decomon package
- decomon.backward_layers package
- Submodules
- decomon.backward_layers.activations module
- decomon.backward_layers.backward_layers module
- decomon.backward_layers.backward_maxpooling module
- decomon.backward_layers.backward_merge module
- decomon.backward_layers.backward_reshape module
- decomon.backward_layers.convert module
- decomon.backward_layers.core module
- decomon.backward_layers.utils module
- decomon.backward_layers.utils_conv module
- Module contents
- decomon.layers package
- Submodules
- decomon.layers.activations module
- decomon.layers.convert module
- decomon.layers.core module
- decomon.layers.decomon_layers module
- decomon.layers.decomon_merge_layers module
- decomon.layers.decomon_reshape module
- decomon.layers.maxpooling module
- decomon.layers.utils module
- decomon.layers.utils_pooling module
- Module contents
- decomon.metrics package
- Submodules
- decomon.metrics.complexity module
- decomon.metrics.loss module
- decomon.metrics.metric module
- decomon.metrics.utils module
- Module contents
- decomon.models package
- Submodules
- decomon.models.backward_cloning module
- decomon.models.convert module
- module
- decomon.models.forward_cloning module
- decomon.models.models module
- decomon.models.utils module
- Module contents
- decomon.types package
decomon.core module
- class decomon.core.BallDomain(eps: float, p: float = 2, opt_option: Option = Option.milp)[source]
- get_lower(x: KerasTensor | Any, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- class decomon.core.BoxDomain(opt_option: str | Option = Option.milp)[source]
- get_lower(x: KerasTensor | Any, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- class decomon.core.ForwardMode(value)[source]
The different forward (from input to output) linear based relaxation perturbation analysis.
- AFFINE = 'affine'
Propagation of affine bounds from input to output.
- HYBRID = 'hybrid'
Propagation of constant and affines bounds from input to output.
- IBP = 'ibp'
Propagation of constant bounds from input to output.
- class decomon.core.GridDomain(opt_option: str | Option = Option.milp)[source]
- class decomon.core.InputsOutputsSpec(dc_decomp: bool = False, mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, model_input_dim: int = -1)[source]
Storing specifications for inputs and outputs of decomon/backward layer/model.
- property affine: bool
- extract_inputsformode_from_fullinputs(inputs: list[KerasTensor | Any]) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- extract_inputshapesformode_from_fullinputshapes(inputshapes: list[tuple[int | None, ...]]) list[tuple[int | None, ...]] [source]
- extract_outputsformode_from_fulloutputs(outputs: list[KerasTensor | Any]) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- get_fullinputs_by_type_from_inputsformode_to_merge(inputsformode: list[KerasTensor | Any], compute_ibp_from_affine: bool = False, tight: bool = True) list[list[KerasTensor | Any]] [source]
- Parameters:
inputsformode –
compute_ibp_from_affine – if True and mode == affine, compute ibp bounds from affine ones with get_upper/get_lower
tight – if True and mode==hybrid, compute tight ibp bounds, i.e. take tighter bound between - the ones from inputs, and - the ones computed from affine bounds with get_upper/get_lower
- get_fullinputs_from_inputsformode(inputsformode: list[KerasTensor | Any], compute_ibp_from_affine: bool = True, tight: bool = True) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- Parameters:
inputsformode –
compute_ibp_from_affine – if True and mode == affine, compute ibp bounds from affine ones with get_upper/get_lower
tight – if True and mode==hybrid, compute tight ibp bounds, i.e. take tighter bound between - the ones from inputs, and - the ones computed from affine bounds with get_upper/get_lower
- get_fullinputshapes_from_inputshapesformode(inputshapesformode: list[tuple[int | None, ...]]) list[tuple[int | None, ...]] [source]
- get_kerasinputshape_from_inputshapesformode(inputshapesformode: list[tuple[int | None, ...]]) tuple[int | None, ...] [source]
- property ibp: bool
- property nb_tensors: int
- class decomon.core.Option(value)[source]
An enumeration.
- lagrangian = 'lagrangian'
- milp = 'milp'
- class decomon.core.PerturbationDomain(opt_option: str | Option = Option.milp)[source]
- abstract get_lower(x: KerasTensor | Any, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- class decomon.core.Slope(value)[source]
An enumeration.
