Source code for discrete_optimization.rcpsp.solvers.lp_gantt

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from import Callable
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import networkx as nx

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.lp_tools import GurobiMilpSolver, MilpSolver
from discrete_optimization.rcpsp.problem import RcpspProblem
from discrete_optimization.rcpsp.solution import RcpspSolution
from discrete_optimization.rcpsp.solvers import RcpspSolver

    import gurobipy
except ImportError:
    gurobi_available = False
    gurobi_available = True
    import gurobipy as gurobi

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def intersect(i1, i2): if i2[0] >= i1[1] or i1[0] >= i2[1]: return None else: s = max(i1[0], i2[0]) e = min(i1[1], i2[1]) return [s, e]
[docs] class ConstraintTaskIndividual: list_tuple: list[tuple[str, int, int, bool]] # task, resource, resource_individual, has or has not to do a task # indicates constraint for a given resource individual that has to do a task def __init__(self, list_tuple): self.list_tuple = list_tuple
[docs] class ConstraintWorkDuration: ressource: str individual: int time_bounds: tuple[int, int] working_time_upper_bound: int def __init__(self, ressource, individual, time_bounds, working_time_upper_bound): self.ressource = ressource self.individual = individual self.time_bounds = time_bounds self.working_time_upper_bound = working_time_upper_bound
class _BaseLpGanttMultimodeRcpspSolver(MilpSolver, RcpspSolver): problem: RcpspProblem def __init__( self, problem: RcpspProblem, rcpsp_solution: RcpspSolution, params_objective_function: Optional[ParamsObjectiveFunction] = None, **kwargs, ): if problem.calendar_details is None: raise ValueError( "rcpsp_problem.calendar_details cannot be None for this solver" ) super().__init__( problem=problem, params_objective_function=params_objective_function ) self.rcpsp_solution = rcpsp_solution = sorted(list(problem.mode_details.keys())) self.modes_dict = { i + 2: self.rcpsp_solution.rcpsp_modes[i] for i in range(len(self.rcpsp_solution.rcpsp_modes)) } self.modes_dict[1] = 1 self.modes_dict[[-1]] = 1 self.rcpsp_schedule = self.rcpsp_solution.rcpsp_schedule self.start_times_dict = {} for task in self.rcpsp_schedule: t = self.rcpsp_schedule[task]["start_time"] if t not in self.start_times_dict: self.start_times_dict[t] = set() self.start_times_dict[t].add((task, t)) self.graph_intersection_time = nx.Graph() for t in self.graph_intersection_time.add_node(t) for t in intersected_jobs = [ task for task in self.rcpsp_schedule if intersect( [ self.rcpsp_schedule[task]["start_time"], self.rcpsp_schedule[task]["end_time"], ], [ self.rcpsp_schedule[t]["start_time"], self.rcpsp_schedule[t]["end_time"], ], ) is not None and t != task ] for tt in intersected_jobs: self.graph_intersection_time.add_edge(t, tt) cliques = [c for c in nx.find_cliques(self.graph_intersection_time)] self.cliques = cliques self.sense_optim = ModeOptim.MINIMIZATION self.params_objective_function.sense_function = self.sense_optim self.constraint_additionnal = {} def retrieve_current_solution( self, get_var_value_for_current_solution: Callable[[Any], float], get_obj_value_for_current_solution: Callable[[], float], ) -> tuple[dict[Any, dict[Any, dict[Any, Any]]], float]: objective = get_obj_value_for_current_solution() resource_id_usage = { k: { individual: { task: get_var_value_for_current_solution(resource_usage) for task, resource_usage in self.ressource_id_usage[k][ individual ].items() } for individual in self.ressource_id_usage[k] } for k in self.ressource_id_usage } return (resource_id_usage, objective) # gurobi solver which is usefull to get a pool of solution (indeed, using the other one we dont have usually a lot of # solution since we converge rapidly to the "optimum" (we don't have an objective value..)
[docs] class GurobiGanttMultimodeRcpspSolver( GurobiMilpSolver, _BaseLpGanttMultimodeRcpspSolver ):
[docs] def convert_to_variable_values( self, solution: Solution ) -> dict[gurobipy.Var, float]: raise NotImplementedError( f"No warmstart implemented for {self.__class__.__name__}." )
