Source code for decomon.models.utils

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import keras
import keras.ops as K
import numpy as np
from keras import Model, Sequential
from keras.layers import (
from keras.src import Functional
from keras.src.ops.node import Node

from decomon.core import (
from decomon.keras_utils import BatchedIdentityLike, share_weights_and_build
from decomon.layers.utils import is_a_merge_layer
from decomon.types import BackendTensor

[docs] class ConvertMethod(str, Enum): CROWN = "crown" CROWN_FORWARD_IBP = "crown-forward-ibp" CROWN_FORWARD_AFFINE = "crown-forward-affine" CROWN_FORWARD_HYBRID = "crown-forward-hybrid" FORWARD_IBP = "forward-ibp" FORWARD_AFFINE = "forward-affine" FORWARD_HYBRID = "forward-hybrid"
[docs] def get_ibp_affine_from_method(method: Union[str, ConvertMethod]) -> tuple[bool, bool]: method = ConvertMethod(method) if method in [ConvertMethod.FORWARD_IBP, ConvertMethod.CROWN_FORWARD_IBP]: return True, False if method in [ConvertMethod.FORWARD_AFFINE, ConvertMethod.CROWN_FORWARD_AFFINE]: return False, True if method in [ConvertMethod.FORWARD_HYBRID, ConvertMethod.CROWN_FORWARD_HYBRID]: return True, True if method == ConvertMethod.CROWN: return True, False return True, True
[docs] class FeedDirection(str, Enum): FORWARD = "feed_forward" BACKWARD = "feed_backward"
[docs] def get_direction(method: Union[str, ConvertMethod]) -> FeedDirection: if ConvertMethod(method) in [ConvertMethod.FORWARD_IBP, ConvertMethod.FORWARD_AFFINE, ConvertMethod.FORWARD_HYBRID]: return FeedDirection.FORWARD else: return FeedDirection.BACKWARD
[docs] def has_merge_layers(model: Model) -> bool: return any(is_a_merge_layer(layer) for layer in model.layers)
[docs] def check_model2convert_inputs(model: Model) -> None: """Check that the model to convert satisfy the hypotheses for decomon on inputs. Which means: - only one input - the input must be flattened: only batchsize + another dimension """ if len(model.inputs) > 1: raise ValueError("The model must have only 1 input to be converted.") if len(model.inputs[0].shape) > 2: raise ValueError("The model must have a flattened input to be converted.")
[docs] def get_input_tensors( model: Model, perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain, ibp: bool = True, affine: bool = True, ) -> tuple[keras.KerasTensor, list[keras.KerasTensor]]: input_dim = get_input_dim(model) mode = get_mode(ibp=ibp, affine=affine) dc_decomp = False inputs_outputs_spec = InputsOutputsSpec(dc_decomp=dc_decomp, mode=mode, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain) empty_tensor = inputs_outputs_spec.get_empty_tensor() input_shape_x = perturbation_domain.get_x_input_shape_wo_batchsize(input_dim) z_tensor = Input(shape=input_shape_x, dtype=model.layers[0].dtype) u_c_tensor, l_c_tensor, W, b, h, g = ( empty_tensor, empty_tensor, empty_tensor, empty_tensor, empty_tensor, empty_tensor, ) if isinstance(perturbation_domain, BoxDomain): if ibp: u_c_tensor = Lambda(lambda z: z[:, 1], dtype=z_tensor.dtype)(z_tensor) l_c_tensor = Lambda(lambda z: z[:, 0], dtype=z_tensor.dtype)(z_tensor) if affine: W = BatchedIdentityLike()(z_tensor[:, 0]) b = K.zeros_like(z_tensor[:, 0]) elif isinstance(perturbation_domain, BallDomain): if perturbation_domain.p == np.inf: radius = perturbation_domain.eps u_c_tensor = Lambda( lambda var: var + K.cast(radius, dtype=model.layers[0].dtype), dtype=model.layers[0].dtype )(z_tensor) if ibp: l_c_tensor = Lambda( lambda var: var - K.cast(radius, dtype=model.layers[0].dtype), dtype=model.layers[0].dtype )(z_tensor) if affine: W = BatchedIdentityLike()(u_c_tensor) b = K.zeros_like(u_c_tensor) else: W = BatchedIdentityLike()(z_tensor) b = K.zeros_like(z_tensor) if ibp: u_c_tensor = perturbation_domain.get_upper(z_tensor, W, b) l_c_tensor = perturbation_domain.get_lower(z_tensor, W, b) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implemented for perturbation domain type {type(perturbation_domain)}") input_tensors = inputs_outputs_spec.extract_inputsformode_from_fullinputs( [z_tensor, u_c_tensor, W, b, l_c_tensor, W, b, h, g] ) return z_tensor, input_tensors
