Source code for decomon.core
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
import keras.ops as K
import numpy as np
from keras.config import floatx
from decomon.types import Tensor
class Slope(str, Enum):
V_SLOPE = "volume-slope"
A_SLOPE = "adaptative-slope"
S_SLOPE = "same-slope"
Z_SLOPE = "zero-lb"
O_SLOPE = "one-lb"
class PerturbationDomain(ABC):
opt_option: Option
def __init__(self, opt_option: Union[str, Option] = Option.milp):
self.opt_option = Option(opt_option)
def get_upper(self, x: Tensor, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
def get_lower(self, x: Tensor, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
def get_x_input_shape_wo_batchsize(self, original_input_dim: int) -> tuple[int, ...]:
n_comp_x = self.get_nb_x_components()
if n_comp_x == 1:
return (original_input_dim,)
return (
class BoxDomain(PerturbationDomain):
def get_upper(self, x: Tensor, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
x_min = x[:, 0]
x_max = x[:, 1]
return get_upper_box(x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, w=w, b=b, **kwargs)
def get_lower(self, x: Tensor, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
x_min = x[:, 0]
x_max = x[:, 1]
return get_lower_box(x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, w=w, b=b, **kwargs)
class BallDomain(PerturbationDomain):
def __init__(self, eps: float, p: float = 2, opt_option: Option = Option.milp):
self.eps = eps
# check on p
p_error_msg = "p must be a positive integer or np.inf"
if p != np.inf and (int(p) != p or p <= 0):
raise ValueError(p_error_msg)
raise ValueError(p_error_msg)
self.p = p
def get_config(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
config = super().get_config()
"eps": self.eps,
"p": self.p,
return config
def get_lower(self, x: Tensor, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
return get_lower_ball(x_0=x, eps=self.eps, p=self.p, w=w, b=b, **kwargs)
def get_upper(self, x: Tensor, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
return get_upper_ball(x_0=x, eps=self.eps, p=self.p, w=w, b=b, **kwargs)
class ForwardMode(str, Enum):
"""The different forward (from input to output) linear based relaxation perturbation analysis."""
IBP = "ibp"
"""Propagation of constant bounds from input to output."""
AFFINE = "affine"
"""Propagation of affine bounds from input to output."""
HYBRID = "hybrid"
"""Propagation of constant and affines bounds from input to output."""
def get_mode(ibp: bool = True, affine: bool = True) -> ForwardMode:
if ibp:
if affine:
return ForwardMode.HYBRID
return ForwardMode.IBP
return ForwardMode.AFFINE
def get_ibp(mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID) -> bool:
mode = ForwardMode(mode)
if mode in [ForwardMode.HYBRID, ForwardMode.IBP]:
return True
return False
def get_affine(mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID) -> bool:
mode = ForwardMode(mode)
if mode in [ForwardMode.HYBRID, ForwardMode.AFFINE]:
return True
return False
class InputsOutputsSpec:
"""Storing specifications for inputs and outputs of decomon/backward layer/model."""
def __init__(
dc_decomp: bool = False,
mode: Union[str, ForwardMode] = ForwardMode.HYBRID,
perturbation_domain: Optional[PerturbationDomain] = None,
model_input_dim: int = -1,
dc_decomp: boolean that indicates whether we return a
difference of convex decomposition of our layer
mode: type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
perturbation_domain: type of perturbation domain (box, ball, ...)
self.model_input_dim = model_input_dim
self.mode = ForwardMode(mode)
self.dc_decomp = dc_decomp
self.perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain
if perturbation_domain is None:
self.perturbation_domain = BoxDomain()
self.perturbation_domain = perturbation_domain
def nb_tensors(self) -> int:
if self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID:
nb_tensors = 7
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.IBP:
nb_tensors = 2
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
nb_tensors = 5
raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown forward mode {self.mode}")
if self.dc_decomp:
nb_tensors += 2
return nb_tensors
def ibp(self) -> bool:
return get_ibp(self.mode)
def affine(self) -> bool:
return get_affine(self.mode)
def get_kerasinputshape(self, inputsformode: list[Tensor]) -> tuple[Optional[int], ...]:
return inputsformode[-1].shape
def get_kerasinputshape_from_inputshapesformode(
self, inputshapesformode: list[tuple[Optional[int], ...]]