- A_SLOPE = 'adaptative-slope'
- O_SLOPE = 'one-lb'
- S_SLOPE = 'same-slope'
- V_SLOPE = 'volume-slope'
- Z_SLOPE = 'zero-lb'
- class decomon.core.VertexDomain(opt_option: str | Option = Option.milp)[source]
- decomon.core.get_affine(mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID) bool [source]
- decomon.core.get_ibp(mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID) bool [source]
- decomon.core.get_lower_ball(x_0: KerasTensor | Any, eps: float, p: float, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
min of an affine fucntion over an Lp ball
- Parameters:
x_0 – the center of the ball
eps – the radius
p – the type of Lp norm considered
w – weights of the affine function
b – bias of the affine function
- Returns:
min_(|x - x_0|_p<= eps) w*x + b
- decomon.core.get_lower_ball_finetune(x_0: KerasTensor | Any, eps: float, p: float, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- decomon.core.get_lower_box(x_min: KerasTensor | Any, x_max: KerasTensor | Any, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- Parameters:
x_min – lower bound of the box domain
x_max – upper bound of the box domain
w_l – weights of the affine lower bound
b_l – bias of the affine lower bound
- Returns:
min_(x >= x_min, x<=x_max) w*x + b
- decomon.core.get_lq_norm(x: KerasTensor | Any, p: float, axis: int = -1) KerasTensor | Any [source]
compute Lp norm (p=1 or 2)
- Parameters:
x – tensor
p – the power must be an integer in (1, 2)
axis – the axis on which we compute the norm
- Returns:
- decomon.core.get_mode(ibp: bool = True, affine: bool = True) ForwardMode [source]
- decomon.core.get_upper_ball(x_0: KerasTensor | Any, eps: float, p: float, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
max of an affine function over an Lp ball
- Parameters:
x_0 – the center of the ball
eps – the radius
p – the type of Lp norm considered
w – weights of the affine function
b – bias of the affine function
- Returns:
max_(|x - x_0|_p<= eps) w*x + b
- decomon.core.get_upper_ball_finetune(x_0: KerasTensor | Any, eps: float, p: float, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- decomon.core.get_upper_box(x_min: KerasTensor | Any, x_max: KerasTensor | Any, w: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, **kwargs: Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
#compute the max of an affine function within a box (hypercube) defined by its extremal corners
- Parameters:
x_min – lower bound of the box domain
x_max – upper bound of the box domain
w – weights of the affine function
b – bias of the affine function
- Returns:
max_(x >= x_min, x<=x_max) w*x + b
decomon.keras_utils module
- class decomon.keras_utils.BatchedDiagLike(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Keras Operation transforming last dimension into a diagonal tensor.
The output shape is tuple(x.shape) + (x.shape[-1],). When fixing all but 2 last dimensions, the output tensor is a square tensor whose main diagonal is the input tensor with same first dimensions fixed, and 0 elsewhere.
This is a replacement for tensorflow.linalg.diag().
- class decomon.keras_utils.BatchedIdentityLike(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Keras Operation creating an identity tensor with shape (including batch_size) based on input.
The output shape is tuple(x.shape) + (x.shape[-1],), the tensor being the identity along the 2 last dimensions.
- decomon.keras_utils.check_if_single_shape(shape: Any) bool [source]
- Parameters:
input_shape –
- decomon.keras_utils.get_weight_index(layer: Layer, weight: Variable) int [source]
Get weight index among layer tracked weights
- Parameters:
layer – layer we are looking
weight – weight supposed to be part of tracked weights by the layer
- Returns:
the index of the weight in layer.weights list
- Raises:
IndexError – if weight is not part of layer.weights
- decomon.keras_utils.get_weight_index_from_name(layer: Layer, weight_name: str) int [source]
Get weight index among layer tracked weights
- Parameters:
layer – layer we are looking
weight_name – name of the weight supposed to be part of tracked weights by the layer
- Returns:
the index of the weight in layer.weights list
- Raises:
AttributeError – if weight_name is not the name of an attribute of layer
IndexError – if the corresponding layer attribute is not part of layer.weights
- decomon.keras_utils.is_symbolic_tensor(x: KerasTensor | Any) bool [source]
Check whether the tensor is symbolic or not.
Works even during backend calls made by layers without actual compute_output_shape(). In this case, x is not KerasTensor anymore but a backend Tensor with None in its shape.
- decomon.keras_utils.reset_layer(new_layer: Layer, original_layer: Layer, weight_names: list[str]) None [source]
Reset some weights of a layer by using the weights of another layer.
