Source code for discrete_optimization.vrp.solvers.dp

#  Copyright (c) 2024 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import logging
import re

import didppy as dp

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import Solution
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_solver import WarmstartMixin
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.dyn_prog_tools import DpSolver
from discrete_optimization.vrp.problem import VrpSolution
from discrete_optimization.vrp.solvers import VrpSolver
from discrete_optimization.vrp.utils import compute_length_matrix

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DpVrpSolver(VrpSolver, DpSolver): hyperparameters = DpSolver.hyperparameters transitions: dict
[docs] def init_model(self, **kwargs): """ DP model for CVRP Directly adapted from """ # Number of locations n = self.problem.customer_count # Number of vehicles m = self.problem.vehicle_count # Capacity of a vehicle q = self.problem.vehicle_capacities[0] # Capacities capacities = self.problem.vehicle_capacities sum_capacities_backward = [ sum(capacities[i:]) for i in range(self.problem.vehicle_count) ] + [0] # Weights d = [self.problem.customers[i].demand for i in range(n)] # Travel cost _, c = compute_length_matrix(self.problem) c = [[int(10 * c[i, j]) for j in range(c.shape[1])] for i in range(c.shape[0])] model = dp.Model() customer = model.add_object_type(number=n) vehicle_obj = model.add_object_type(number=m) # U unvisited = model.add_set_var(object_type=customer, target=list(range(1, n))) # i location = model.add_element_var(object_type=customer, target=0) # l load = model.add_int_resource_var(target=0, less_is_better=True) # k vehicles = model.add_int_resource_var(target=0, less_is_better=True) vehicles_ = model.add_element_var(object_type=vehicle_obj, target=0) weight = model.add_int_table(d) distance = model.add_int_table(c) capacities = model.add_int_table(self.problem.vehicle_capacities) sum_capacities_backward = model.add_int_table(sum_capacities_backward) model.add_base_case([unvisited.is_empty(), location == 0]) self.transitions = {} for j in range(1, n): visit = dp.Transition( name="visit {}".format(j), cost=distance[location, j] + dp.IntExpr.state_cost(), effects=[ (unvisited, unvisited.remove(j)), (location, j), (load, load + weight[j]), ], preconditions=[ unvisited.contains(j), load + weight[j] <= capacities[vehicles_], ], ) model.add_transition(visit) self.transitions[("visit", "current", j)] = visit for j in range(1, n): visit_via_depot = dp.Transition( name="visit {} with a new vehicle".format(j), cost=distance[location, 0] + distance[0, j] + dp.IntExpr.state_cost(), effects=[ (unvisited, unvisited.remove(j)), (location, j), (load, weight[j]), (vehicles, vehicles + 1), (vehicles_, vehicles_ + 1), ], preconditions=[unvisited.contains(j), vehicles < m], ) model.add_transition(visit_via_depot) self.transitions[("visit", "next_vehicle", j)] = visit_via_depot return_to_depot = dp.Transition( name="return", cost=distance[location, 0] + dp.IntExpr.state_cost(), effects=[(location, 0)], preconditions=[unvisited.is_empty(), location != 0], ) model.add_transition(return_to_depot) self.transitions["return"] = return_to_depot model.add_state_constr( sum_capacities_backward[vehicles_] - load >= weight[unvisited] ) model.add_state_constr((m - vehicles + 1) * q - load >= weight[unvisited]) min_distance_to = model.add_int_table( [min(c[k][j] for k in range(n) if j != k) for j in range(n)] ) model.add_dual_bound( min_distance_to[unvisited] + (location != 0).if_then_else(min_distance_to[0], 0) ) min_distance_from = model.add_int_table( [min(c[j][k] for k in range(n) if j != k) for j in range(n)] ) model.add_dual_bound( min_distance_from[unvisited] + (location != 0).if_then_else(min_distance_from[location], 0) ) self.model = model