[docs] def get_input_dim(layer: Layer) -> int: if isinstance(layer.input, list): if len(layer.input) == 0: return 0 return int([0].shape[1:])) else: return int([1:]))
[docs] def prepare_inputs_for_layer( inputs: Union[tuple[keras.KerasTensor, ...], list[keras.KerasTensor], keras.KerasTensor] ) -> Union[tuple[keras.KerasTensor, ...], list[keras.KerasTensor], keras.KerasTensor]: """Prepare inputs for keras/decomon layers. Some Keras layers do not like list of tensors even with one single tensor. So we keep only the tensor in this case. """ if isinstance(inputs, list) or isinstance(inputs, tuple): if len(inputs) == 1: return inputs[0] return inputs
[docs] def wrap_outputs_from_layer_in_list( outputs: Union[tuple[keras.KerasTensor, ...], list[keras.KerasTensor], keras.KerasTensor] ) -> list[keras.KerasTensor]: if not isinstance(outputs, list): if isinstance(outputs, tuple): return list(outputs) else: return [outputs] else: return outputs
[docs] def split_activation(layer: Layer) -> list[Layer]: # get activation config = layer.get_config() activation = config.pop("activation", None) # split if needed if activation is None or activation == "linear" or isinstance(layer, Activation): return [layer] else: # layer without activation config["name"] = f"{}_wo_activation" layer_wo_activation = layer.__class__.from_config(config) # get expected weights names without activation (activation layer could add some weights) layer_wo_activation_tmp = layer.__class__.from_config(config) # create a temporary layer w/o activation layer_wo_activation_tmp(layer.input) # build it weights_names = [ for w in layer_wo_activation_tmp.weights] # share weights (and build the new layer) share_weights_and_build(original_layer=layer, new_layer=layer_wo_activation, weight_names=weights_names) # activation layer if isinstance(activation, dict): if isinstance(layer.activation, Layer): # can be an Activation or a PReLU layer activation_layer = layer.activation # update the name to starts with main layer name activation_layer_name = f"{}_activation_{}" = activation_layer_name else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct activation layer from layer.activation!") else: activation_layer = Activation(activation=activation, dtype=layer.dtype, name=f"{}_activation") # build activation layer activation_layer(layer_wo_activation.output) return [layer_wo_activation, activation_layer]
[docs] def preprocess_layer(layer: Layer) -> list[Layer]: return split_activation(layer)
[docs] def is_input_node(node: Node) -> bool: return len(node.input_tensors) == 0