- Parameters:
new_layer – the decomon layer whose weights will be updated
original_layer – the layer used to update the weights
weight_names – the names of the weights to update
- decomon.keras_utils.reset_layer_all_weights(new_layer: Layer, original_layer: Layer) None [source]
Reset all the weights of a layer by using the weights of another layer.
- Parameters:
new_layer – the decomon layer whose weights will be updated
original_layer – the layer used to update the weights
Share all the weights of an already built layer to another unbuilt layer.
- Parameters:
original_layer – the layer used to share the weights
new_layer – the new layer which will be buit and will share the weights of the original layer
Share the weights specidifed by names of an already built layer to another unbuilt layer.
We assume that each weight is also an original_laer’s attribute whose name is the weight name.
- Parameters:
original_layer – the layer used to share the weights
new_layer – the new layer which will be buit and will share the weights of the original layer
weight_names – names of the weights to share
decomon.utils module
- decomon.utils.add(inputs_0: list[KerasTensor | Any], inputs_1: list[KerasTensor | Any], dc_decomp: bool = False, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
LiRPA implementation of inputs_0+inputs_1
- Parameters:
inputs_0 – tensor
inputs_1 – tensor
dc_decomp – boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain – the type of perturbation domain
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
- Returns:
inputs_0 + inputs_1
- decomon.utils.convert_lower_search_2_subset_sum(x: KerasTensor | Any, W: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, n: int) tuple[KerasTensor | Any, KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- decomon.utils.get_bound_grid(x: KerasTensor | Any, W_u: KerasTensor | Any, b_u: KerasTensor | Any, W_l: KerasTensor | Any, b_l: KerasTensor | Any, n: int) tuple[KerasTensor | Any, KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- decomon.utils.get_linear_hull_relu(upper: KerasTensor | Any, lower: KerasTensor | Any, slope: str | Slope, upper_g: float = 0.0, lower_g: float = 0.0, **kwargs: Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- decomon.utils.get_linear_hull_s_shape(inputs: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any], func:[[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any], ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any] = <function sigmoid>, f_prime:[[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any], ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any] = <function sigmoid_prime>, perturbation_domain: ~decomon.core.PerturbationDomain | None = None, mode: str | ~decomon.core.ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID, slope: str | ~decomon.core.Slope = Slope.V_SLOPE, dc_decomp: bool = False, **kwargs: ~typing.Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
Computing the linear hull of shape functions given the pre activation neurons
- Parameters:
inputs – list of input tensors
func – the function (sigmoid, tanh, softsign…)
f_prime – the derivative of the function (sigmoid_prime…)
perturbation_domain – the type of convex input domain
mode – type of Forward propagation (ibp, affine, or hybrid)
- Returns:
the updated list of tensors
- decomon.utils.get_linear_hull_sigmoid(upper: KerasTensor | Any, lower: KerasTensor | Any, slope: str | Slope, **kwargs: Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- decomon.utils.get_linear_hull_tanh(upper: KerasTensor | Any, lower: KerasTensor | Any, slope: str | Slope, **kwargs: Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- decomon.utils.get_linear_softplus_hull(upper: KerasTensor | Any, lower: KerasTensor | Any, slope: str | Slope, **kwargs: Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- decomon.utils.get_lower_bound_grid(x: KerasTensor | Any, W: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, n: int) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- decomon.utils.get_t_lower(u_c_flat: ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any, l_c_flat: ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any, s_u: ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any, func:[[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any], ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any] = <function sigmoid>, f_prime:[[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any], ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any] = <function sigmoid_prime>) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
linear interpolation between lower and upper bounds on the function func to have a symbolic approximation of the best coefficient for the affine lower bound
- Parameters:
u_c_flat – flatten tensor of constant upper bound
l_c_flat – flatten tensor of constant lower bound
s_u – highest value of the function func on the domain
func – the function (sigmoid, tanh, softsign)
f_prime – the derivative of the function
- Returns:
the lower affine bounds in this subcase
- decomon.utils.get_t_upper(u_c_flat: ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any, l_c_flat: ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any, s_l: ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any, func:[[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any], ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any] = <function sigmoid>, f_prime:[[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any], ~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor | ~typing.Any] = <function sigmoid_prime>) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
linear interpolation between lower and upper bounds on the function func to have a symbolic approximation of the best coefficient for the affine upper bound
- Parameters:
u_c_flat – flatten tensor of constant upper bound
l_c_flat – flatten tensor of constant lower bound
s_l – lowest value of the function func on the domain
func – the function (sigmoid, tanh, softsign)
f_prime – the derivative of the function
- Returns:
the upper affine bounds in this subcase
- decomon.utils.get_upper_bound_grid(x: KerasTensor | Any, W: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, n: int) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- decomon.utils.maximum(inputs_0: list[KerasTensor | Any], inputs_1: list[KerasTensor | Any], dc_decomp: bool = False, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID, finetune: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
LiRPA implementation of element-wise max
- Parameters:
inputs_0 – list of tensors
inputs_1 – list of tensors
dc_decomp – boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain – the type of perturbation domain
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
- Returns:
maximum(inputs_0, inputs_1)
- decomon.utils.minimum(inputs_0: list[KerasTensor | Any], inputs_1: list[KerasTensor | Any], dc_decomp: bool = False, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID, finetune: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
LiRPA implementation of element-wise min
- Parameters:
inputs_0 –
inputs_1 –
dc_decomp –
perturbation_domain –
mode –
- decomon.utils.minus(inputs: list[KerasTensor | Any], mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID, dc_decomp: bool = False, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, **kwargs: Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
LiRPA implementation of minus(x)=-x.
