Source code for discrete_optimization.maximum_independent_set.solvers.decomposition

#  Copyright (c) 2023 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import logging
import os
import random
from typing import Any, Optional

import numpy as np

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.callbacks.callback import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_solver import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparameter import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.result_storage.result_storage import (
from discrete_optimization.maximum_independent_set.problem import (
from discrete_optimization.maximum_independent_set.solvers.mis_solver import MisSolver
from discrete_optimization.maximum_independent_set.solvers.networkx import (
from discrete_optimization.maximum_independent_set.solvers_map import solve, solvers_map

cur_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

subsolvers = [s for s in solvers_map]

[docs] class DecomposedMisSolver(MisSolver, WarmstartMixin): """ This solver is based on the current observation. From a given mis model and one current solution, if we decide to freeze the decision variable for a subset of items, the remaining problem to solve is also a mis problem, with fewer nodes. DecomposedMisSolver is a basic iterative solver that starts from a given solution, then freeze random items, solve subproblem with a custom root solver, rebuild original solution and repeat the process. """ hyperparameters = [ FloatHyperparameter( name="proportion_to_remove", low=0.0, high=1.0, default=0.7 ), IntegerHyperparameter(name="nb_iteration", low=0, high=int(10e6), default=100), SubBrickHyperparameter( name="initial_solver", choices=subsolvers, default=SubBrick(cls=NetworkxMisSolver, kwargs={}), ), SubBrickHyperparameter( name="root_solver", choices=subsolvers, default=SubBrick(cls=NetworkxMisSolver, kwargs={}), ), ] initial_solution: Optional[MisSolution] = None """Initial solution used for warm start."""
[docs] def rebuild_sol( self, sol: MisSolution, original_mis_model: MisProblem, original_solution: MisSolution, indexes_to_remove: set[int] = None, ): """ Rebuild a full Mus solution object from a partial solution. :param sol: solution to a sub-mis problem :param original_knapsack_problem: original knapsack model to solve :param original_solution: original base solution :param indexes_to_remove: indexes of item removed when building the sub-knapsack problem. :return: A new solution object for the original problem. """ list_taken = [ original_solution.chosen[i] for i in range(original_mis_model.number_nodes) ] for j in range(len(sol.chosen)): original_index = original_mis_model.nodes_to_index[ sol.problem.index_to_nodes[j] ] list_taken[original_index] = sol.chosen[j] solution = MisSolution(problem=original_mis_model, chosen=list_taken) return solution
[docs] def set_warm_start(self, solution: MisSolution) -> None: """Make the solver warm start from the given solution. Will be ignored if arg `initial_solver` is set and not None in call to `solve()`. """ self.initial_solution = solution
[docs] def solve( self, callbacks: Optional[list[Callback]] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> ResultStorage: # wrap all callbacks in a single one callbacks_list = CallbackList(callbacks=callbacks) # start of solve callback callbacks_list.on_solve_start(solver=self) # manage warm start if self.initial_solution is set if self.initial_solution is not None: kwargs["initial_solver"] = SubBrick( cls=TrivialSolverFromSolution, kwargs=dict(solution=self.initial_solution), ) kwargs = self.complete_with_default_hyperparameters(kwargs) initial_solver: SubBrick = kwargs["initial_solver"] initial_solver_cls: type[MisSolver] = initial_solver.cls initial_solver_kwargs = initial_solver.kwargs root_solver: SubBrick = kwargs["root_solver"] root_solver_cls: type[MisSolver] = root_solver.cls root_solver_kwargs = root_solver.kwargs nb_iteration = kwargs["nb_iteration"] proportion_to_remove = kwargs["proportion_to_remove"] initial_results = solve( method_solver=initial_solver_cls, problem=self.problem, **initial_solver_kwargs, ) results_storage = self.create_result_storage( initial_results.list_solution_fits, ) f"Initial solution fitness : {results_storage.get_best_solution_fit()[1]}" ) all_nodes = set(self.problem.nodes_to_index.keys()) for j in range(nb_iteration): sol, fit = results_storage.get_best_solution_fit() sol: MisSolution nb_chosen = sum(sol.chosen) idx_chosen = list(np.where(sol.chosen)[0]) subpart_chosen = set( random.sample( idx_chosen, int(proportion_to_remove * nb_chosen), ) ) nodes_to_remove_from_subproblem = set() for index_node in subpart_chosen: n = self.problem.index_to_nodes[index_node] neighbors = self.problem.graph_nx.neighbors(n) nodes_to_remove_from_subproblem.add(n) for nn in neighbors: nodes_to_remove_from_subproblem.add(nn) subgraph = self.problem.graph_nx.subgraph( all_nodes.difference(nodes_to_remove_from_subproblem) ) new_problem = MisProblem( graph=subgraph, attribute_aggregate=self.problem.attribute_aggregate ) res = solve( method_solver=root_solver_cls, problem=new_problem, **root_solver_kwargs ) best_sol, fit = res.get_best_solution_fit() if best_sol is not None: reb_sol = self.rebuild_sol( sol=best_sol, original_solution=sol, original_mis_model=self.problem, indexes_to_remove=None, ) fit = self.aggreg_from_sol(reb_sol)"Iteration {j}/{nb_iteration} : --- Current fitness {fit}") results_storage.append((reb_sol, fit)) stopping = callbacks_list.on_step_end( step=j, res=results_storage, solver=self ) if stopping: break # end of solve callback callbacks_list.on_solve_end(res=results_storage, solver=self) return results_storage