Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import logging
import random
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from deap import algorithms, base, creator, tools

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_mutation import Mutation
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_solver import SolverDO, WarmstartMixin
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.deap_wrappers import generic_mutate_wrapper
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.hyperparameters.hyperparameter import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.result_storage.result_storage import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DeapMutation(Enum): MUT_FLIP_BIT = 0 # bit MUT_SHUFFLE_INDEXES = 1 # perm MUT_UNIFORM_INT = 2 # int
[docs] class DeapCrossover(Enum): CX_UNIFORM = 0 # bit, int CX_UNIFORM_PARTIALY_MATCHED = 1 # perm CX_ORDERED = 2 # perm CX_ONE_POINT = 3 # bit, int CX_TWO_POINT = 4 # bit, int CX_PARTIALY_MATCHED = 5 # perm
_default_crossovers = { TypeAttribute.LIST_BOOLEAN: DeapCrossover.CX_UNIFORM, TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER: DeapCrossover.CX_ONE_POINT, TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER_SPECIFIC_ARITY: DeapCrossover.CX_ONE_POINT, TypeAttribute.PERMUTATION: DeapCrossover.CX_UNIFORM_PARTIALY_MATCHED, } _default_mutations = { TypeAttribute.LIST_BOOLEAN: DeapMutation.MUT_FLIP_BIT, TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER: DeapMutation.MUT_UNIFORM_INT, TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER_SPECIFIC_ARITY: DeapMutation.MUT_UNIFORM_INT, TypeAttribute.PERMUTATION: DeapMutation.MUT_SHUFFLE_INDEXES, }
[docs] class Ga(SolverDO, WarmstartMixin): """Single objective GA Args: problem: the problem to solve encoding: name (str) of an encoding registered in the register solution of Problem or a dictionary of the form {'type': TypeAttribute, 'n': int} where type refers to a TypeAttribute and n to the dimension of the problem in this encoding (e.g. length of the vector) by default, the first encoding in the problem register_solution will be used. """ hyperparameters = [ EnumHyperparameter(name="crossover", enum=DeapCrossover, default=None), EnumHyperparameter( name="selection", enum=DeapSelection, default=DeapSelection.SEL_TOURNAMENT ), IntegerHyperparameter(name="pop_size", low=1, high=1000, default=100), FloatHyperparameter(name="mut_rate", low=0, high=0.9, default=0.1), FloatHyperparameter(name="crossover_rate", low=0, high=1, default=0.9), FloatHyperparameter(name="tournament_size", low=0, high=1, default=0.2), ] initial_solution: Optional[Solution] = None """Initial solution used for warm start.""" def __init__( self, problem: Problem, objectives: Union[str, list[str]], mutation: Optional[Union[Mutation, DeapMutation]] = None, crossover: Optional[DeapCrossover] = None, selection: DeapSelection = DeapSelection.SEL_TOURNAMENT, encoding: Optional[Union[str, dict[str, Any]]] = None, objective_handling: ObjectiveHandling = ObjectiveHandling.SINGLE, objective_weights: Optional[list[float]] = None, pop_size: int = 100, max_evals: Optional[int] = None, mut_rate: float = 0.1, crossover_rate: float = 0.9, tournament_size: float = 0.2, # as a percentage of the population deap_verbose: bool = True, initial_population: Optional[list[list[Any]]] = None, params_objective_function: Optional[ParamsObjectiveFunction] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( problem=problem, params_objective_function=params_objective_function ) if not hasattr(self.problem, "evaluate_from_encoding"): raise ValueError("self.problem shoud define an evaluate_from_encoding()") # self.problem.evaluate_from_encoding: Callable[[list[int], str], dict[str, float]] self._pop_size = pop_size if max_evals is not None: self._max_evals = max_evals else: self._max_evals = 100 * self._pop_size logger.warning( "No value specified for max_evals. Using the default 10*pop_size - This should really be set carefully" ) self._mut_rate = mut_rate self._crossover_rate = crossover_rate self._tournament_size = tournament_size self._deap_verbose = deap_verbose self.initial_population = initial_population # set encoding register_solution: EncodingRegister = problem.get_attribute_register() encoding_name: Optional[str] = None if encoding is not None and isinstance(encoding, str): # check name specified is in problem register if encoding in register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type.keys(): encoding_name = encoding self._encoding_variable_name = register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type[ encoding_name ]["name"] self._encoding_type = register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type[ encoding_name ]["type"][0] self.n = register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type[encoding_name]["n"] if self._encoding_type in { TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER, TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER_SPECIFIC_ARITY, }: self.lows = lower_bound_vector_encoding_from_dict( register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type[encoding_name] ) = upper_bound_vector_encoding_from_dict( register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type[encoding_name] ) elif encoding is not None and isinstance(encoding, dict): # check there is a type key and a n key if ( "name" in