Source code for discrete_optimization.vrp.mutation

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import random
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, Optional

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_mutation import (

# Relocate operator
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import Solution
from discrete_optimization.vrp.problem import BasicCustomer, VrpProblem, VrpSolution

# view#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20approaches%20that,solution%20and%20iteratively%20improving%20it.

[docs] class RelocateMove(LocalMove): def __init__( self, index_vehicle_from: int, index_vehicle_to: int, index_from: int, index_to: int, ): self.index_vehicle_from = index_vehicle_from self.index_vehicle_to = index_vehicle_to self.index_from = index_from self.index_to = index_to
[docs] def apply_local_move(self, solution: VrpSolution) -> VrpSolution: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency if ( solution.length is None or solution.lengths is None or solution.capacities is None ): raise RuntimeError( "length, lengths, and capacities solution's attributes should not be None at this point." ) self.index_from = min( [self.index_from, len(solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_from]) - 1] ) self.index_to = min( [self.index_to, len(solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_to])] ) city = solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_from][self.index_from] solution.capacities[self.index_vehicle_from] -= solution.problem.customers[ city ].demand solution.capacities[self.index_vehicle_to] += solution.problem.customers[ city ].demand solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_to].insert(self.index_to, city) previous_from_length = ( solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from][self.index_from], solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from][self.index_from + 1], ) def get_index_previous(index_vehicle: int, index_from: int) -> int: if index_from == 0: return solution.problem.start_indexes[index_vehicle] else: return solution.list_paths[index_vehicle][index_from - 1] def get_index_next(index_vehicle: int, index_from: int) -> int: if index_from >= len(solution.list_paths[index_vehicle]) - 1: return solution.problem.end_indexes[index_vehicle] else: return solution.list_paths[index_vehicle][index_from + 1] new_length_vehicle_from = solution.problem.evaluate_function_indexes( index_1=get_index_previous(self.index_vehicle_from, self.index_from), index_2=get_index_next(self.index_vehicle_from, self.index_from), ) city = solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_from].pop(self.index_from) solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from].pop(self.index_from) solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from].pop(self.index_from) # remove the 2 length where the city was concerned solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from].insert( self.index_from, new_length_vehicle_from ) # include new length previous_length_vehicle_to = solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_to][ self.index_to ] solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_to].pop(self.index_to) new_length_vehicle_to_1 = solution.problem.evaluate_function_indexes( index_1=get_index_previous(self.index_vehicle_to, self.index_to), index_2=city, ) solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_to].insert( self.index_to, new_length_vehicle_to_1 ) new_length_vehicle_to_2 = solution.problem.evaluate_function_indexes( index_1=city, index_2=get_index_next(self.index_vehicle_to, self.index_to) ) solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_to].insert( self.index_to + 1, new_length_vehicle_to_2 ) delta = ( new_length_vehicle_from + new_length_vehicle_to_1 + new_length_vehicle_to_2 - previous_length_vehicle_to - sum(previous_from_length) ) solution.length = solution.length + delta return solution
[docs] def backtrack_local_move(self, solution: VrpSolution) -> VrpSolution: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency move = RelocateMove( index_vehicle_from=self.index_vehicle_to, index_vehicle_to=self.index_vehicle_from, index_from=self.index_to, index_to=self.index_from, ) return move.apply_local_move(solution)
[docs] class MutationRelocate(Mutation):
[docs] @staticmethod def build( # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency problem: VrpProblem, solution: VrpSolution, **kwargs ) -> "MutationRelocate": return MutationRelocate(problem)
def __init__(self, vrp_problem: VrpProblem): self.vrp_problem = vrp_problem self.customer_count = vrp_problem.customer_count self.vehicle_count = vrp_problem.vehicle_count
[docs] def mutate(self, solution: VrpSolution) -> tuple[VrpSolution, LocalMove]: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency vehicles_used = [ v for v in range(self.vrp_problem.vehicle_count) if len(solution.list_paths[v]) > 0 ] some_vehicle = random.choice(vehicles_used) some_other_vehicle = random.choice( [v for v in range(self.vrp_problem.vehicle_count) if v != some_vehicle] ) index_from = random.choice(range(len(solution.list_paths[some_vehicle]))) index_to = random.choice( range(max(1, len(solution.list_paths[some_other_vehicle]))) ) move = RelocateMove( index_vehicle_from=some_vehicle, index_vehicle_to=some_other_vehicle, index_from=index_from, index_to=index_to, ) sol = move.apply_local_move(solution) return sol, move