- Parameters:
inputs –
mode –
- decomon.utils.relu_(inputs: list[KerasTensor | Any], dc_decomp: bool = False, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID, slope: str | Slope = Slope.V_SLOPE, **kwargs: Any) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
- decomon.utils.relu_prime(x: KerasTensor | Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
Derivative of relu
- Parameters:
x –
- decomon.utils.sigmoid_prime(x: KerasTensor | Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
Derivative of sigmoid
- Parameters:
x –
- decomon.utils.softsign_prime(x: KerasTensor | Any) KerasTensor | Any [source]
Derivative of softsign
- Parameters:
x –
- decomon.utils.subset_sum_lower(W: KerasTensor | Any, b: KerasTensor | Any, repeat: int = 1) KerasTensor | Any [source]
- decomon.utils.subtract(inputs_0: list[KerasTensor | Any], inputs_1: list[KerasTensor | Any], dc_decomp: bool = False, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, mode: str | ForwardMode = ForwardMode.HYBRID) list[KerasTensor | Any] [source]
LiRPA implementation of inputs_0-inputs_1
- Parameters:
inputs_0 – tensor
inputs_1 – tensor
dc_decomp – boolean that indicates
perturbation_domain – the type of perturbation domain
whether we return a difference of convex decomposition of our layer
- Returns:
inputs_0 - inputs_1
decomon.wrapper module
- decomon.wrapper.IntegerType
Alias for integers types.
alias of
- decomon.wrapper.LabelType
Alias for labels types.
alias of
- decomon.wrapper.check_adv_box(model: Model | DecomonModel, x_min: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], x_max: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], source_labels: ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]], target_labels: ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]] | None = None, batch_size: int = -1) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
if the output is negative, then it is a formal guarantee that there is no adversarial examples
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x_min – numpy array for the extremal lower corner of the boxes
x_max – numpy array for the extremal upper corner of the boxes
source_labels – the list of label that should be predicted all the time in the box (either an integer, either an array that can contain multiple source labels for each sample)
target_labels – the list of label that should never be predicted in the box (either an integer, either an array that can contain multiple target labels for each sample)
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with upper bounds for adversarial attacks
- decomon.wrapper.get_adv_box(model: Model | DecomonModel, x_min: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], x_max: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], source_labels: int | int64 | Sequence[int | int64] | ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]], target_labels: int | int64 | Sequence[int | int64] | ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]] | None = None, batch_size: int = -1, n_sub_boxes: int = 1) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
if the output is negative, then it is a formal guarantee that there is no adversarial examples
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x_min – numpy array for the extremal lower corner of the boxes
x_max – numpy array for the extremal upper corner of the boxes
source_labels – the list of label that should be predicted all the time in the box (either an integer, either an array that can contain multiple source labels for each sample)
target_labels – the list of label that should never be predicted in the box (either an integer, either an array that can contain multiple target labels for each sample)
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
n_sub_boxes –
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with upper bounds for adversarial attacks
- decomon.wrapper.get_adv_noise(model: Model | DecomonModel, x: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], source_labels: int | int64 | Sequence[int | int64] | ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]], eps: float = 0.0, p: float = inf, target_labels: int | int64 | Sequence[int | int64] | ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]] | None = None, batch_size: int = -1) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
if the output is negative, then it is a formal guarantee that there is no adversarial examples
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x_min – numpy array for the extremal lower corner of the boxes
x_max – numpy array for the extremal upper corner of the boxes
source_labels – the list of label that should be predicted all the time in the box (either an integer, either an array that can contain multiple source labels for each sample)
target_labels – the list of label that should never be predicted in the box (either an integer, either an array that can contain multiple target labels for each sample)
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with upper bounds for adversarial attacks
- decomon.wrapper.get_lower_box(model: Model | DecomonModel, x_min: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], x_max: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], batch_size: int = -1, n_sub_boxes: int = 1) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
lower bound the minimum of a model in a given box
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x_min – numpy array for the extremal lower corner of the boxes
x_max – numpy array for the extremal upper corner of the boxes
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with lower bounds for adversarial attacks
