# Copyright (c) 2023 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import logging
import os
from typing import Any
import clingo
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.asp_tools import AspClingoSolver
from discrete_optimization.knapsack.problem import KnapsackSolution
from discrete_optimization.knapsack.solvers import KnapsackSolver
cur_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AspKnapsackSolver(AspClingoSolver, KnapsackSolver):
"""Solver based on Answer Set Programming formulation and clingo solver."""
def init_model(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
basic_model = """
% knapsack bound
% choice rule: in/1 is a subset of the set of items.
{in(I):weight(I,W)} :- weight(I,W).
% integrity constraint: total weight of items in this subset doesn't exceecd d max_weight.
:- #sum{W,I: in(I), weight(I,W)} > max_weight.
% optimization: maximize the values for in/1.
#maximize {V,I : in(I), value(I,V)}.
%total_value(X) :- X = #sum{V,I: in(I), value(I,V)}.
%total_weight(X) :- X = #sum{W,I: in(I), weight(I,W)}.
#show in/1.
%#show total_value/1.
%#show total_weight/1.
max_models = kwargs.get("max_models", 1)
self.ctl = clingo.Control(
["--warn=no-atom-undefined", f"--models={max_models}", "--opt-mode=optN"]
self.ctl.add("base", [], basic_model)
string_data_input = self.build_string_data_input()
self.ctl.add("base", [], string_data_input)
def retrieve_solution(self, model: clingo.Model) -> KnapsackSolution:
symbols = model.symbols(atoms=True)
in_list = [s.arguments[0].number for s in symbols if s.name == "in"]
list_taken = [
1 if i in in_list else 0 for i in range(1, self.problem.nb_items + 1)
return KnapsackSolution(problem=self.problem, list_taken=list_taken)