decomon.models package


decomon.models.backward_cloning module

decomon.models.backward_cloning.convert_backward(model: ~keras.src.models.model.Model, input_tensors: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor], back_bounds: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | None = None, slope: str | ~decomon.core.Slope = Slope.V_SLOPE, ibp: bool = True, affine: bool = True, perturbation_domain: ~decomon.core.PerturbationDomain | None = None, finetune: bool = False, forward_map: dict[str | int, list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | dict[str | int, list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | OutputMapDict]] | None = None, softmax_to_linear: bool = True, joint: bool = True, layer_fn:[[...], ~decomon.backward_layers.core.BackwardLayer] = <function to_backward>, final_ibp: bool = True, final_affine: bool = False, input_dim: int = -1, **kwargs: ~typing.Any) tuple[list[KerasTensor], list[KerasTensor], dict[int, BackwardLayer], None][source]
decomon.models.backward_cloning.crown_(node: Node, ibp: bool, affine: bool, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain, input_map: dict[int, list[KerasTensor]], layer_fn: Callable[[Layer], BackwardLayer], backward_bounds: list[KerasTensor], backward_map: dict[int, BackwardLayer] | None = None, joint: bool = True, fuse: bool = True, output_map: dict[int, list[KerasTensor]] | None = None, merge_layers: Layer | None = None, fuse_layer: Layer | None = None, **kwargs: Any) tuple[list[KerasTensor], Layer | None][source]
  • node

  • ibp

  • affine

  • input_map

  • layer_fn

  • backward_bounds

  • backward_map

  • joint

  • fuse


list of 4 tensors affine upper and lower bounds

decomon.models.backward_cloning.crown_model(model: ~keras.src.models.model.Model, input_tensors: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor], back_bounds: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | None = None, slope: str | ~decomon.core.Slope = Slope.V_SLOPE, ibp: bool = True, affine: bool = True, perturbation_domain: ~decomon.core.PerturbationDomain | None = None, finetune: bool = False, forward_map: dict[str | int, list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | dict[str | int, list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | OutputMapDict]] | None = None, softmax_to_linear: bool = True, joint: bool = True, layer_fn:[[...], ~decomon.backward_layers.core.BackwardLayer] = <function to_backward>, fuse: bool = True, **kwargs: ~typing.Any) tuple[list[KerasTensor], list[KerasTensor], dict[int, BackwardLayer], None][source]
decomon.models.backward_cloning.get_disconnected_input(mode: str | ForwardMode, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain, dtype: str | None = None) Layer[source]
decomon.models.backward_cloning.get_input_nodes(model: Model, dico_nodes: dict[int, list[Node]], ibp: bool, affine: bool, input_tensors: list[KerasTensor], output_map: dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | OutputMapDict]], layer_fn: Callable[[Layer], BackwardLayer], joint: bool, set_mode_layer: Layer, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, **kwargs: Any) tuple[dict[int, list[KerasTensor]], dict[int, BackwardLayer], dict[int, list[KerasTensor]]][source]
decomon.models.backward_cloning.retrieve_layer(node: Node, layer_fn: Callable[[Layer], BackwardLayer], backward_map: dict[int, BackwardLayer], joint: bool = True) BackwardLayer[source]

