Source code for discrete_optimization.vrp.problem

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import math
from abc import abstractmethod
from import Callable, Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import (

[docs] class VrpSolution(Solution):
[docs] def copy(self) -> "VrpSolution": return VrpSolution( problem=self.problem, list_start_index=self.list_start_index, list_end_index=self.list_end_index, list_paths=deepcopy(self.list_paths), lengths=deepcopy(self.lengths), length=self.length, capacities=deepcopy(self.capacities), )
[docs] def lazy_copy(self) -> "VrpSolution": return VrpSolution( problem=self.problem, list_start_index=self.list_start_index, list_end_index=self.list_end_index, list_paths=self.list_paths, lengths=self.lengths, length=self.length, capacities=self.capacities, )
def __str__(self) -> str: return "\n".join([str(self.list_paths[i]) for i in range(len(self.list_paths))]) def __init__( self, problem: "VrpProblem", list_start_index: list[int], list_end_index: list[int], list_paths: list[list[int]], capacities: Optional[list[float]] = None, length: Optional[float] = None, lengths: Optional[list[list[float]]] = None, ): self.problem = problem self.list_start_index = list_start_index self.list_end_index = list_end_index self.list_paths = list_paths self.length = length self.lengths = lengths self.capacities = capacities
[docs] def change_problem(self, new_problem: Problem) -> None: if not isinstance(new_problem, VrpProblem): raise ValueError("new_problem must a VrpProblem for a VrpSolution.") self.problem = new_problem self.list_paths = deepcopy(self.list_paths) self.lengths = deepcopy(self.lengths) self.capacities = deepcopy(self.capacities)
[docs] class BasicCustomer: def __init__(self, name: Union[str, int], demand: float): = name self.demand = demand
[docs] class VrpProblem(Problem): customers: Sequence[BasicCustomer] def __init__( self, vehicle_count: int, vehicle_capacities: list[float], customer_count: int, customers: Sequence[BasicCustomer], start_indexes: list[int], end_indexes: list[int], ): self.vehicle_count = vehicle_count self.vehicle_capacities = vehicle_capacities self.customer_count = customer_count self.customers = customers self.start_indexes = ( start_indexes # for vehicle i : indicate what is the start index ) self.end_indexes = end_indexes # for vehicle i : indicate what is the end index # for a given tsp kind of problem, you should provide a custom evaluate function, for now still abstract.
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate_function( self, var_tsp: VrpSolution ) -> tuple[list[list[float]], list[float], float, list[float]]: ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate_function_indexes(self, index_1: int, index_2: int) -> float: ...
[docs] def evaluate(self, variable: VrpSolution) -> dict[str, float]: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency if ( variable.lengths is None or variable.length is None or variable.capacities is None ): lengths, obj_list, obj, capacity_list = self.evaluate_function(variable) variable.length = obj variable.lengths = lengths variable.capacities = capacity_list violation = 0.0 for i in range(self.vehicle_count): violation += max(variable.capacities[i] - self.vehicle_capacities[i], 0) return {"length": variable.length, "capacity_violation": violation}
[docs] def satisfy(self, variable: VrpSolution) -> bool: # type: ignore # avoid isinstance checks for efficiency d = self.evaluate(variable) return d["capacity_violation"] == 0
[docs] def get_attribute_register(self) -> EncodingRegister: dict_encoding = { "list_paths": {"name": "list_paths", "type": [TypeAttribute.VRP_PATHS]} } return EncodingRegister(dict_encoding)