) -> tuple[Optional[int], ...]:
return inputshapesformode[-1]
def get_fullinputshapes_from_inputshapesformode(
inputshapesformode: list[tuple[Optional[int], ...]],
) -> list[tuple[Optional[int], ...]]:
nb_tensors = self.nb_tensors
empty_shape: tuple[Optional[int], ...] = tuple()
if self.dc_decomp:
if self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID:
) = inputshapesformode[:nb_tensors]
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.IBP:
u_c_shape, l_c_shape, h_shape, g_shape = inputshapesformode[:nb_tensors]
batchsize = u_c_shape[0]
x_shape = (batchsize,) + self.perturbation_domain.get_x_input_shape_wo_batchsize(self.model_input_dim)
b_shape = tuple(u_c_shape)
w_shape = tuple(u_c_shape) + (u_c_shape[-1],)
x_shape, w_u_shape, b_u_shape, w_l_shape, b_l_shape = (
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
x_shape, w_u_shape, b_u_shape, w_l_shape, b_l_shape, h_shape, g_shape = inputshapesformode[:nb_tensors]
u_l_shape = tuple(b_u_shape)
u_c_shape, l_c_shape = u_l_shape, u_l_shape
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {self.mode}")
h_shape, g_shape = empty_shape, empty_shape
if self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID:
x_shape, u_c_shape, w_u_shape, b_u_shape, l_c_shape, w_l_shape, b_l_shape = inputshapesformode[
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.IBP:
u_c_shape, l_c_shape = inputshapesformode[:nb_tensors]
batchsize = u_c_shape[0]
x_shape = (batchsize,) + self.perturbation_domain.get_x_input_shape_wo_batchsize(self.model_input_dim)
b_shape = tuple(u_c_shape)
w_shape = tuple(u_c_shape) + (u_c_shape[-1],)
x_shape, w_u_shape, b_u_shape, w_l_shape, b_l_shape = (
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
x_shape, w_u_shape, b_u_shape, w_l_shape, b_l_shape = inputshapesformode[:nb_tensors]
u_l_shape = tuple(b_u_shape)
u_c_shape, l_c_shape = u_l_shape, u_l_shape
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {self.mode}")
return [x_shape, u_c_shape, w_u_shape, b_u_shape, l_c_shape, w_l_shape, b_l_shape, h_shape, g_shape]
def get_fullinputs_from_inputsformode(
self, inputsformode: list[Tensor], compute_ibp_from_affine: bool = True, tight: bool = True
) -> list[Tensor]:
compute_ibp_from_affine: if True and mode == affine, compute ibp bounds from affine ones
with get_upper/get_lower
tight: if True and mode==hybrid, compute tight ibp bounds, i.e. take tighter bound between
- the ones from inputs, and
- the ones computed from affine bounds with get_upper/get_lower
dtype = inputsformode[0].dtype
nb_tensors = self.nb_tensors
nonelike_tensor = self.get_empty_tensor(dtype=dtype)
if self.dc_decomp:
if self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID:
x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g = inputsformode[:nb_tensors]
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.IBP:
u_c, l_c, h, g = inputsformode[:nb_tensors]
x, w_u, b_u, w_l, b_l = (
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
x, w_u, b_u, w_l, b_l, h, g = inputsformode[:nb_tensors]
u_c, l_c = nonelike_tensor, nonelike_tensor
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {self.mode}")
h, g = nonelike_tensor, nonelike_tensor
if self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID:
x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l = inputsformode[:nb_tensors]
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.IBP:
u_c, l_c = inputsformode[:nb_tensors]
x, w_u, b_u, w_l, b_l = (
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
x, w_u, b_u, w_l, b_l = inputsformode[:nb_tensors]
u_c, l_c = nonelike_tensor, nonelike_tensor
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {self.mode}")
compute_ibp_from_affine = (compute_ibp_from_affine and self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE) or (
tight and self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID
if compute_ibp_from_affine:
u_c_affine = self.perturbation_domain.get_upper(x, w_u, b_u)
l_c_affine = self.perturbation_domain.get_lower(x, w_l, b_l)
if self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
u_c = u_c_affine
l_c = l_c_affine
u_c = K.minimum(u_c, u_c_affine)
l_c = K.maximum(l_c, l_c_affine)
