discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea package


discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.alternating_ga module

class discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.alternating_ga.AlternatingGa(problem: Problem, objectives: str | list[str], encodings: list[str] | list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, mutations: list[Mutation] | list[DeapMutation] | None = None, crossovers: list[DeapCrossover] | None = None, selections: list[DeapSelection] | None = None, objective_handling: ObjectiveHandling | None = None, objective_weights: list[float] | None = None, pop_size: int | None = None, max_evals: int = 10000, sub_evals: list[int] | None = None, mut_rate: float | None = None, crossover_rate: float | None = None, tournament_size: float | None = None, deap_verbose: bool = False, params_objective_function: ParamsObjectiveFunction | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SolverDO, WarmstartMixin

Multi-encoding single objective GA

  • problem – the problem to solve

  • encoding

    name (str) of an encoding registered in the register solution of Problem or a dictionary of the form {‘type’: TypeAttribute, ‘n’: int} where type refers to a TypeAttribute and n

    to the dimension of the problem in this encoding (e.g. length of the vector)

    by default, the first encoding in the problem register_solution will be used.

initial_solution: Solution | None = None

Initial solution used for warm start.

set_warm_start(solution: Solution) None[source]

Make the solver warm start from the given solution.

Will be ignored if arg initial_variable is set and not None in call to solve().

solve(**kwargs: Any) ResultStorage[source]

Generic solving function.

  • callbacks – list of callbacks used to hook into the various stage of the solve

  • **kwargs – any argument specific to the solver

Solvers deriving from SolverDo should use callbacks methods .on_step_end(), … during solve(). But some solvers are not yet updated and are just ignoring it.

Returns (ResultStorage): a result object containing potentially a pool of solutions to a discrete-optimization problem

discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.deap_wrappers module

discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.deap_wrappers.generic_mutate_wrapper(individual: MutableSequence[T], problem: Problem, encoding_name: str, indpb: Any, solution_fn: type[Solution], custom_mutation: Mutation) tuple[MutableSequence[T]][source]

discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.ga module

class discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.ga.DeapCrossover(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

class discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.ga.DeapMutation(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

class discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.ga.DeapSelection(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

class discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.ga.Ga(problem: Problem, objectives: str | list[str], mutation: Mutation | DeapMutation | None = None, crossover: DeapCrossover | None = None, selection: DeapSelection = DeapSelection.SEL_TOURNAMENT, encoding: str | dict[str, Any] | None = None, objective_handling: ObjectiveHandling = ObjectiveHandling.SINGLE, objective_weights: list[float] | None = None, pop_size: int = 100, max_evals: int | None = None, mut_rate: float = 0.1, crossover_rate: float = 0.9, tournament_size: float = 0.2, deap_verbose: bool = True, initial_population: list[list[Any]] | None = None, params_objective_function: ParamsObjectiveFunction | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SolverDO, WarmstartMixin

Single objective GA

  • problem – the problem to solve

  • encoding

    name (str) of an encoding registered in the register solution of Problem or a dictionary of the form {‘type’: TypeAttribute, ‘n’: int} where type refers to a TypeAttribute and n

    to the dimension of the problem in this encoding (e.g. length of the vector)

    by default, the first encoding in the problem register_solution will be used.

create_individual_from_solution(solution: Solution) Any[source]
evaluate_problem(int_vector: list[int]) tuple[float][source]
generate_custom_population() list[Any][source]
hyperparameters: list[Hyperparameter] = [EnumHyperparameter(name='crossover', default=None, depends_on=None, name_in_kwargs='crossover'), EnumHyperparameter(name='selection', default=<DeapSelection.SEL_TOURNAMENT: 0>, depends_on=None, name_in_kwargs='selection'), IntegerHyperparameter(name='pop_size', default=100, depends_on=None, name_in_kwargs='pop_size', low=1, high=1000, step=1, log=False), FloatHyperparameter(name='mut_rate', default=0.1, depends_on=None, name_in_kwargs='mut_rate', low=0, high=0.9, suggest_low=False, suggest_high=False, step=None, log=False), FloatHyperparameter(name='crossover_rate', default=0.9, depends_on=None, name_in_kwargs='crossover_rate', low=0, high=1, suggest_low=False, suggest_high=False, step=None, log=False), FloatHyperparameter(name='tournament_size', default=0.2, depends_on=None, name_in_kwargs='tournament_size', low=0, high=1, suggest_low=False, suggest_high=False, step=None, log=False)]

Hyperparameters available for this solver.