[docs] def mutate_and_compute_obj( # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency self, solution: VrpSolution ) -> tuple[VrpSolution, LocalMove, dict[str, float]]: sol, move = self.mutate(solution) f = self.vrp_problem.evaluate(sol) return sol, move, f
[docs] class SwapMove(LocalMove): def __init__( self, index_vehicle_from: int, index_vehicle_to: int, index_from: int, index_to: int, ): self.index_vehicle_from = index_vehicle_from self.index_vehicle_to = index_vehicle_to self.index_from = index_from self.index_to = index_to
[docs] def apply_local_move(self, solution: VrpSolution) -> VrpSolution: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency if ( solution.length is None or solution.lengths is None or solution.capacities is None ): raise RuntimeError( "length, lengths, and capacities solution's attributes should not be None at this point." ) self.index_from = min( [self.index_from, len(solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_from]) - 1] ) self.index_to = min( [self.index_to, len(solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_to]) - 1] ) city_from = solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_from][self.index_from] city_to = solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_to][self.index_to] previous_from_length = ( solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from][self.index_from], solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from][self.index_from + 1], ) previous_to_length = ( solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_to][self.index_to], solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_to][self.index_to + 1], ) def get_index_previous(index_vehicle: int, index_from: int) -> int: if index_from == 0: return solution.problem.start_indexes[index_vehicle] else: return solution.list_paths[index_vehicle][index_from - 1] def get_index_next(index_vehicle: int, index_from: int) -> int: if index_from >= len(solution.list_paths[index_vehicle]) - 1: return solution.problem.end_indexes[index_vehicle] else: return solution.list_paths[index_vehicle][index_from + 1] new_length_vehicle_from_1 = solution.problem.evaluate_function_indexes( index_1=get_index_previous(self.index_vehicle_from, self.index_from), index_2=city_to, ) new_length_vehicle_from_2 = solution.problem.evaluate_function_indexes( index_1=city_to, index_2=get_index_next(self.index_vehicle_from, self.index_from), ) new_length_vehicle_to_1 = solution.problem.evaluate_function_indexes( index_1=get_index_previous(self.index_vehicle_to, self.index_to), index_2=city_from, ) new_length_vehicle_to_2 = solution.problem.evaluate_function_indexes( index_1=city_from, index_2=get_index_next(self.index_vehicle_to, self.index_to), ) solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_from][self.index_from] = city_to solution.list_paths[self.index_vehicle_to][self.index_to] = city_from solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from][ self.index_from ] = new_length_vehicle_from_1 solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_from][ self.index_from + 1 ] = new_length_vehicle_from_2 solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_to][self.index_to] = new_length_vehicle_to_1 solution.lengths[self.index_vehicle_to][ self.index_to + 1 ] = new_length_vehicle_to_2 solution.capacities[self.index_vehicle_from] += ( solution.problem.customers[city_to].demand - solution.problem.customers[city_from].demand ) solution.capacities[self.index_vehicle_to] += ( solution.problem.customers[city_from].demand - solution.problem.customers[city_to].demand ) delta = ( new_length_vehicle_to_1 + new_length_vehicle_to_2 + new_length_vehicle_from_1 + new_length_vehicle_from_2 - sum(previous_to_length) - sum(previous_from_length) ) solution.length = solution.length + delta return solution
[docs] def backtrack_local_move(self, solution: VrpSolution) -> VrpSolution: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency move = SwapMove( index_vehicle_from=self.index_vehicle_from, index_vehicle_to=self.index_vehicle_to, index_from=self.index_from, index_to=self.index_to, ) return move.apply_local_move(solution)
[docs] class MutationSwap(Mutation):
[docs] @staticmethod def build(problem: VrpProblem, solution: VrpSolution, **kwargs) -> "MutationSwap": # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency return MutationSwap(problem)
def __init__(self, vrp_problem: VrpProblem): self.vrp_problem = vrp_problem self.customer_count = vrp_problem.customer_count self.vehicle_count = vrp_problem.vehicle_count
[docs] def mutate(self, solution: VrpSolution) -> tuple[VrpSolution, LocalMove]: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency vehicles_used = [ v for v in range(self.vrp_problem.vehicle_count) if len(solution.list_paths[v]) > 0 ] some_vehicle = random.choice(vehicles_used) swap = True if len(vehicles_used) > 1: swap = True some_other_vehicle = random.choice( [v for v in vehicles_used if v != some_vehicle] ) else: some_other_vehicle = random.choice( [v for v in range(self.vrp_problem.vehicle_count) if v != some_vehicle] ) swap = False index_from = random.choice(range(len(solution.list_paths[some_vehicle]))) index_to = random.choice( range(max(1, len(solution.list_paths[some_other_vehicle]))) ) move: LocalMove if swap: move = SwapMove( index_vehicle_from=some_vehicle, index_vehicle_to=some_other_vehicle, index_from=index_from, index_to=index_to, ) sol = move.apply_local_move(solution) else: move = RelocateMove( index_vehicle_from=some_vehicle, index_vehicle_to=some_other_vehicle, index_from=index_from, index_to=index_to, ) sol = move.apply_local_move(solution) return sol, move
