Source code for discrete_optimization.generic_tools.lns_tools

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import contextlib
import logging
import random
from abc import abstractmethod
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, Optional, TypedDict

import numpy as np

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.callbacks.callback import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_solver import SolverDO, WarmstartMixin
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparameter import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparametrizable import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.result_storage.result_storage import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ConstraintHandler(Hyperparametrizable):
[docs] @abstractmethod def adding_constraint_from_results_store( self, solver: SolverDO, result_storage: ResultStorage, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable[Any]: ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def remove_constraints_from_previous_iteration( self, solver: SolverDO, previous_constraints: Iterable[Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: ...
[docs] class InitialSolution(Hyperparametrizable):
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_starting_solution(self) -> ResultStorage: ...
[docs] class InitialSolutionFromSolver(InitialSolution): def __init__(self, solver: SolverDO, **kwargs: Any): self.solver = solver self.dict = kwargs
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_starting_solution(self) -> ResultStorage: return self.solver.solve(**self.dict)
[docs] class TrivialInitialSolution(InitialSolution): def __init__(self, solution: ResultStorage, **kwargs: Any): self.solution = solution self.dict = kwargs
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_starting_solution(self) -> ResultStorage: return self.solution
[docs] class PostProcessSolution(Hyperparametrizable): # From solution from MIP or CP you can build other solution. # Here you can have many different approaches: # if solution from mip/cp are not feasible you can code a repair function # you can also do mall changes (filling gap in a schedule) to try to improve the solution # you can also run algorithms from the new found solution.
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_other_solution(self, result_storage: ResultStorage) -> ResultStorage: ...
[docs] class TrivialPostProcessSolution(PostProcessSolution): def __init__(self, **kwargs): ...
[docs] def build_other_solution(self, result_storage: ResultStorage) -> ResultStorage: return result_storage
[docs] class BaseLns(SolverDO, WarmstartMixin): """Base class for Large Neighborhood Search solvers.""" subsolver: SolverDO """Sub-solver used by this lns solver at each iteration.""" constraint_handler: ConstraintHandler initial_solution_provider: Optional[InitialSolution] post_process_solution: Optional[PostProcessSolution] hyperparameters = [ SubBrickHyperparameter( name="subsolver", name_in_kwargs="subsolver_subbrick", choices=[] ), SubBrickHyperparameter( name="initial_solution_provider", name_in_kwargs="initial_solution_provider_subbrick", choices=[], depends_on=("skip_initial_solution_provider", [False]), ), SubBrickHyperparameter( name="constraint_handler", name_in_kwargs="constraint_handler_subbrick", choices=[], ), SubBrickHyperparameter( name="post_process_solution", name_in_kwargs="post_process_solution_subbrick", choices=[], ), CategoricalHyperparameter( name="skip_initial_solution_provider", choices=[True, False], default=False ), ] def __init__( self, problem: Problem, subsolver: Optional[SolverDO] = None, initial_solution_provider: Optional[InitialSolution] = None, constraint_handler: Optional[ConstraintHandler] = None, post_process_solution: Optional[PostProcessSolution] = None, params_objective_function: Optional[ParamsObjectiveFunction] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): super().