These hyperparameters are to be feed to **kwargs found in
  • __init__()

  • init_model() (when available)

  • solve()

initial_solution: Solution | None = None

Initial solution used for warm start.

set_warm_start(solution: Solution) None[source]

Make the solver warm start from the given solution.

Will be ignored if arg initial_variable is set and not None in call to solve().

solve(**kwargs: Any) ResultStorage[source]

Generic solving function.

  • callbacks – list of callbacks used to hook into the various stage of the solve

  • **kwargs – any argument specific to the solver

Solvers deriving from SolverDo should use callbacks methods .on_step_end(), … during solve(). But some solvers are not yet updated and are just ignoring it.

Returns (ResultStorage): a result object containing potentially a pool of solutions to a discrete-optimization problem

discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.ga_tools module

class discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.ga_tools.ParametersAltGa(mutations: list[Mutation | DeapMutation], crossovers: list[DeapCrossover], selections: list[DeapSelection], encodings: list[str], objective_handling: ObjectiveHandling, objectives: str | list[str], objective_weights: list[float], pop_size: int, max_evals: int, mut_rate: float, crossover_rate: float, tournament_size: float, deap_verbose: bool, sub_evals: list[int])[source]

Bases: object

static default_mrcpsp() ParametersAltGa[source]
static default_msrcpsp() ParametersAltGa[source]
class discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.ga_tools.ParametersGa(mutation: Mutation | DeapMutation, crossover: DeapCrossover, selection: DeapSelection, encoding: str, objective_handling: ObjectiveHandling, objectives: str | list[str], objective_weights: list[float], pop_size: int, max_evals: int, mut_rate: float, crossover_rate: float, tournament_size: float, deap_verbose: bool)[source]

Bases: object

static default_rcpsp() ParametersGa[source]

discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.nsga module

class discrete_optimization.generic_tools.ea.nsga.Nsga(problem: Problem, objectives: str | list[str], mutation: Mutation | DeapMutation | None = None, crossover: DeapCrossover | None = None, encoding: str | dict[str, Any] | None = None, objective_weights: list[float] | None = None, pop_size: int = 100, max_evals: int | None = None, mut_rate: float = 0.1, crossover_rate: float = 0.9, deap_verbose: bool = True)[source]

Bases: SolverDO, WarmstartMixin


  • problem – the problem to solve

  • encoding

    name (str) of an encoding registered in the register solution of Problem or a dictionary of the form {‘type’: TypeAttribute, ‘n’: int} where type refers to a TypeAttribute and n

    to the dimension of the problem in this encoding (e.g. length of the vector)

    by default, the first encoding in the problem register_solution will be used.

create_individual_from_solution(solution: Solution) Any[source]
evaluate_problem(int_vector: list[int]) tuple[float, ...][source]
initial_solution: Solution | None = None

Initial solution used for warm start.

set_warm_start(solution: Solution) None[source]

Make the solver warm start from the given solution.

Will be ignored if arg initial_variable is set and not None in call to solve().

solve(**kwargs: Any) ResultStorage[source]

Generic solving function.

  • callbacks – list of callbacks used to hook into the various stage of the solve

  • **kwargs – any argument specific to the solver

Solvers deriving from SolverDo should use callbacks methods .on_step_end(), … during solve(). But some solvers are not yet updated and are just ignoring it.

Returns (ResultStorage): a result object containing potentially a pool of solutions to a discrete-optimization problem

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