return [x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g]
def get_fullinputs_by_type_from_inputsformode_to_merge(
self, inputsformode: list[Tensor], compute_ibp_from_affine: bool = False, tight: bool = True
) -> list[list[Tensor]]:
compute_ibp_from_affine: if True and mode == affine, compute ibp bounds from affine ones
with get_upper/get_lower
tight: if True and mode==hybrid, compute tight ibp bounds, i.e. take tighter bound between
- the ones from inputs, and
- the ones computed from affine bounds with get_upper/get_lower
dtype = inputsformode[0].dtype
nb_tensors_by_input = self.nb_tensors
nb_inputs = len(inputsformode) // nb_tensors_by_input
nonelike_tensor = self.get_empty_tensor(dtype=dtype)
nonelike_tensor_list = [nonelike_tensor] * nb_inputs
if self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID:
inputs_x = inputsformode[0::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_u_c = inputsformode[1::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_w_u = inputsformode[2::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_b_u = inputsformode[3::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_l_c = inputsformode[4::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_w_l = inputsformode[5::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_b_l = inputsformode[6::nb_tensors_by_input]
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.IBP:
inputs_u_c = inputsformode[0::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_l_c = inputsformode[1::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_x, inputs_w_u, inputs_b_u, inputs_w_l, inputs_b_l = (
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
inputs_x = inputsformode[0::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_w_u = inputsformode[1::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_b_u = inputsformode[2::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_w_l = inputsformode[3::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_b_l = inputsformode[4::nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_u_c, inputs_l_c = nonelike_tensor_list, nonelike_tensor_list
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {self.mode}")
if self.dc_decomp:
inputs_h = inputsformode[nb_tensors_by_input - 2 :: nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_g = inputsformode[nb_tensors_by_input - 1 :: nb_tensors_by_input]
inputs_h, inputs_g = nonelike_tensor_list, nonelike_tensor_list
# compute ibp bounds from affine bounds
compute_ibp_from_affine = (compute_ibp_from_affine and self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE) or (
tight and self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID
if compute_ibp_from_affine:
for i in range(len(inputs_x)):
u_c_affine = self.perturbation_domain.get_upper(inputs_x[i], inputs_w_u[i], inputs_b_u[i])
l_c_affine = self.perturbation_domain.get_lower(inputs_x[i], inputs_w_l[i], inputs_b_l[i])
if self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
inputs_u_c[i] = u_c_affine
inputs_l_c[i] = l_c_affine
inputs_u_c[i] = K.minimum(inputs_u_c[i], u_c_affine)
inputs_l_c[i] = K.maximum(inputs_l_c[i], l_c_affine)
return [inputs_x, inputs_u_c, inputs_w_u, inputs_b_u, inputs_l_c, inputs_w_l, inputs_b_l, inputs_h, inputs_g]
def split_inputsformode_to_merge(self, inputsformode: list[Any]) -> list[list[Any]]:
n_comp = self.nb_tensors
return [inputsformode[n_comp * i : n_comp * (i + 1)] for i in range(len(inputsformode) // n_comp)]
def extract_inputsformode_from_fullinputs(self, inputs: list[Tensor]) -> list[Tensor]:
x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g = inputs
if self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID:
inputsformode = [x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l]
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.IBP:
inputsformode = [u_c, l_c]
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
inputsformode = [x, w_u, b_u, w_l, b_l]
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {self.mode}")
if self.dc_decomp:
inputsformode += [h, g]
return inputsformode
def extract_inputshapesformode_from_fullinputshapes(
self, inputshapes: list[tuple[Optional[int], ...]]
