# Copyright (c) 2024 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Job shop model, this was initially implemented in a course material
# here https://github.com/erachelson/seq_dec_mak/blob/main/scheduling_newcourse/correction/nb2_jobshopsolver.py
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import *
class JobShopSolution(Solution):
def __init__(
self, problem: "JobShopProblem", schedule: list[list[tuple[int, int]]]
# For each job and sub-job, start and end time given as tuple of int.
self.problem = problem
self.schedule = schedule
def copy(self) -> "Solution":
return JobShopSolution(problem=self.problem, schedule=self.schedule)
def change_problem(self, new_problem: "Problem") -> None:
self.problem = new_problem
class Subjob:
machine_id: int
processing_time: int
def __init__(self, machine_id: int, processing_time: int):
"""Define data of a given subjob"""
self.machine_id = machine_id
self.processing_time = processing_time
class JobShopProblem(Problem):
n_jobs: int
n_machines: int
list_jobs: list[list[Subjob]]
def __init__(
list_jobs: list[list[Subjob]],
n_jobs: int = None,
n_machines: int = None,
horizon: int = None,
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.n_machines = n_machines
self.list_jobs = list_jobs
if self.n_jobs is None:
self.n_jobs = len(list_jobs)
if self.n_machines is None:
self.n_machines = len(
set([y.machine_id for x in self.list_jobs for y in x])
self.n_all_jobs = sum(len(subjob) for subjob in self.list_jobs)
# Store for each machine the list of sub-job given as (index_job, index_sub-job)
self.job_per_machines = {i: [] for i in range(self.n_machines)}
for k in range(self.n_jobs):
for sub_k in range(len(list_jobs[k])):
self.job_per_machines[list_jobs[k][sub_k].machine_id] += [(k, sub_k)]
self.horizon = horizon
if self.horizon is None:
self.horizon = sum(
sum(subjob.processing_time for subjob in job) for job in self.list_jobs
def evaluate(self, variable: JobShopSolution) -> dict[str, float]:
return {"makespan": max(x[-1][1] for x in variable.schedule)}
def satisfy(self, variable: JobShopSolution) -> bool:
for m in self.job_per_machines:
sorted_ = sorted(
[variable.schedule[x[0]][x[1]] for x in self.job_per_machines[m]],
key=lambda y: y[0],
for i in range(1, len(sorted_)):
if sorted_[i][0] < sorted_[i - 1][1]:
return False
for job in range(self.n_jobs):
for s_j in range(1, len(variable.schedule[job])):
if variable.schedule[job][s_j][0] < variable.schedule[job][s_j - 1][1]:
return False
return True
def get_attribute_register(self) -> EncodingRegister:
return EncodingRegister(dict_attribute_to_type={})
def get_solution_type(self) -> type[Solution]:
return JobShopSolution
def get_objective_register(self) -> ObjectiveRegister:
return ObjectiveRegister(
"makespan": ObjectiveDoc(type=TypeObjective.OBJECTIVE, default_weight=1)