decomon.models.convert module

decomon.models.convert.clone(model: ~keras.src.models.model.Model, layer_fn:[[...], ~keras.src.layers.layer.Layer] = <function to_decomon>, slope: str | ~decomon.core.Slope = Slope.V_SLOPE, perturbation_domain: ~decomon.core.PerturbationDomain | None = None, method: str | ~decomon.models.utils.ConvertMethod = ConvertMethod.CROWN, back_bounds: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | None = None, finetune: bool = False, shared: bool = True, finetune_forward: bool = False, finetune_backward: bool = False, extra_inputs: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | None = None, to_keras: bool = True, final_ibp: bool | None = None, final_affine: bool | None = None, **kwargs: ~typing.Any) DecomonModel[source]
decomon.models.convert.convert(model: ~keras.src.models.model.Model, input_tensors: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor], method: str | ~decomon.models.utils.ConvertMethod = ConvertMethod.CROWN, ibp: bool = False, affine: bool = False, back_bounds: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | None = None, layer_fn:[[...], ~keras.src.layers.layer.Layer] = <function to_decomon>, slope: str | ~decomon.core.Slope = Slope.V_SLOPE, input_dim: int = -1, perturbation_domain: ~decomon.core.PerturbationDomain | None = None, finetune: bool = False, forward_map: dict[str | int, list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | dict[str | int, list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor] | OutputMapDict]] | None = None, shared: bool = True, softmax_to_linear: bool = True, finetune_forward: bool = False, finetune_backward: bool = False, final_ibp: bool = False, final_affine: bool = False, **kwargs: ~typing.Any) tuple[list[KerasTensor], list[KerasTensor], dict[int, list[DecomonLayer] | dict[int, list[DecomonLayer] | LayerMapDict]] | dict[int, BackwardLayer], dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | OutputMapDict]] | None][source]
decomon.models.convert.preprocess_keras_model(model: Model) Model[source]
decomon.models.convert.split_activations_in_keras_model(model: Model) Model[source] module

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Layer

call(inputs: list[Any], **kwargs: Any) list[Any][source]
get_config() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns the config of the object.

An object config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the information needed to re-instantiate it.

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Layer

call(inputs: list[Any], **kwargs: Any) list[Any][source]
compute_output_shape(input_shape: list[tuple[int | None, ...]]) list[tuple[int | None, ...]][source]
get_config() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns the config of the object.

An object config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the information needed to re-instantiate it.

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Layer

call(inputs: list[Any], **kwargs: Any) list[Any][source]
compute_output_shape(input_shape: list[tuple[int | None, ...]]) list[tuple[int | None, ...]][source]
get_config() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns the config of the object.

An object config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the information needed to re-instantiate it. list[Any]) list[Any][source] list[tuple[int | None, ...]]) list[tuple[int | None, ...]][source]

decomon.models.forward_cloning module

Module for DecomonSequential.

It inherits from keras Sequential class.

decomon.models.forward_cloning.convert_forward(model: ~keras.src.models.model.Model, input_tensors: list[~keras.src.backend.common.keras_tensor.KerasTensor], layer_fn:[[...], ~keras.src.layers.layer.Layer] = <function to_decomon>, slope: str | ~decomon.core.Slope = Slope.V_SLOPE, input_dim: int = -1, dc_decomp: bool = False, perturbation_domain: ~decomon.core.PerturbationDomain | None = None, ibp: bool = True, affine: bool = True, finetune: bool = False, shared: bool = True, softmax_to_linear: bool = True, **kwargs: ~typing.Any) tuple[list[KerasTensor], list[KerasTensor], dict[int, list[DecomonLayer] | dict[int, list[DecomonLayer] | LayerMapDict]], dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | OutputMapDict]]][source]
decomon.models.forward_cloning.convert_forward_functional_model(model: Model, layer_fn: Callable[[Layer], list[Layer]], input_tensors: list[KerasTensor], softmax_to_linear: bool = True, count: int = 0, output_map: dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | OutputMapDict]] | None = None, layer_map: dict[int, list[DecomonLayer] | dict[int, list[DecomonLayer] | LayerMapDict]] | None = None, layer2layer_map: dict[int, list[Layer]] | None = None) tuple[list[KerasTensor], list[KerasTensor], dict[int, list[DecomonLayer] | dict[int, list[DecomonLayer] | LayerMapDict]], dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | dict[str | int, list[KerasTensor] | OutputMapDict]], dict[int, list[Layer]]][source]
decomon.models.forward_cloning.include_dim_layer_fn(layer_fn: Callable[[...], Layer], input_dim: int, slope: str | Slope = Slope.V_SLOPE, dc_decomp: bool = False, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain | None = None, ibp: bool = True, affine: bool = True, finetune: bool = False, shared: bool = True) Callable[[Layer], list[Layer]][source]

include external parameters inside the translation of a layer to its decomon counterpart

  • layer_fn

  • input_dim

  • dc_decomp

  • perturbation_domain

  • finetune


decomon.models.models module

class decomon.models.models.DecomonModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

freeze_alpha() None[source]
freeze_weights() None[source]
get_config() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns the config of the object.