[docs] def init_model_(self, **kwargs): """ DP model for CVRP Directly adapted from """ # Number of locations n = self.problem.customer_count # Number of vehicles m = self.problem.vehicle_count # Capacity of a vehicle q = self.problem.vehicle_capacities[0] # Capacities capacities = self.problem.vehicle_capacities sum_capacities_backward = [ sum(capacities[i:]) for i in range(self.problem.vehicle_count) ] + [0] # Weights d = [self.problem.customers[i].demand for i in range(n)] # Travel cost _, c = compute_length_matrix(self.problem) c = [[int(10 * c[i, j]) for j in range(c.shape[1])] for i in range(c.shape[0])] model = dp.Model() customer = model.add_object_type(number=n) vehicle_obj = model.add_object_type(number=m) # U unvisited = model.add_set_var( object_type=customer, target=[ i for i in range(self.problem.customer_count) if i != self.problem.start_indexes[0] ], ) # i location = model.add_element_var( object_type=customer, target=self.problem.start_indexes[0] ) # l load = model.add_int_resource_var(target=0, less_is_better=True) # k vehicles = model.add_int_resource_var(target=0, less_is_better=True) vehicles_ = model.add_element_var(object_type=vehicle_obj, target=0) starts_vehicle = model.add_element_table(self.problem.start_indexes) ends_vehicle = model.add_element_table(self.problem.end_indexes) weight = model.add_int_table(d) distance = model.add_int_table(c) capacities = model.add_int_table(self.problem.vehicle_capacities) sum_capacities_backward = model.add_int_table(sum_capacities_backward) model.add_base_case( [unvisited.is_empty(), location == self.problem.end_indexes[-1]] ) self.transitions = {} for j in range(n): visit = dp.Transition( name="visit {}".format(j), cost=distance[location, j] + dp.IntExpr.state_cost(), effects=[ (unvisited, unvisited.remove(j)), (location, j), (load, load + weight[j]), ], preconditions=[ unvisited.contains(j), load + weight[j] <= capacities[vehicles_], ], ) model.add_transition(visit) self.transitions[("visit", "current", j)] = visit for j in range(n): visit_via_depot = dp.Transition( name="visit {} with a new vehicle".format(j), cost=distance[location, ends_vehicle[vehicles_]] + distance[starts_vehicle[vehicles_ + 1], j] + dp.IntExpr.state_cost(), effects=[ (unvisited, unvisited.remove(j)), (location, j), (load, weight[j]), (vehicles, vehicles + 1), (vehicles_, vehicles_ + 1), ], preconditions=[unvisited.contains(j), vehicles < m], ) model.add_transition(visit_via_depot) self.transitions[("visit", "next_vehicle", j)] = visit_via_depot return_to_depot = dp.Transition( name="return", cost=distance[location, self.problem.end_indexes[-1]] + dp.IntExpr.state_cost(), effects=[(location, self.problem.end_indexes[-1])], preconditions=[unvisited.is_empty(), location != 0], ) model.add_transition(return_to_depot) self.transitions["return"] = return_to_depot model.add_state_constr( sum_capacities_backward[vehicles_] - load >= weight[unvisited] ) model.add_state_constr((m - vehicles + 1) * q - load >= weight[unvisited]) min_distance_to = model.add_int_table( [min(c[k][j] for k in range(n) if j != k) for j in range(n)] ) model.add_dual_bound( min_distance_to[unvisited] + (location != 0).if_then_else(min_distance_to[0], 0) ) min_distance_from = model.add_int_table( [min(c[j][k] for k in range(n) if j != k) for j in range(n)] ) model.add_dual_bound( min_distance_from[unvisited] + (location != 0).if_then_else(min_distance_from[location], 0) ) self.model = model
[docs] def retrieve_solution(self, sol: dp.Solution) -> Solution: list_paths = [[] for _ in range(self.problem.vehicle_count)] def extract_visit_number(text): match ="visit\s(\d+)", text, re.IGNORECASE) if match: return int( return None cur_index = 0 for t in sol.transitions: name = if "with a new vehicle" in name: cur_index += 1 if "return" in name: break list_paths[cur_index].append(extract_visit_number(name))"Cost: {sol.cost}") vrp_sol = VrpSolution( problem=self.problem, list_start_index=self.problem.start_indexes, list_end_index=self.problem.end_indexes, list_paths=list_paths, ) return vrp_sol
[docs] def set_warm_start(self, solution: VrpSolution) -> None: initial_solution = [] flattened = [] for v in range(len(solution.list_paths)): p = solution.list_paths[v] flattened += p if v != len(solution.list_paths) - 1: flattened += [("change_vehicle")] i = 0 while i < len(flattened): p = flattened[i] if p == "change_vehicle": initial_solution.append( self.transitions[("visit", "next_vehicle", flattened[i + 1])] ) i += 2 else: initial_solution.append( self.transitions[("visit", "current", flattened[i])] ) i += 1 initial_solution.append(self.transitions["return"]) self.initial_solution = initial_solution