[docs] def get_solution_type(self) -> type[Solution]: return VrpSolution
[docs] def get_objective_register(self) -> ObjectiveRegister: dict_objective = { "length": ObjectiveDoc(type=TypeObjective.OBJECTIVE, default_weight=-1.0), "capacity_violation": ObjectiveDoc( type=TypeObjective.PENALTY, default_weight=-100.0 ), } return ObjectiveRegister( objective_sense=ModeOptim.MAXIMIZATION, objective_handling=ObjectiveHandling.AGGREGATE, dict_objective_to_doc=dict_objective, )
def __str__(self) -> str: s = ( "Vrp problem with \n" + str(self.customer_count) + " customers \nand " + str(self.vehicle_count) + " vehicles " ) return s
[docs] def get_dummy_solution(self) -> VrpSolution: s, fit = trivial_solution(self) return s
[docs] def get_stupid_solution(self) -> VrpSolution: s, fit = stupid_solution(self) return s
[docs] class Customer2D(BasicCustomer): def __init__(self, name: Union[str, int], demand: float, x: float, y: float): super().__init__(name=name, demand=demand) self.x = x self.y = y
[docs] def length(point1: Customer2D, point2: Customer2D) -> float: return math.sqrt((point1.x - point2.x) ** 2 + (point1.y - point2.y) ** 2)
[docs] class Customer2DVrpProblem(VrpProblem): customers: Sequence[Customer2D] def __init__( self, vehicle_count: int, vehicle_capacities: list[float], customer_count: int, customers: Sequence[Customer2D], start_indexes: list[int], end_indexes: list[int], ): super().__init__( vehicle_count=vehicle_count, vehicle_capacities=vehicle_capacities, customer_count=customer_count, customers=customers, start_indexes=start_indexes, end_indexes=end_indexes, ) self.evaluate_function_2d = build_evaluate_function(self)
[docs] def evaluate_function( self, vrp_sol: VrpSolution ) -> tuple[list[list[float]], list[float], float, list[float]]: return self.evaluate_function_2d(vrp_sol)
[docs] def evaluate_function_indexes(self, index_1: int, index_2: int) -> float: return length(self.customers[index_1], self.customers[index_2])
[docs] def trivial_solution(vrp_problem: VrpProblem) -> tuple[VrpSolution, dict[str, float]]: # build a trivial solution # assign customers to vehicles starting by the largest customer demands vehicle_tours: list[list[int]] = [] customers = range(vrp_problem.customer_count) nb_vehicles = vrp_problem.vehicle_count nb_customers = vrp_problem.customer_count remaining_capacity_vehicle = { v: vrp_problem.vehicle_capacities[v] for v in range(nb_vehicles) } remaining_customers = set(customers) for v in range(nb_vehicles): start = vrp_problem.start_indexes[v] end = vrp_problem.end_indexes[v] remaining_capacity_vehicle[v] -= vrp_problem.customers[start].demand if end != start: remaining_capacity_vehicle[v] -= vrp_problem.customers[end].demand if start in remaining_customers: remaining_customers.remove(start) if end in remaining_customers: remaining_customers.remove(end) for v in range(nb_vehicles): vehicle_tours.append([]) cur_node = vrp_problem.start_indexes[v] while ( sum( [ remaining_capacity_vehicle[v] >= vrp_problem.customers[customer].demand for customer in remaining_customers ] ) > 0 ): used = set() order = sorted( remaining_customers, key=lambda x: -vrp_problem.customers[x].demand * nb_customers + x, ) order = sorted( remaining_customers, key=lambda x: vrp_problem.evaluate_function_indexes(cur_node, x), ) for customer in order: if ( remaining_capacity_vehicle[v] >= vrp_problem.customers[customer].demand ): remaining_capacity_vehicle[v] -= vrp_problem.customers[ customer ].demand vehicle_tours[v].append(customer) cur_node = customer used.add(customer) remaining_customers -= used solution = VrpSolution( problem=vrp_problem, list_start_index=vrp_problem.start_indexes, list_end_index=vrp_problem.end_indexes, list_paths=vehicle_tours, length=None, lengths=None, capacities=None, ) fit = vrp_problem.evaluate(solution) return solution, fit
