: optuna.trial.Trial, names: Optional[list[str]] = None, kwargs_by_name: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, Any]]] = None, fixed_hyperparameters: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, prefix: str = "", ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Suggest hyperparameters values during an Optuna trial. Args: trial: optuna trial during hyperparameters tuning names: names of the hyperparameters to choose. By default, all available hyperparameters will be suggested. If `fixed_hyperparameters` is provided, the corresponding names are removed from `names`. kwargs_by_name: options for optuna hyperparameter suggestions, by hyperparameter name fixed_hyperparameters: values of fixed hyperparameters, useful for suggesting subbrick hyperparameters, if the subbrick class is not suggested by this method, but already fixed. Will be added to the suggested hyperparameters. prefix: prefix to add to optuna corresponding parameters (useful for disambiguating hyperparameters from subsolvers in case of meta-solvers) Returns: mapping between the hyperparameter name and its suggested value. If the hyperparameter has an attribute `name_in_kwargs`, this is used as the key in the mapping instead of the actual hyperparameter name. the mapping is updated with `fixed_hyperparameters`. kwargs_by_name[some_name] will be passed as **kwargs to suggest_hyperparameter_with_optuna(name=some_name) """ if names is None: names = cls.get_hyperparameters_names() if kwargs_by_name is None: kwargs_by_name = {} if fixed_hyperparameters is None: fixed_hyperparameters = {} # Remove fixed hyperparameters from names of hyperparameters to suggest names = [name for name in names if name not in fixed_hyperparameters] # We suggest the hyperparameters by batch so that hyperparameters depending on other # are suggested in a batch after batches involving their depending hyperparameters. # Dependency can come from `depends_on` attribute or, in case of `SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter`, # from `subbrick_hyperparameter` attribute. name2hyperparameter = cls.get_hyperparameters_by_name() suggested_hyperparameters = {} suggested_and_fixed_hyperparameters = ChainMap( suggested_hyperparameters, fixed_hyperparameters ) skipped_hyperparameters: set[str] = set() for name in cls._sort_hyperparameters_by_dependency(): hyperparameter = name2hyperparameter[name] kwargs_for_optuna_suggestion = kwargs_by_name.get(name, {}) kwargs_for_optuna_suggestion["prefix"] = prefix # check if dependency condition is fulfilled or not if hyperparameter.depends_on is not None: previous_hp_name, possible_values = hyperparameter.depends_on if previous_hp_name in skipped_hyperparameters or ( previous_hp_name in suggested_and_fixed_hyperparameters and suggested_and_fixed_hyperparameters[previous_hp_name] not in possible_values ): # condition unfulfilled: do not suggest hyperparameter skipped_hyperparameters.add(name) continue elif previous_hp_name not in suggested_and_fixed_hyperparameters: raise ValueError( f"'{}' depends on '{previous_hp_name}', " "but the latter has not been suggested by this method " "with `names` including it or being None, nor has it been " "provided via `fixed_hyperparameters`." ) # subbrickkwargs: add subbrick choice if isinstance(hyperparameter, SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter): if hyperparameter.subbrick_hyperparameter is None: kwargs_for_optuna_suggestion[ "subbrick" ] = hyperparameter.subbrick_cls elif ( hyperparameter.subbrick_hyperparameter in suggested_and_fixed_hyperparameters ): kwargs_for_optuna_suggestion[ "subbrick" ] = suggested_and_fixed_hyperparameters[ hyperparameter.subbrick_hyperparameter ] elif hyperparameter.subbrick_hyperparameter in skipped_hyperparameters: # subbrick_kwargs must be skipped if subbrick itself is skipped skipped_hyperparameters.add(name) continue else: raise ValueError( f"'{}' needs the choice of '{hyperparameter.subbrick_hyperparameter}', " "but the latter has not been suggested by this method " "with `names` including it or being None, nor has it been " "provided via `fixed_hyperparameters`." ) # suggest the hyperparameter with optuna if needed # NB: we filter the name only now in order to have the skip decision taken before # as it could have consequences on hyperparameters further in the dependency graph if name in names: if hyperparameter.name_in_kwargs is None: key = name else: key = hyperparameter.name_in_kwargs suggested_and_fixed_hyperparameters[ key ] = cls.suggest_hyperparameter_with_optuna( trial=trial, name=name, **kwargs_for_optuna_suggestion ) return dict(suggested_and_fixed_hyperparameters)
@classmethod def _get_hyperparameters_dependency_graph(cls) -> nx.DiGraph: g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(cls.get_hyperparameters_names()) for hp in cls.hyperparameters: if hp.depends_on is not None: previous_hp_name, _ = hp.depends_on g.add_edge(previous_hp_name, if ( isinstance(hp, SubBrickKwargsHyperparameter) and hp.subbrick_hyperparameter is not None ): g.add_edge(hp.subbrick_hyperparameter, return g @classmethod def _sort_hyperparameters_by_dependency(cls) -> Iterator[str]: return nx.algorithms.dag.topological_sort( cls._get_hyperparameters_dependency_graph() )