) -> list[tuple[Optional[int], ...]]:
x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g = inputshapes
if self.mode == ForwardMode.HYBRID:
inputshapesformode = [x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l]
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.IBP:
inputshapesformode = [u_c, l_c]
elif self.mode == ForwardMode.AFFINE:
inputshapesformode = [x, w_u, b_u, w_l, b_l]
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {self.mode}")
if self.dc_decomp:
inputshapesformode += [h, g]
return inputshapesformode
def extract_outputsformode_from_fulloutputs(self, outputs: list[Tensor]) -> list[Tensor]:
return self.extract_inputsformode_from_fullinputs(outputs)
def get_empty_tensor(dtype: Optional[str] = None) -> Tensor:
if dtype is None:
dtype = floatx()
return K.convert_to_tensor([], dtype=dtype)
def get_upper_box(x_min: Tensor, x_max: Tensor, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
"""#compute the max of an affine function
within a box (hypercube) defined by its extremal corners
x_min: lower bound of the box domain
x_max: upper bound of the box domain
w: weights of the affine function
b: bias of the affine function
max_(x >= x_min, x<=x_max) w*x + b
if len(w.shape) == len(b.shape): # identity function
return x_max
# split into positive and negative components
z_value = K.cast(0.0, dtype=x_min.dtype)
w_pos = K.maximum(w, z_value)
w_neg = K.minimum(w, z_value)
x_min_out = x_min + z_value * x_min
x_max_out = x_max + z_value * x_max
for _ in range(len(w.shape) - len(x_max.shape)):
x_min_out = K.expand_dims(x_min_out, -1)
x_max_out = K.expand_dims(x_max_out, -1)
return K.sum(w_pos * x_max_out + w_neg * x_min_out, 1) + b
def get_lower_box(x_min: Tensor, x_max: Tensor, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
x_min: lower bound of the box domain
x_max: upper bound of the box domain
w_l: weights of the affine lower bound
b_l: bias of the affine lower bound
min_(x >= x_min, x<=x_max) w*x + b
if len(w.shape) == len(b.shape):
return x_min
z_value = K.cast(0.0, dtype=x_min.dtype)
w_pos = K.maximum(w, z_value)
w_neg = K.minimum(w, z_value)
x_min_out = x_min + z_value * x_min
x_max_out = x_max + z_value * x_max
for _ in range(len(w.shape) - len(x_max.shape)):
x_min_out = K.expand_dims(x_min_out, -1)
x_max_out = K.expand_dims(x_max_out, -1)
return K.sum(w_pos * x_min_out + w_neg * x_max_out, 1) + b
def get_lq_norm(x: Tensor, p: float, axis: int = -1) -> Tensor:
"""compute Lp norm (p=1 or 2)
x: tensor
p: the power must be an integer in (1, 2)
axis: the axis on which we compute the norm
if p == 1:
x_q = K.max(K.abs(x), axis)
elif p == 2:
x_q = K.sqrt(K.sum(K.power(x, p), axis))
raise NotImplementedError("p must be equal to 1 or 2")
return x_q
def get_upper_ball(x_0: Tensor, eps: float, p: float, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
"""max of an affine function over an Lp ball
x_0: the center of the ball
eps: the radius
p: the type of Lp norm considered
w: weights of the affine function
b: bias of the affine function
max_(|x - x_0|_p<= eps) w*x + b
if len(w.shape) == len(b.shape):
return x_0 + eps
if p == np.inf:
# compute x_min and x_max according to eps
x_min = x_0 - eps
x_max = x_0 + eps
return get_upper_box(x_min, x_max, w, b)
# use Holder's inequality p+q=1
# ||w||_q*eps + w*x_0 + b
if len(kwargs):
return get_upper_ball_finetune(x_0, eps, p, w, b, **kwargs)
upper = eps * get_lq_norm(w, p, axis=1) + b
for _ in range(len(w.shape) - len(x_0.shape)):
x_0 = K.expand_dims(x_0, -1)
return K.sum(w * x_0, 1) + upper
def get_lower_ball(x_0: Tensor, eps: float, p: float, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
"""min of an affine fucntion over an Lp ball
x_0: the center of the ball
eps: the radius
p: the type of Lp norm considered
w: weights of the affine function
b: bias of the affine function
min_(|x - x_0|_p<= eps) w*x + b
if len(w.shape) == len(b.shape):