[docs] def init_model(self, **args): self.model = gurobi.Model("Gantt") self.ressource_id_usage = { k: {i: {} for i in range(len(self.problem.calendar_details[k]))} for k in self.problem.calendar_details.keys() } variables_per_task = {} variables_per_individual = {} constraints_ressource_need = {} for task in start = self.rcpsp_schedule[task]["start_time"] end = self.rcpsp_schedule[task]["end_time"] for k in self.ressource_id_usage: # typically worker needed_ressource = ( self.problem.mode_details[task][self.modes_dict[task]][k] > 0 ) if needed_ressource: for individual in self.ressource_id_usage[k]: available = all( self.problem.calendar_details[k][individual][time] for time in range(start, end) ) if available: key_variable = (k, individual, task) self.ressource_id_usage[k][individual][ task ] = self.model.addVar( name=str(key_variable), vtype=gurobi.GRB.BINARY ) if task not in variables_per_task: variables_per_task[task] = set() if k not in variables_per_individual: variables_per_individual[k] = {} if individual not in variables_per_individual[k]: variables_per_individual[k][individual] = set() variables_per_task[task].add(key_variable) variables_per_individual[k][individual].add(key_variable) ressource_needed = self.problem.mode_details[task][ self.modes_dict[task] ][k] if k not in constraints_ressource_need: constraints_ressource_need[k] = {} constraints_ressource_need[k][task] = self.model.addLConstr( gurobi.quicksum( [ self.ressource_id_usage[k][key[1]][key[2]] for key in variables_per_task[task] if key[0] == k ] ) == ressource_needed, name="ressource_" + str(k) + "_" + str(task), ) overlaps_constraints = {} for i in range(len(self.cliques)): tasks = set(self.cliques[i]) for k in variables_per_individual: for individual in variables_per_individual[k]: keys_variable = [ variable for variable in variables_per_individual[k][individual] if variable[2] in tasks ] if len(keys_variable) > 0: overlaps_constraints[ (i, k, individual) ] = self.model.addLConstr( gurobi.quicksum( [ self.ressource_id_usage[key[0]][key[1]][key[2]] for key in keys_variable ] ) <= 1 ) self.model.modelSense = gurobi.GRB.MINIMIZE
[docs] def adding_constraint( self, constraint_description: Union[ConstraintTaskIndividual, ConstraintWorkDuration], constraint_name: str = "", ): if isinstance(constraint_description, ConstraintTaskIndividual): if constraint_name == "": constraint_name = str(ConstraintTaskIndividual.__name__) for tupl in constraint_description.list_tuple: ressource, ressource_individual, task, has_to_do = tupl if ressource in self.ressource_id_usage: if ressource_individual in self.ressource_id_usage[ressource]: if ( task in self.ressource_id_usage[ressource][ressource_individual] ): if constraint_name not in self.constraint_additionnal: self.constraint_additionnal[constraint_name] = [] self.constraint_additionnal[constraint_name] += [ self.model.addLConstr( self.ressource_id_usage[ressource][ ressource_individual ][task] == has_to_do ) ] if isinstance(constraint_description, ConstraintWorkDuration): if constraint_name == "": constraint_name = str(ConstraintWorkDuration.__name__) if constraint_name not in self.constraint_additionnal: self.constraint_additionnal[constraint_name] = [] tasks_of_interest = [ t for t in self.rcpsp_schedule if t in self.ressource_id_usage.get( constraint_description.ressource, {} ).get(constraint_description.individual, {}) and ( constraint_description.time_bounds[0] <= self.rcpsp_schedule[t]["start_time"] <= constraint_description.time_bounds[1] or constraint_description.time_bounds[0] <= self.rcpsp_schedule[t]["end_time"] <= constraint_description.time_bounds[1] ) ] logger.debug(tasks_of_interest) self.constraint_additionnal[constraint_name] += [ self.model.addLConstr( gurobi.quicksum( [ self.ressource_id_usage[constraint_description.ressource][ constraint_description.individual ][t] * ( min( constraint_description.time_bounds[1], self.rcpsp_schedule[t]["end_time"], ) - max( constraint_description.time_bounds[0], self.rcpsp_schedule[t]["start_time"], ) ) for t in tasks_of_interest ] ) <= constraint_description.working_time_upper_bound ) ] self.model.update()
[docs] def retrieve_current_solution( self, get_var_value_for_current_solution: Callable[[Any], float], get_obj_value_for_current_solution: Callable[[], float], ) -> tuple[dict[Any, dict[Any, dict[Any, Any]]], float]: objective = get_obj_value_for_current_solution() resource_id_usage = { k: { individual: { task: get_var_value_for_current_solution(resource_usage) for task, resource_usage in self.ressource_id_usage[k][ individual ].items() } for individual in self.ressource_id_usage[k] } for k in self.ressource_id_usage } return (resource_id_usage, objective)
[docs] def build_objective_function_from_a_solution( self, ressource_usage: dict[str, dict[int, dict[int, bool]]], ignore_tuple: set[tuple[str, int, int]] = None, ): objective = gurobi.LinExpr(0.0) if ignore_tuple is None: ignore_tuple = set() for k in ressource_usage: for individual in ressource_usage[k]: for task in ressource_usage[k][individual]: if ressource_usage[k][individual][task] >= 0.5: objective.add(1 - self.ressource_id_usage[k][individual][task]) logger.debug("Setting new objectives = Change task objective") self.model.setObjective(objective)