Source code for discrete_optimization.jsp.solvers.cpsat

#  Copyright (c) 2024 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#  Adaptation of
import logging
from typing import Any

from ortools.sat.python.cp_model import CpModel, CpSolverSolutionCallback, Domain

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_solver import WarmstartMixin
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ortools_cpsat_tools import OrtoolsCpSatSolver
from discrete_optimization.jsp.problem import JobShopProblem, JobShopSolution

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CpSatJspSolver(OrtoolsCpSatSolver, WarmstartMixin): problem: JobShopProblem def __init__(self, problem: JobShopProblem, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(problem, **kwargs) self.variables = {}
[docs] def init_model(self, **args: Any) -> None: self.cp_model = CpModel() # dummy value, todo : compute a better bound max_time = args.get( "max_time", sum( sum(subjob.processing_time for subjob in job) for job in self.problem.list_jobs ), ) # Write variables, constraints starts = [ [ self.cp_model.NewIntVar(0, max_time, f"starts_{j, k}") for k in range(len(self.problem.list_jobs[j])) ] for j in range(self.problem.n_jobs) ] # Same idea for ends ends = [ [ self.cp_model.NewIntVar(0, max_time, f"ends_{j, k}") for k in range(len(self.problem.list_jobs[j])) ] for j in range(self.problem.n_jobs) ] # Create the interval variables intervals = [ [ self.cp_model.NewIntervalVar( start=starts[j][k], size=self.problem.list_jobs[j][k].processing_time, end=ends[j][k], name=f"task_{j, k}", ) for k in range(len(self.problem.list_jobs[j])) ] for j in range(self.problem.n_jobs) ] # Precedence constraint between sub-parts of each job. for j in range(self.problem.n_jobs): for k in range(1, len(self.problem.list_jobs[j])): self.cp_model.Add(starts[j][k] >= ends[j][k - 1]) # No overlap task on the same machine. for machine in self.problem.job_per_machines: self.cp_model.AddNoOverlap( [intervals[x[0]][x[1]] for x in self.problem.job_per_machines[machine]] ) # Objective value variable makespan = self.cp_model.NewIntVar(0, max_time, name="makespan") self.cp_model.AddMaxEquality(makespan, [ends[i][-1] for i in range(len(ends))]) self.cp_model.Minimize(makespan) # Store the variables in some dictionaries. self.variables["starts"] = starts self.variables["ends"] = ends self.variables["intervals"] = intervals
[docs] def set_warm_start(self, solution: JobShopSolution) -> None: for job_index in range(len(solution.schedule)): for subjob_index in range(len(solution.schedule[job_index])): self.cp_model.AddHint( self.variables["starts"][job_index][subjob_index], solution.schedule[job_index][subjob_index][0], ) self.cp_model.AddHint( self.variables["ends"][job_index][subjob_index], solution.schedule[job_index][subjob_index][1], )
[docs] def retrieve_solution( self, cpsolvercb: CpSolverSolutionCallback ) -> JobShopSolution: f"Objective ={cpsolvercb.ObjectiveValue()}, bound = {cpsolvercb.BestObjectiveBound()}" ) schedule = [] for job_index in range(len(self.variables["starts"])): sched_job = [] for subjob_index in range(len(self.variables["starts"][job_index])): sched_job.append( ( cpsolvercb.Value( self.variables["starts"][job_index][subjob_index] ), cpsolvercb.Value( self.variables["ends"][job_index][subjob_index] ), ) ) schedule.append(sched_job) return JobShopSolution(problem=self.problem, schedule=schedule)