Source code for discrete_optimization.maximum_independent_set.solvers.asp

#  Copyright (c) 2024 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import logging
import os
from typing import Any

import clingo

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.asp_tools import AspClingoSolver
from discrete_optimization.maximum_independent_set.problem import (
from discrete_optimization.maximum_independent_set.solvers.mis_solver import MisSolver

cur_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class AspMisSolver(MisSolver, AspClingoSolver):
[docs] def retrieve_solution(self, model: clingo.Model) -> MisSolution: symbols = model.symbols(atoms=True) set_is = [s.arguments[0].number for s in symbols if == "independent_set"] empty_sol = [0 for i in range(self.problem.number_nodes)] for s in set_is: empty_sol[s] = 1 return MisSolution(problem=self.problem, chosen=empty_sol)
[docs] def init_model(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if self.problem.attribute_aggregate == "size": basic_model = """ {independent_set(V):vertex(V)}. independent_set(V) :- vertex(V), not {independent_set(U) : edge(U, V)}. :- edge(X,Y), independent_set(X), independent_set(Y). #maximize {1, V:independent_set(V)}. #show independent_set/1. """ basic_model = """ % Define the graph % Generate a subset of nodes { independent_set(X) : vertex(X) }. % Constraint: No two adjacent nodes can be in the independent set :- independent_set(X), independent_set(Y), edge(X,Y). % WIP Symmetry breaking: Choose the node with the smallest index among its neighbors %:- independent_set(Y), vertex(X), X < Y, vertex(X,Y), not independent_set(X), not any_smaller_in(Y). any_smaller_in(Y) :- independent_set(X), X < Y, edge(X,Y). % Heuristic: Prefer nodes with fewer neighbors #heuristic independent_set(X) : vertex(X), N = #count{ Y : edge(X,Y) }. [N@1, false] % Optimization: Maximize the size of the independent set #maximize { 1,X : independent_set(X) }. % Output #show independent_set/1. """ else: basic_model = """ {independent_set(V):vertex(V)}. independent_set(V) :- vertex(V), not {independent_set(U) : edge(U, V)}. :- edge(X,Y), independent_set(X), independent_set(Y). #maximize {W,V : independent_set(V), weight(V,W)}. #show independent_set/1. """ max_models = kwargs.get("max_models", 100) self.ctl = clingo.Control( ["--warn=no-atom-undefined", f"--models={max_models}", "--opt-mode=optN"] ) self.ctl.add("base", [], basic_model) string_data_input = self.build_data_string() self.ctl.add("base", [], string_data_input)
[docs] def build_data_string(self): s = f"vertex(0..{self.problem.number_nodes-1}).\n" s += "% Define the edges in the graph. Modify this according to your graph structure.\n" for edge in self.problem.edges: s += f"edge({self.problem.nodes_to_index[edge[0]]},{self.problem.nodes_to_index[edge[1]]}).\n" if self.problem.attribute_aggregate != "size": for i in range(self.problem.number_nodes): s += f"weight({i}, {int(self.problem.attr_list[i])}).\n" # s += f"independent_set(0).\n" # s += f"independent_set(1).\n" return s