An object config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the information needed to re-instantiate it.

predict_on_single_batch_np(inputs: ndarray | list[ndarray]) ndarray | list[ndarray][source]

Make predictions on numpy arrays fitting in one batch

Avoid using self.predict() known to be not designed for small arrays, and leading to memory leaks when used in loops.

See and




reset_finetuning() None[source]
set_domain(perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain) None[source]
unfreeze_alpha() None[source]
unfreeze_weights() None[source]
decomon.models.models.get_AB(model: DecomonModel) dict[str, list[Variable]][source]
decomon.models.models.get_AB_finetune(model: DecomonModel) dict[str, Variable][source]

decomon.models.utils module

class decomon.models.utils.Convert2Mode(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Layer

call(inputs: list[Any], **kwargs: Any) list[Any][source]
compute_output_shape(input_shape: list[tuple[int | None, ...]]) list[tuple[int | None, ...]][source]
get_config() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns the config of the object.

An object config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the information needed to re-instantiate it.

class decomon.models.utils.ConvertMethod(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

CROWN = 'crown'
CROWN_FORWARD_AFFINE = 'crown-forward-affine'
CROWN_FORWARD_HYBRID = 'crown-forward-hybrid'
CROWN_FORWARD_IBP = 'crown-forward-ibp'
FORWARD_AFFINE = 'forward-affine'
FORWARD_HYBRID = 'forward-hybrid'
FORWARD_IBP = 'forward-ibp'
class decomon.models.utils.FeedDirection(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

BACKWARD = 'feed_backward'
FORWARD = 'feed_forward'
decomon.models.utils.check_model2convert_inputs(model: Model) None[source]

Check that the model to convert satisfy the hypotheses for decomon on inputs.

Which means:

  • only one input

  • the input must be flattened: only batchsize + another dimension

decomon.models.utils.ensure_functional_model(model: Model) Functional[source]
decomon.models.utils.get_depth_dict(model: Model) dict[int, list[Node]][source]
decomon.models.utils.get_direction(method: str | ConvertMethod) FeedDirection[source]
decomon.models.utils.get_ibp_affine_from_method(method: str | ConvertMethod) tuple[bool, bool][source]
decomon.models.utils.get_inner_layers(model: Model) int[source]
decomon.models.utils.get_input_dim(layer: Layer) int[source]
decomon.models.utils.get_input_tensors(model: Model, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain, ibp: bool = True, affine: bool = True) tuple[KerasTensor, list[KerasTensor]][source]
decomon.models.utils.has_merge_layers(model: Model) bool[source]
decomon.models.utils.is_input_node(node: Node) bool[source]
decomon.models.utils.prepare_inputs_for_layer(inputs: tuple[KerasTensor, ...] | list[KerasTensor] | KerasTensor) tuple[KerasTensor, ...] | list[KerasTensor] | KerasTensor[source]

Prepare inputs for keras/decomon layers.

Some Keras layers do not like list of tensors even with one single tensor. So we keep only the tensor in this case.

decomon.models.utils.preprocess_layer(layer: Layer) list[Layer][source]
decomon.models.utils.split_activation(layer: Layer) list[Layer][source]
decomon.models.utils.wrap_outputs_from_layer_in_list(outputs: tuple[KerasTensor, ...] | list[KerasTensor] | KerasTensor) list[KerasTensor][source]

Module contents