return x_0 - eps
if p == np.inf:
# compute x_min and x_max according to eps
x_min = x_0 - eps
x_max = x_0 + eps
return get_lower_box(x_min, x_max, w, b)
# use Holder's inequality p+q=1
# ||w||_q*eps + w*x_0 + b
if len(kwargs):
return get_lower_ball_finetune(x_0, eps, p, w, b, **kwargs)
lower = -eps * get_lq_norm(w, p, axis=1) + b
for _ in range(len(w.shape) - len(x_0.shape)):
x_0 = K.expand_dims(x_0, -1)
return K.sum(w * x_0, 1) + lower
def get_lower_ball_finetune(x_0: Tensor, eps: float, p: float, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
if "finetune_lower" in kwargs and "upper" in kwargs or "lower" in kwargs:
alpha = kwargs["finetune_lower"]
# assume alpha is the same shape as w, minus the batch dimension
n_shape = len(w.shape) - 2
z_value = K.cast(0.0, dtype=w.dtype)
if "upper" and "lower" in kwargs:
upper = kwargs["upper"] # flatten vector
lower = kwargs["lower"] # flatten vector
upper_reshaped = np.reshape(upper, [1, -1] + [1] * n_shape)
lower_reshaped = np.reshape(lower, [1, -1] + [1] * n_shape)
w_alpha = w * alpha[None]
w_alpha_bar = w * (1 - alpha)
score_box = K.sum(K.maximum(z_value, w_alpha_bar) * lower_reshaped, 1) + K.sum(
K.minimum(z_value, w_alpha_bar) * upper_reshaped, 1
score_ball = get_lower_ball(x_0, eps, p, w_alpha, b)
return score_box + score_ball
if "upper" in kwargs:
upper = kwargs["upper"] # flatten vector
upper_reshaped = np.reshape(upper, [1, -1] + [1] * n_shape)
w_alpha = K.minimum(z_value, w) * alpha[None] + K.maximum(z_value, w)
w_alpha_bar = K.minimum(z_value, w) * (1 - alpha[None])
score_box = K.sum(K.minimum(z_value, w_alpha_bar) * upper_reshaped, 1)
score_ball = get_lower_ball(x_0, eps, p, w_alpha, b)
return score_box + score_ball
if "lower" in kwargs:
lower = kwargs["lower"] # flatten vector
lower_reshaped = np.reshape(lower, [1, -1] + [1] * n_shape)
w_alpha = K.maximum(z_value, w) * alpha[None] + K.minimum(z_value, w)
w_alpha_bar = K.maximum(z_value, w) * (1 - alpha[None])
score_box = K.sum(K.maximum(z_value, w_alpha_bar) * lower_reshaped, 1)
score_ball = get_lower_ball(x_0, eps, p, w_alpha, b)
return score_box + score_ball
return get_lower_ball(x_0, eps, p, w, b)
def get_upper_ball_finetune(x_0: Tensor, eps: float, p: float, w: Tensor, b: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Tensor:
if "finetune_upper" in kwargs and "upper" in kwargs or "lower" in kwargs:
alpha = kwargs["finetune_upper"]
# assume alpha is the same shape as w, minus the batch dimension
n_shape = len(w.shape) - 2
z_value = K.cast(0.0, dtype=w.dtype)
if "upper" and "lower" in kwargs:
upper = kwargs["upper"] # flatten vector
lower = kwargs["lower"] # flatten vector
upper_reshaped = np.reshape(upper, [1, -1] + [1] * n_shape)
lower_reshaped = np.reshape(lower, [1, -1] + [1] * n_shape)
w_alpha = w * alpha[None]
w_alpha_bar = w * (1 - alpha)
score_box = K.sum(K.maximum(z_value, w_alpha_bar) * upper_reshaped, 1) + K.sum(
K.minimum(z_value, w_alpha_bar) * lower_reshaped, 1
score_ball = get_lower_ball(x_0, eps, p, w_alpha, b)
return score_box + score_ball
if "upper" in kwargs:
upper = kwargs["upper"] # flatten vector
upper_reshaped = np.reshape(upper, [1, -1] + [1] * n_shape)
w_alpha = K.minimum(z_value, w) * alpha[None] + K.maximum(z_value, w)
w_alpha_bar = K.minimum(z_value, w) * (1 - alpha[None])
score_box = K.sum(K.maximum(z_value, w_alpha_bar) * upper_reshaped, 1)
score_ball = get_lower_ball(x_0, eps, p, w_alpha, b)
return score_box + score_ball
if "lower" in kwargs:
lower = kwargs["lower"] # flatten vector
lower_reshaped = np.reshape(lower, [1, -1] + [1] * n_shape)
w_alpha = K.maximum(z_value, w) * alpha[None] + K.minimum(z_value, w)
w_alpha_bar = K.maximum(z_value, w) * (1 - alpha[None])
score_box = K.sum(K.minimum(z_value, w_alpha_bar) * lower_reshaped, 1)
score_ball = get_lower_ball(x_0, eps, p, w_alpha, b)
return score_box + score_ball
return get_upper_ball(x_0, eps, p, w, b)