- decomon.wrapper.get_lower_noise(model: Model | DecomonModel, x: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], eps: float, p: float = inf, batch_size: int = -1) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
lower bound the minimum of a model in an Lp Ball
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x – numpy array, the example around
eps – the radius of the ball
p – the type of Lp norm (p=2, 1, np.inf)
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with lower bounds of the range of values taken by the model inside the ball
- decomon.wrapper.get_range_box(model: Model | DecomonModel, x_min: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], x_max: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], batch_size: int = -1, n_sub_boxes: int = 1) tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]] [source]
bounding the outputs of a model in a given box if the constant is negative, then it is a formal guarantee that there is no adversarial examples
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x_min – numpy array for the extremal lower corner of the boxes
x_max – numpy array for the extremal upper corner of the boxes
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
- Returns:
2 numpy array, vector with upper bounds and vector with lower bounds
- decomon.wrapper.get_range_noise(model: Model | DecomonModel, x: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], eps: float, p: float = inf, batch_size: int = -1) tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]] [source]
Bounds the output of a model in an Lp Ball
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x – numpy array, the example around
eps – the radius of the ball
p – the type of Lp norm (p=2, 1, np.inf)
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
- Returns:
2 numpy arrays, vector with upper andlower bounds
of the range of values taken by the model inside the ball
- decomon.wrapper.get_upper_box(model: Model | DecomonModel, x_min: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], x_max: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], batch_size: int = -1, n_sub_boxes: int = 1) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
upper bound the maximum of a model in a given box
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x_min – numpy array for the extremal lower corner of the boxes
x_max – numpy array for the extremal upper corner of the boxes
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with upper bounds for adversarial attacks
- decomon.wrapper.get_upper_noise(model: Model | DecomonModel, x: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], eps: float, p: float = inf, batch_size: int = -1) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
upper bound the maximum of a model in an Lp Ball
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x – numpy array, the example around
eps – the radius of the ball
p – the type of Lp norm (p=2, 1, np.inf)
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with upper bounds of the range of values taken by the model inside the ball
- decomon.wrapper.prepare_labels(labels: int | int64 | Sequence[int | int64] | ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]], n_batch: int) ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]] [source]
- decomon.wrapper.refine_box(func: Callable[[...], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]], model: Model | DecomonModel, x_min: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], x_max: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], n_split: int, source_labels: ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]] | None = None, target_labels: ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]] | None = None, batch_size: int = -1, random: bool = True) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
decomon.wrapper_with_tuning module
- decomon.wrapper_with_tuning.get_lower_box_tuning(model: Model | DecomonModel, decomon_model_concat: Model, x_min: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], x_max: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], batch_size: int = 1, n_sub_boxes: int = 1, lr: float = 0.1, epochs: int = 100) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
upper bound the maximum of a model in a given box
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x_min – numpy array for the extremal lower corner of the boxes
x_max – numpy array for the extremal upper corner of the boxes
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
fast – useful in the forward-backward or in the hybrid-backward mode to optimize the scores
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with upper bounds for adversarial attacks
- decomon.wrapper_with_tuning.get_upper_box_tuning(model: Model | DecomonModel, decomon_model_concat: Model, x_min: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], x_max: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], batch_size: int = 1, n_sub_boxes: int = 1, lr: float = 0.1, epochs: int = 100) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] [source]
upper bound the maximum of a model in a given box
- Parameters:
model – either a Keras model or a Decomon model
x_min – numpy array for the extremal lower corner of the boxes
x_max – numpy array for the extremal upper corner of the boxes
batch_size – for computational efficiency, one can split the calls to minibatches
fast – useful in the forward-backward or in the hybrid-backward mode to optimize the scores
- Returns:
numpy array, vector with upper bounds for adversarial attacks
Module contents
The goal of Decomon is to provide a simple interface to the latest explanation techniques for certified perturbation analysis