[docs] def mutate_and_compute_obj( # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency self, solution: VrpSolution ) -> tuple[Solution, LocalMove, dict[str, float]]: sol, move = self.mutate(solution) f = self.vrp_problem.evaluate(sol) return sol, move, f
[docs] class MutationTwoOptVrp(Mutation): node_count: int
[docs] @staticmethod def build( # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency problem: VrpProblem, solution: VrpSolution, **kwargs ) -> "MutationTwoOptVrp": return MutationTwoOptVrp(problem, **kwargs)
def __init__( self, vrp_problem: VrpProblem, test_all: bool = False, nb_test: Optional[int] = None, return_only_improvement: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ): self.node_count = vrp_problem.customer_count self.points = vrp_problem.customers self.test_all = test_all self.evaluate_function_indexes = vrp_problem.evaluate_function_indexes self.return_only_improvement = return_only_improvement self.vrp_problem = vrp_problem if nb_test is None: self.nb_test = max(1, self.node_count // 10) else: self.nb_test = min(nb_test, self.node_count - 1)
[docs] def get_points( self, vehicle: int, it: int, jt: int, variable: VrpSolution ) -> tuple[BasicCustomer, BasicCustomer, BasicCustomer, BasicCustomer]: perm = variable.list_paths[vehicle] if it == 0: point_before_i = self.points[variable.list_start_index[vehicle]] else: point_before_i = self.points[perm[it - 1]] point_i = self.points[perm[it]] point_j = self.points[perm[jt]] if jt >= len(perm) - 1: point_after_j = self.points[variable.list_end_index[vehicle]] else: point_after_j = self.points[perm[jt + 1]] return point_before_i, point_i, point_j, point_after_j
[docs] def get_points_index( self, vehicle: int, it: int, jt: int, variable: VrpSolution ) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: i_before = None j_after = None perm = variable.list_paths[vehicle] i = perm[it] j = perm[jt] if it == 0: i_before = variable.list_start_index[vehicle] else: i_before = perm[it - 1] if jt >= len(perm) - 1: j_after = variable.list_end_index[vehicle] else: j_after = perm[jt + 1] return i_before, i, j, j_after
[docs] def mutate_and_compute_obj(self, variable: VrpSolution) -> tuple[VrpSolution, LocalMove, dict[str, float]]: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency if ( variable.length is None or variable.lengths is None or variable.capacities is None ): raise RuntimeError( "length, lengths, and capacities variable's attributes should not be None at this point." ) vehicles_used = [ v for v in range(self.vrp_problem.vehicle_count) if len(variable.list_paths[v]) > 2 ] some_vehicle = random.choice(vehicles_used) it = random.randint(0, len(variable.list_paths[some_vehicle]) - 2) jt = random.randint(it + 1, len(variable.list_paths[some_vehicle]) - 1) min_change = float("inf") length_permut = len(variable.list_paths[some_vehicle]) range_its: Iterable[int] = ( range(length_permut) if self.test_all else random.sample(range(length_permut), min(self.nb_test, length_permut)) ) for i in range_its: if i == length_permut - 1: range_jts: Iterable[int] = [] else: range_jts = ( range(i + 1, length_permut) if self.test_all else random.sample( range(i + 1, length_permut), min(1, self.nb_test, length_permut - i - 1), ) ) for j in range_jts: i_before, i_, j_, j_after = self.get_points_index( some_vehicle, i, j, variable ) change = ( self.evaluate_function_indexes(i_before, j_) - self.evaluate_function_indexes(i_before, i_) - self.evaluate_function_indexes(j_, j_after) + self.evaluate_function_indexes(i_, j_after) ) if change < min_change: it = i jt = j min_change = change fitness = variable.length + min_change i_before, i_, j_, j_after = self.get_points_index( some_vehicle, it, jt, variable ) permut = ( variable.list_paths[some_vehicle][:it] + variable.list_paths[some_vehicle][it : jt + 1][::-1] + variable.list_paths[some_vehicle][jt + 1 :] ) lengths = [] if it > 0: lengths += variable.lengths[some_vehicle][:it] lengths += [self.evaluate_function_indexes(i_before, j_)] lengths += variable.lengths[some_vehicle][it + 1 : jt + 1][::-1] lengths += [self.evaluate_function_indexes(i_, j_after)] if jt < length_permut - 1: lengths += variable.lengths[some_vehicle][jt + 2 :] if min_change < 0 or not self.return_only_improvement: v = VrpSolution( list_start_index=variable.list_start_index, list_end_index=variable.list_end_index, list_paths=[ permut if j == some_vehicle else variable.list_paths[j] for j in range(len(variable.list_paths)) ], lengths=[ lengths if j == some_vehicle else variable.lengths[j] for j in range(len(variable.lengths)) ], length=fitness, capacities=variable.capacities, problem=self.vrp_problem, ) return v, LocalMoveDefault(variable, v), self.vrp_problem.evaluate(v) else: return ( variable, LocalMoveDefault(variable, variable), self.vrp_problem.evaluate(variable), )
[docs] def mutate(self, variable: VrpSolution) -> tuple[VrpSolution, LocalMove]: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency v, move, f = self.mutate_and_compute_obj(variable) return v, move