[docs] def get_depth_dict(model: Model) -> dict[int, list[Node]]: depth_keys = list(model._nodes_by_depth.keys()) depth_keys.sort(reverse=True) nodes_list = [] dico_depth: dict[int, int] = {} dico_nodes: dict[int, list[Node]] = {} def fill_dico(node: Node, dico_depth: Optional[dict[int, int]] = None) -> dict[int, int]: if dico_depth is None: dico_depth = {} parents = node.parent_nodes if len(parents): for parent in parents: if id(parent) not in dico_depth: dico_depth = fill_dico(parent, dico_depth) depth = np.min([dico_depth[id(parent)] - 1 for parent in parents]) if id(node) in dico_depth: dico_depth[id(node)] = max(depth, dico_depth[id(node)]) else: dico_depth[id(node)] = depth else: dico_depth[id(node)] = max(depth_keys) return dico_depth for depth in depth_keys: # check for nodes that do not have parents and set depth to maximum depth value nodes = model._nodes_by_depth[depth] nodes_list += nodes for node in nodes: dico_depth = fill_dico(node, dico_depth) for node in nodes_list: depth = dico_depth[id(node)] if depth in dico_nodes: dico_nodes[depth].append(node) else: dico_nodes[depth] = [node] return dico_nodes
[docs] def get_inner_layers(model: Model) -> int: count = 0 for layer in model.layers: if isinstance(layer, Model): count += get_inner_layers(layer) else: count += 1 return count
[docs] class Convert2Mode(Layer): def __init__( self, mode_from: Union[str, ForwardMode], mode_to: Union[str, ForwardMode], perturbation_domain: PerturbationDomain, input_dim: int = -1, **kwargs: Any, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.mode_from = ForwardMode(mode_from) self.mode_to = ForwardMode(mode_to) self.perturbation_domain = perturbation_domain self.input_dim = input_dim dc_decomp = False self.dc_decomp = dc_decomp self.inputs_outputs_spec_from = InputsOutputsSpec( dc_decomp=dc_decomp, mode=mode_from, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, model_input_dim=self.input_dim, ) self.inputs_outputs_spec_to = InputsOutputsSpec( dc_decomp=dc_decomp, mode=mode_to, perturbation_domain=perturbation_domain, model_input_dim=self.input_dim, )
[docs] def call(self, inputs: list[BackendTensor], **kwargs: Any) -> list[BackendTensor]: compute_ibp_from_affine = self.mode_from == ForwardMode.AFFINE and self.mode_to != ForwardMode.AFFINE tight = self.mode_from == ForwardMode.HYBRID and self.mode_to != ForwardMode.AFFINE compute_dummy_affine = self.mode_from == ForwardMode.IBP and self.mode_to != ForwardMode.IBP x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g = self.inputs_outputs_spec_from.get_fullinputs_from_inputsformode( inputs, compute_ibp_from_affine=compute_ibp_from_affine, tight=tight ) if compute_dummy_affine: x = K.concatenate([K.expand_dims(l_c, 1), K.expand_dims(u_c, 1)], 1) w = K.zeros_like(BatchedIdentityLike()(l_c)) w_u = w b_u = u_c w_l = w b_l = l_c return self.inputs_outputs_spec_to.extract_outputsformode_from_fulloutputs( [x, u_c, w_u, b_u, l_c, w_l, b_l, h, g] )
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape: list[tuple[Optional[int], ...]]) -> list[tuple[Optional[int], ...]]: ( x_shape, u_c_shape, w_u_shape, b_u_shape, l_c_shape, w_l_shape, b_l_shape, h_shape, g_shape, ) = self.inputs_outputs_spec_from.get_fullinputshapes_from_inputshapesformode(input_shape) return self.inputs_outputs_spec_to.extract_inputshapesformode_from_fullinputshapes( [x_shape, u_c_shape, w_u_shape, b_u_shape, l_c_shape, w_l_shape, b_l_shape, h_shape, g_shape] )
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict[str, Any]: config = super().get_config() config.update( {"mode_from": self.mode_from, "mode_to": self.mode_to, "perturbation_domain": self.perturbation_domain} ) return config
[docs] def ensure_functional_model(model: Model) -> Functional: if isinstance(model, Functional): return model elif isinstance(model, Sequential): model = Model(model.inputs, model.outputs) assert isinstance(model, Functional) # should be the case after passage in Model.__init__() return model else: raise NotImplementedError("Decomon model available only for functional or sequential models.")