Source code for discrete_optimization.rcpsp.sgs_without_array

#  Copyright (c) 2023 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from import Hashable
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from numpy import typing as npt
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

from discrete_optimization.rcpsp import RcpspProblem
from discrete_optimization.rcpsp.solution import RcpspSolution

[docs] class SgsWithoutArray: def __init__(self, rcpsp_problem: RcpspProblem): self.rcpsp_problem = rcpsp_problem self.resource_avail_in_time: dict[str, npt.NDArray[np.int_]] = {} for res in self.rcpsp_problem.resources_list: if self.rcpsp_problem.is_varying_resource(): self.resource_avail_in_time[res] = np.array( self.rcpsp_problem.resources[res][: self.rcpsp_problem.horizon + 1] # type: ignore ) else: self.resource_avail_in_time[res] = np.full( self.rcpsp_problem.horizon, self.rcpsp_problem.resources[res], dtype=np.int_, ) self.dict_step_ressource: dict[str, SortedDict] = {} for res in self.resource_avail_in_time: self.dict_step_ressource[res] = SgsWithoutArray.create_absolute_dict( self.resource_avail_in_time[res] )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_from_delta(sdict: SortedDict, time: int) -> int: index = sdict.bisect_left(time) if time in sdict: r = range(index + 1) else: r = range(index) s = sum(sdict.peekitem(j)[1] for j in r) return s
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_from_absolute(sdict: SortedDict, time: int) -> int: index = sdict.bisect_right(time) s = sdict.peekitem(index - 1)[1] return s
[docs] @staticmethod def add_event_delta( sdict: SortedDict, time_start: int, delta: int, time_end: int ) -> None: if time_start in sdict: sdict[time_start] += delta else: sdict.update({time_start: delta}) if time_end in sdict: sdict[time_end] -= delta else: sdict.update({time_end: -delta})
[docs] @staticmethod def add_event_delta_in_absolute( sdict: SortedDict, time_start: int, delta: int, # Negative usually time_end: int, liberate: bool = True, ) -> None: for t in [k for k in sdict if time_start <= k < time_end]: sdict[t] += delta i = sdict.bisect_right(time_start) if time_start not in sdict: sdict[time_start] = sdict.peekitem(i - 1)[1] + delta i = sdict.bisect_right(time_end) if time_end not in sdict: sdict[time_end] = sdict.peekitem(i - 1)[1] - delta
[docs] @staticmethod def create_delta_dict(vector: npt.ArrayLike) -> SortedDict: v = np.array(vector) delta = v[:-1] - v[1:] index_non_zero = np.nonzero(delta)[0] l = {0: v[0]} for j in range(len(index_non_zero)): ind = index_non_zero[j] l[ind + 1] = -delta[ind] l = SortedDict(l) return l
[docs] @staticmethod def create_absolute_dict(vector: npt.ArrayLike) -> SortedDict: v = np.array(vector) delta = v[:-1] - v[1:] index_non_zero = np.nonzero(delta)[0] l = {0: v[0]} for j in range(len(index_non_zero)): ind = index_non_zero[j] l[ind + 1] = v[ind + 1] l = SortedDict(l) return l
[docs] def generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs( self, solution: RcpspSolution, rcpsp_problem: RcpspProblem ) -> tuple[dict[Hashable, dict[str, int]], bool, dict[str, SortedDict]]: activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = rcpsp_problem.horizon resource_avail_in_time = deepcopy(self.dict_step_ressource) minimum_starting_time = {} for act in rcpsp_problem.tasks_list: minimum_starting_time[act] = 0 perm_extended = [ rcpsp_problem.tasks_list_non_dummy[x] for x in solution.rcpsp_permutation ] perm_extended.insert(0, rcpsp_problem.source_task) perm_extended.append(rcpsp_problem.sink_task) modes_dict = rcpsp_problem.build_mode_dict(solution.rcpsp_modes) for k in modes_dict: if modes_dict[k] not in rcpsp_problem.mode_details[k]: modes_dict[k] = 1 while len(perm_extended) > 0 and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: for id_successor in perm_extended: respected = True for pred in rcpsp_problem.successors: if ( id_successor in rcpsp_problem.successors[pred] and pred in perm_extended ): respected = False break if respected: act_id = id_successor break current_min_time: Optional[int] = minimum_starting_time[act_id] start_time: int end_time: int valid = False while not valid: valid = True if current_min_time is None: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break start_time = current_min_time end_time = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: need = rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]].get( res, 0 ) if need == 0: continue else: if ( self.get_available_from_absolute( sdict=resource_avail_in_time[res], time=current_min_time # type: ignore ) < need ): current_min_time = next( ( k for k in resource_avail_in_time[res] if k > start_time and resource_avail_in_time[res][k] >= need ), None, ) valid = False break keys = [ k for k in resource_avail_in_time[res] if start_time <= k < end_time ] for k in keys: if resource_avail_in_time[res][k] < need: current_min_time = next( ( ki for ki in resource_avail_in_time[res] if ki > k and resource_avail_in_time[res][ki] >= need ), None, ) valid = False break if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources and current_min_time is not None: end_t = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) for res in resource_avail_in_time: need = rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]].get( res, 0 ) if need == 0: continue if res not in rcpsp_problem.non_renewable_resources: self.add_event_delta_in_absolute( resource_avail_in_time[res], time_start=current_min_time, delta=-need, time_end=end_t, ) else: self.add_event_delta_in_absolute( resource_avail_in_time[res], time_start=new_horizon, delta=-need, time_end=new_horizon + 2, ) if resource_avail_in_time[res][new_horizon] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t perm_extended.remove(act_id) for s in rcpsp_problem.successors[act_id]: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] ) rcpsp_schedule: dict[Hashable, dict[str, int]] = {} for act_id in activity_end_times: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["start_time"] = ( activity_end_times[act_id] - rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["end_time"] = activity_end_times[act_id] if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = False last_act_id = rcpsp_problem.sink_task if last_act_id not in rcpsp_schedule: rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["start_time"] = 99999999 rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["end_time"] = 9999999 else: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = True return rcpsp_schedule, rcpsp_schedule_feasible, resource_avail_in_time