__init__( problem=problem, params_objective_function=params_objective_function ) kwargs = self.complete_with_default_hyperparameters(kwargs) if subsolver is None: if kwargs["subsolver_subbrick"] is None: if "build_default_subsolver" in kwargs: subsolver = kwargs["build_default_subsolver"]( self.problem, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError( "`subsolver_subbrick` cannot be None if " "neither `subsolver` nor `build_default_subsolver` are specified." ) else: subsolver_subbrick: SubBrick = kwargs["subsolver_subbrick"] subsolver_cls = subsolver_subbrick.cls subsolver_kwargs = subsolver_subbrick.kwargs if not issubclass(subsolver_cls, SolverDO): raise ValueError( "subsolver_subbrick.cls must a subclass of SolverDO" ) subsolver = subsolver_cls(problem=self.problem, **subsolver_kwargs) subsolver.init_model(**subsolver_kwargs) self.subsolver = subsolver if constraint_handler is None: if kwargs["constraint_handler_subbrick"] is None: if "build_default_contraint_handler" in kwargs: constraint_handler = kwargs["build_default_contraint_handler"]( self.problem, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError( "`constraint_handler_cls` cannot be None if " "neither `constraint_handler` nor `build_default_contraint_handler` are specified." ) else: constraint_handler_subbrick: SubBrick = kwargs[ "constraint_handler_subbrick" ] constraint_handler_cls = constraint_handler_subbrick.cls constraint_handler_kwargs = constraint_handler_subbrick.kwargs if not issubclass(constraint_handler_cls, ConstraintHandler): raise ValueError( "constraint_handler_subbrick.cls must a subclass of ConstraintHandler" ) constraint_handler = constraint_handler_cls( problem=self.problem, **constraint_handler_kwargs ) self.constraint_handler = constraint_handler if post_process_solution is None: if kwargs["post_process_solution_subbrick"] is None: if "build_default_post_process_solution" in kwargs: post_process_solution = kwargs[ "build_default_post_process_solution" ]( self.problem, self.params_objective_function, **kwargs, ) else: post_process_solution = None # will be interpreted as a TrivialPostProcessSolution in solve() else: post_process_solution_subbrick: SubBrick = kwargs[ "post_process_solution_subbrick" ] post_process_solution_cls = post_process_solution_subbrick.cls post_process_solution_kwargs = post_process_solution_subbrick.kwargs if not issubclass(post_process_solution_cls, PostProcessSolution): raise ValueError( "post_process_solution_subbrick.cls must a subclass of PostProcessSolution" ) post_process_solution = post_process_solution_cls( problem=self.problem, params_objective_function=self.params_objective_function, **post_process_solution_kwargs, ) self.post_process_solution = post_process_solution if initial_solution_provider is None: # initial_solution_provider_subbrick: Optional[SubBrick] = kwargs.get("initial_solution_provider_subbrick", None) if kwargs["initial_solution_provider_subbrick"] is None: if "build_default_initial_solution_provider" in kwargs: initial_solution_provider = kwargs[ "build_default_initial_solution_provider" ]( self.problem, self.params_objective_function, **kwargs, ) else: initial_solution_provider = ( None # ok if solve_lns with skip_first_iteration ) else: initial_solution_provider_subbrick: SubBrick = kwargs[ "initial_solution_provider_subbrick" ] initial_solution_provider_cls = initial_solution_provider_subbrick.cls initial_solution_provider_kwargs = ( initial_solution_provider_subbrick.kwargs ) initial_solution_provider = initial_solution_provider_cls( problem=self.problem, params_objective_function=self.params_objective_function, **initial_solution_provider_kwargs, ) self.initial_solution_provider = initial_solution_provider
[docs] def set_warm_start(self, solution: Solution) -> None: """Make the solver warm start from the given solution. Be careful, if you set in `skip_initial_solution_provider=True` in `self.solve()`, the initial solution will be ignored. """ result_storage = from_solutions_to_result_storage( list_solution=[solution], problem=self.problem, params_objective_function=self.params_objective_function, ) self.initial_solution_provider = TrivialInitialSolution(solution=result_storage)
[docs] def create_submodel(self) -> contextlib.AbstractContextManager: return _dummy_contextmanager()
[docs] def solve( self, nb_iteration_lns: int, time_limit_subsolver: Optional[float] = 100.0, time_limit_subsolver_iter0: Optional[float] = None, nb_iteration_no_improvement: Optional[int] = None, skip_initial_solution_provider: bool = False, stop_first_iteration_if_optimal: bool = True, callbacks: Optional[list[Callback]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ResultStorage: """Solve the problem with an LNS loop Args: nb_iteration_lns: number of lns iteration time_limit_subsolver: time limit (in seconds) for a subsolver `solve()` call If None, no time limit is applied. time_limit_subsolver_iter0: time limit (in seconds) for the first subsolver `solve()` call, in the case we are skipping the initial solution provider (`skip_initial_solution_provider is True`) If None, we use the regular `time_limit` parameter even for this first solve. nb_iteration_no_improvement: maximal number of consecutive iteration without improvement allowed before stopping the solve process. skip_initial_solution_provider: if True, we do not use `self.initial_solution_provider` but instead launch a first `self.subsolver.solve()` stop_first_iteration_if_optimal: if True, if `skip_initial_solution_provider, and if subsolver tells its result is optimal after the first `self.subsolver.solve()` (so before any constraint tempering), we stop the solve process. callbacks: list of callbacks used to hook into the various stage of the solve **kwargs: passed to the subsolver Returns: """ # wrap all callbacks in a single one callbacks_list = CallbackList(callbacks=callbacks) # start of solve callback callbacks_list.on_solve_start(solver=self) # manage None post_process_solution (can happen in subclasses __init__) if self.post_process_solution is None: self.post_process_solution = TrivialPostProcessSolution() sense = self.params_objective_function.sense_function if nb_iteration_no_improvement is None: nb_iteration_no_improvement = 2 * nb_iteration_lns current_nb_iteration_no_improvement = 0 self.init_model(**kwargs) if skip_initial_solution_provider: best_objective = ( float("inf") if sense == ModeOptim.MINIMIZATION else -float("inf") ) store_lns = None stopping = False else: if self.initial_solution_provider is None: raise ValueError( "`initial_solution_provider` cannot be None " "if `skip_initial_solution_provider` is False." ) store_lns = self.initial_solution_provider.get_starting_solution() store_lns = self.post_process_solution.build_other_solution(store_lns) init_solution, objective = store_lns.get_best_solution_fit() if init_solution is None: raise RuntimeError( "`initial_solution_provider` + `post_process_solution` gave no solution." ) else: satisfy = self.problem.satisfy(init_solution) logger.debug(f"Satisfy Initial solution {satisfy}") try: logger.debug( f"Nb task preempted = {init_solution.get_nb_task_preemption()}" # type: ignore ) logger.debug(f"Nb max preemption = {init_solution.get_max_preempted()}") # type: ignore except: pass best_objective = objective # end of step callback: stopping? stopping = callbacks_list.on_step_end(step=0, res=store_lns, solver=self) result_store: ResultStorage lsn_contraints: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = None if not stopping: # time_limit subsolver warning (only once) if "time_limit" in kwargs: logger.warning( "`time_limit` arg will be overriden by " "`time_limit_subsolver` and `time_limit_subsolver_iter0`." ) kwargs_subsolver = dict(kwargs) for iteration in range(nb_iteration_lns): f"Starting iteration n° {iteration} current objective {best_objective}" ) with self.create_submodel() as child: if ( iteration == 0 and not skip_initial_solution_provider or iteration >= 1 ): lsn_contraints = self.constraint_handler.adding_constraint_from_results_store( solver=self.subsolver, child_instance=child, result_storage=store_lns, last_result_store=store_lns if iteration == 0 else result_store, ) try: if ( skip_initial_solution_provider and iteration == 0 and time_limit_subsolver_iter0 is not None ): kwargs_subsolver["time_limit"] = time_limit_subsolver_iter0 else: kwargs_subsolver["time_limit"] = time_limit_subsolver result_store = self.subsolver.solve( instance=child, **kwargs_subsolver )"iteration n° {iteration} Solved !!!") if hasattr(self.subsolver, "status_solver"): if len(result_store) > 0: logger.debug("Solved !!!") bsol, fit = result_store.get_best_solution_fit() logger.debug(f"Fitness Before = {fit}") if bsol is not None: logger.debug( f"Satisfaction Before = {self.problem.satisfy(bsol)}" ) else: logger.debug(f"Satisfaction Before = {False}") logger.debug("Post Process..") result_store = ( self.post_process_solution.build_other_solution( result_store ) ) bsol, fit = result_store.get_best_solution_fit() if bsol is not None: logger.debug( f"Satisfaction After = {self.problem.satisfy(bsol)}" ) else: logger.debug(f"Satisfaction After = {False}") if ( sense == ModeOptim.MAXIMIZATION and fit >= best_objective ): if fit > best_objective: current_nb_iteration_no_improvement = 0 else: current_nb_iteration_no_improvement += 1 best_objective = fit elif sense == ModeOptim.MAXIMIZATION: current_nb_iteration_no_improvement += 1 elif ( sense == ModeOptim.MINIMIZATION and fit <= best_objective ): if fit < best_objective: current_nb_iteration_no_improvement = 0 else: current_nb_iteration_no_improvement += 1 best_objective = fit elif sense == ModeOptim.MINIMIZATION: current_nb_iteration_no_improvement += 1 if skip_initial_solution_provider and iteration == 0: store_lns = result_store else: for s, f in list(result_store): store_lns.append((s, f)) else: current_nb_iteration_no_improvement += 1 if ( skip_initial_solution_provider and self.subsolver.is_optimal() and iteration == 0 and self.problem.satisfy(bsol) and stop_first_iteration_if_optimal ):"Finish LNS because found optimal solution") break except Exception as e: current_nb_iteration_no_improvement += 1 logger.warning(f"Failed ! reason : {e}") logger.debug( f"{current_nb_iteration_no_improvement} / {nb_iteration_no_improvement}" ) if ( current_nb_iteration_no_improvement > nb_iteration_no_improvement ):"Finish LNS with maximum no improvement iteration ") break if lsn_contraints is not None: self.constraint_handler.remove_constraints_from_previous_iteration( solver=self.subsolver, previous_constraints=lsn_contraints ) # end of step callback: stopping? if skip_initial_solution_provider: step = iteration else: step = iteration + 1 stopping = callbacks_list.on_step_end( step=step, res=store_lns, solver=self ) if stopping: break # end of solve callback callbacks_list.on_solve_end(res=store_lns, solver=self) return store_lns
@contextlib.contextmanager def _dummy_contextmanager(): yield None
[docs] class ConstraintStatus(TypedDict): nb_usage: int nb_improvement: int name: str
[docs] class ConstraintHandlerMix(ConstraintHandler): def __init__( self, problem: Problem, list_constraints_handler: list[ConstraintHandler], list_proba: list[float], update_proba: bool = True, tag_constraint_handler: Optional[list[str]] = None, sequential: bool = False, ): self.problem = problem self.list_constraints_handler = list_constraints_handler self.sequential = sequential if tag_constraint_handler is None: self.tag_constraint_handler = [ str(i) for i in range(len(self.list_constraints_handler)) ] else: self.tag_constraint_handler = tag_constraint_handler self.list_proba = np.array(list_proba) self.list_proba = self.list_proba / np.sum(self.list_proba) self.index_np = np.array(range(len(self.list_proba)), dtype=np.int_) self.current_iteration = 0 self.status: dict[int, ConstraintStatus] = { i: { "nb_usage": 0, "nb_improvement": 0, "name": self.tag_constraint_handler[i], } for i in range(len(self.list_constraints_handler)) } self.last_index_param: Optional[int] = None self.last_fitness: Optional[fitness_class] = None self.update_proba = update_proba
[docs] def adding_constraint_from_results_store( self, solver: SolverDO, result_storage: ResultStorage, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Iterable[Any]: new_fitness = result_storage.get_best_solution_fit()[1] if self.last_index_param is not None: if new_fitness != self.last_fitness: self.status[self.last_index_param]["nb_improvement"] += 1 self.last_fitness = new_fitness if self.update_proba: self.list_proba[self.last_index_param] *= 1.05 self.list_proba = self.list_proba / np.sum(self.list_proba) else: if self.update_proba: self.list_proba[self.last_index_param] *= 0.95 self.list_proba = self.list_proba / np.sum(self.list_proba) else: self.last_fitness = new_fitness if self.sequential: if self.last_index_param is not None: choice = (self.last_index_param + 1) % len( self.list_constraints_handler ) else: choice = 0 else: if random.random() <= 0.95: choice = np.random.choice(self.index_np, size=1, p=self.list_proba)[0] else: max_improvement = max( [ self.status[x]["nb_improvement"] / max(self.status[x]["nb_usage"], 1) for x in self.status ] ) choice = random.choice( [ x for x in self.status if self.status[x]["nb_improvement"] / max(self.status[x]["nb_usage"], 1) == max_improvement ] ) ch = self.list_constraints_handler[int(choice)] self.current_iteration += 1 self.last_index_param = choice self.status[self.last_index_param]["nb_usage"] += 1 logger.debug(f"Status {self.status}") constraints = ch.adding_constraint_from_results_store( solver=solver, result_storage=result_storage, **kwargs ) return constraints
[docs] def remove_constraints_from_previous_iteration( self, solver: SolverDO, previous_constraints: Iterable[Any], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: ch = self.list_constraints_handler[int(self.last_index_param)] ch.remove_constraints_from_previous_iteration( solver=solver, previous_constraints=previous_constraints, **kwargs )