encoding.keys() and "type" in encoding.keys() and "n" in encoding.keys() ): encoding_name = "custom" self._encoding_variable_name = encoding["name"] self._encoding_type = encoding["type"][0] self.n = encoding["n"] if self._encoding_type in { TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER, TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER_SPECIFIC_ARITY, }: self.lows = lower_bound_vector_encoding_from_dict(encoding) = upper_bound_vector_encoding_from_dict(encoding) else: logger.warning( "Erroneous encoding provided as input (encoding name not matching encoding of problem or custom " "definition not respecting encoding dict entry format, trying to use default one instead" ) if encoding_name is None: if len(register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type.keys()) == 0: raise Exception( "An encoding of type TypeAttribute should be specified or at least 1 TypeAttribute " "should be defined in the RegisterSolution of your Problem" ) encoding_name = list(register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type.keys())[0] self._encoding_variable_name = register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type[ encoding_name ]["name"] self._encoding_type = register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type[ encoding_name ]["type"][0] self.n = register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type[encoding_name]["n"] dict_register = register_solution.dict_attribute_to_type if self._encoding_type in { TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER, TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER_SPECIFIC_ARITY, }: self.lows = lower_bound_vector_encoding_from_dict( dict_register[encoding_name] ) = upper_bound_vector_encoding_from_dict( dict_register[encoding_name] ) if self._encoding_type == TypeAttribute.LIST_BOOLEAN: self.lows = [0 for i in range(self.n)] = [1 for i in range(self.n)] self._encoding_name: str = encoding_name logger.debug( f"Encoding used by the GA: {self._encoding_name}: {self._encoding_type} of length {self.n}" ) # set objective handling stuff self._objective_handling: ObjectiveHandling if objective_handling is None: self._objective_handling = ObjectiveHandling.SINGLE else: self._objective_handling = objective_handling if isinstance(objectives, str): self._objectives = [objectives] else: self._objectives = objectives if ( len(self._objectives) > 1 and self._objective_handling == ObjectiveHandling.SINGLE ): logger.warning( "Many objectives specified but single objective handling, using the first objective in the dictionary" ) self._objective_weights: list[float] if (objective_weights is None) or ( objective_weights is not None and ( ( len(objective_weights) != len(self._objectives) and self._objective_handling == ObjectiveHandling.AGGREGATE ) ) ): logger.warning( "Objective weight issue: no weight given or size of weights and objectives lists mismatch. " "Setting all weights to default 1 value." ) self._objective_weights = [1 for i in range(len(self._objectives))] else: self._objective_weights = objective_weights self._selection_type = selection # DEAP toolbox setup self._toolbox = base.Toolbox() # Define representation creator.create( "fitness", base.Fitness, weights=( 1.0, ), # we keep this to 1 and let the user provides the weights for each subobjective ) # (a negative weight defines the objective as a minimisation) creator.create( "individual", list, ) # associate the fitness function to the individual type # Create the individuals required by the encoding if self._encoding_type == TypeAttribute.LIST_BOOLEAN: self._toolbox.register( "bit", random.randint, 0, 1 ) # Each element of a solution is a bit (i.e. an int between 0 and 1 incl.) self._toolbox.register( "individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.individual, self._toolbox.bit, n=self.n, ) # An individual (aka solution) contains n bits elif self._encoding_type == TypeAttribute.PERMUTATION: self._toolbox.register( "permutation_indices", random.sample, range(self.n), self.n ) self._toolbox.register( "individual", tools.initIterate, creator.individual, self._toolbox.permutation_indices, ) elif self._encoding_type == TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER: self._toolbox.register("int_val", random.randint, self.lows[0],[0]) self._toolbox.register( "individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.individual, self._toolbox.int_val, n=self.n, ) elif self._encoding_type == TypeAttribute.LIST_INTEGER_SPECIFIC_ARITY: gen_idx = lambda: [ random.randint(low, up) for low, up in zip(self.lows, ] self._toolbox.register( "individual", tools.initIterate, creator.individual, gen_idx ) elif self._encoding_type == TypeAttribute.LIST_FLOATS: gen_idx = lambda: [ random.randrange(low, up) for low, up in zip(self.lows, ] self._toolbox.register( "individual", tools.initIterate, creator.individual, gen_idx ) self._toolbox.register( "population", tools.initRepeat, list, self._toolbox.individual, n=self._pop_size, ) # A population is made of pop_size individuals # Define objective function self._toolbox.register( "evaluate", self.evaluate_problem, ) # Define crossover if crossover is None: self._crossover = _default_crossovers[self._encoding_type] else: self._crossover = crossover if self._crossover == DeapCrossover.CX_UNIFORM: self._toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxUniform, indpb=self._crossover_rate) elif self._crossover == DeapCrossover.CX_ONE_POINT: self._toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxOnePoint) elif self._crossover == DeapCrossover.CX_TWO_POINT: self._toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxTwoPoint) elif self._crossover == DeapCrossover.CX_UNIFORM_PARTIALY_MATCHED: self._toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxUniformPartialyMatched, indpb=0.5) elif self._crossover == DeapCrossover.CX_ORDERED: self._toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxOrdered) elif self._crossover == DeapCrossover.CX_PARTIALY_MATCHED: self._toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxPartialyMatched) else: logger.warning("Crossover of specified type not handled!") # Define mutation self._mutation: Union[Mutation, DeapMutation] if mutation is None: self._mutation = _default_mutations[self._encoding_type] else: self._mutation = mutation if isinstance(self._mutation, Mutation): self._toolbox.register( "mutate", generic_mutate_wrapper, problem=self.problem, encoding_name=self._encoding_variable_name, indpb=self._mut_rate, solution_fn=self.problem.get_solution_type(), custom_mutation=mutation, ) elif isinstance(self._mutation, DeapMutation): if self._mutation == DeapMutation.MUT_FLIP_BIT: self._toolbox.register( "mutate", tools.mutFlipBit, indpb=self._mut_rate ) # Choice of mutation operator elif self._mutation == DeapMutation.MUT_SHUFFLE_INDEXES: self._toolbox.register( "mutate", tools.mutShuffleIndexes, indpb=self._mut_rate ) # Choice of mutation operator elif self._mutation == DeapMutation.MUT_UNIFORM_INT: self._toolbox.register( "mutate", tools.mutUniformInt, low=self.lows,, indpb=self._mut_rate, ) # Choice of selection if self._selection_type == DeapSelection.SEL_TOURNAMENT: self._toolbox.register( "select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=int(self._tournament_size * self._pop_size), ) elif self._selection_type == DeapSelection.SEL_RANDOM: self._toolbox.register("select", tools.selRandom) elif self._selection_type == DeapSelection.SEL_BEST: self._toolbox.register("select", tools.selBest) elif self._selection_type == DeapSelection.SEL_ROULETTE: self._toolbox.register("select", tools.selRoulette) elif self._selection_type == DeapSelection.SEL_WORST: self._toolbox.register("select", tools.selWorst) elif self._selection_type == DeapSelection.SEL_STOCHASTIC_UNIVERSAL_SAMPLING: self._toolbox.register("select", tools.selStochasticUniversalSampling)
[docs] def evaluate_problem(self, int_vector: list[int]) -> tuple[float]: objective_values: dict[str, float] = self.problem.evaluate_from_encoding( # type: ignore int_vector, self._encoding_variable_name ) if self._objective_handling == ObjectiveHandling.SINGLE: val = objective_values[self._objectives[0]] elif self._objective_handling == ObjectiveHandling.AGGREGATE: val = sum( [ objective_values[self._objectives[i]] * self._objective_weights[i] for i in range(len(self._objectives)) ] ) else: # ObjectiveHandling.MULTI_OBJ raise NotImplementedError( "objective_handling can only be SINGLE or AGGREGATE" ) return (val,)
[docs] def generate_custom_population(self) -> list[Any]: if self.initial_population is None: raise RuntimeError( "self.initial_population cannot be None when calling generate_custom_population()." ) pop = [] for ind in self.initial_population: newind = self._toolbox.individual() for j in range(len(ind)): newind[j] = ind[j] pop.append(newind) return pop
[docs] def create_individual_from_solution(self, solution: Solution) -> Any: ind = getattr(solution, self._encoding_variable_name) newind = self._toolbox.individual() for j in range(len(ind)): newind[j] = ind[j] return newind
[docs] def set_warm_start(self, solution: Solution) -> None: """Make the solver warm start from the given solution. Will be ignored if arg `initial_variable` is set and not None in call to `solve()`. """ self.initial_solution = solution
[docs] def solve(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ResultStorage: if self.initial_population is None: # Initialise the population (here at random) population = self._toolbox.population() else: population = self.generate_custom_population() self._pop_size = len(population) # manage warm start: set 1 element of the population to the initial_solution if self.initial_solution is not None: population[0] = self.create_individual_from_solution(self.initial_solution) fits =, population) for fit, ind in zip(fits, population): = fit # Define the statistics to collect at each generation hof = tools.HallOfFame(1) stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: stats.register("avg", np.mean) stats.register("std", np.std) stats.register("min", np.min) stats.register("max", np.max) # Run the GA: final population and statistics logbook are created pop_vector, logbook = algorithms.eaSimple( population=population, toolbox=self._toolbox, cxpb=self._crossover_rate, mutpb=self._mut_rate, ngen=int(self._max_evals / self._pop_size), stats=stats, halloffame=hof, verbose=self._deap_verbose, ) best_vector = hof[0] s_pure_int = [i for i in best_vector] kwargs = {self._encoding_variable_name: s_pure_int, "problem": self.problem} problem_sol = self.problem.get_solution_type()(**kwargs) result_storage = self.create_result_storage( [(problem_sol, self.aggreg_from_sol(problem_sol))], ) return result_storage