[docs] def stupid_solution(vrp_problem: VrpProblem) -> tuple[VrpSolution, dict[str, float]]: # build a trivial solution # assign customers to vehicles starting by the largest customer demands vehicle_tours: list[list[int]] = [] customers = range(vrp_problem.customer_count) nb_vehicles = vrp_problem.vehicle_count remaining_capacity_vehicle = { v: vrp_problem.vehicle_capacities[v] for v in range(nb_vehicles) } remaining_customers = set(customers) for v in range(nb_vehicles): start = vrp_problem.start_indexes[v] end = vrp_problem.end_indexes[v] remaining_capacity_vehicle[v] -= vrp_problem.customers[start].demand if end != start: remaining_capacity_vehicle[v] -= vrp_problem.customers[end].demand if start in remaining_customers: remaining_customers.remove(start) if end in remaining_customers: remaining_customers.remove(end) for v in range(nb_vehicles): vehicle_tours.append([]) vehicle_tours[0] = list(sorted(remaining_customers)) solution = VrpSolution( problem=vrp_problem, list_start_index=vrp_problem.start_indexes, list_end_index=vrp_problem.end_indexes, list_paths=vehicle_tours, length=None, lengths=None, ) fit = vrp_problem.evaluate(solution) return solution, fit
[docs] def compute_length( start_index: int, end_index: int, solution: list[int], list_customers: Sequence[BasicCustomer], method: Callable[[int, int], float], ) -> tuple[list[float], float, float]: if len(solution) > 0: obj = method(start_index, solution[0]) lengths = [obj] capacity = list_customers[start_index].demand capacity += list_customers[solution[0]].demand for index in range(0, len(solution) - 1): ll = method(solution[index], solution[index + 1]) obj += ll lengths += [ll] capacity += list_customers[solution[index + 1]].demand lengths += [method(end_index, solution[-1])] if end_index != start_index: capacity += list_customers[end_index].demand obj += lengths[-1] else: obj = method(start_index, end_index) lengths = [obj] capacity = list_customers[start_index].demand if end_index != start_index: capacity += list_customers[end_index].demand return lengths, obj, capacity
# More efficient implementation
[docs] @njit def compute_length_np( start_index: int, end_index: int, solution: Union[list[int], np.ndarray], np_points: np.ndarray, ) -> tuple[Union[list[float], np.ndarray], float]: obj = np.sqrt( (np_points[start_index, 0] - np_points[solution[0], 0]) ** 2 + (np_points[start_index, 1] - np_points[solution[0], 1]) ** 2 ) len_sol = len(solution) lengths = np.zeros((len_sol + 1)) lengths[0] = obj for index in range(0, len_sol - 1): ll = math.sqrt( (np_points[solution[index], 0] - np_points[solution[index + 1], 0]) ** 2 + (np_points[solution[index], 1] - np_points[solution[index + 1], 1]) ** 2 ) obj += ll lengths[index + 1] = ll lengths[len_sol] = np.sqrt( (np_points[end_index, 0] - np_points[solution[-1], 0]) ** 2 + (np_points[end_index, 1] - np_points[solution[-1], 1]) ** 2 ) obj += lengths[len_sol] return lengths, obj
[docs] def sequential_computing( vrp_sol: VrpSolution, vrp_problem: VrpProblem ) -> tuple[list[list[float]], list[float], float, list[float]]: lengths_list: list[list[float]] = [] obj_list: list[float] = [] capacity_list: list[float] = [] sum_obj = 0.0 for i in range(len(vrp_sol.list_paths)): lengths, obj, capacity = compute_length( start_index=vrp_sol.list_start_index[i], end_index=vrp_sol.list_end_index[i], solution=vrp_sol.list_paths[i], list_customers=vrp_problem.customers, method=vrp_problem.evaluate_function_indexes, ) lengths_list += [lengths] obj_list += [obj] capacity_list += [capacity] sum_obj += obj return lengths_list, obj_list, sum_obj, capacity_list
[docs] def build_evaluate_function( vrp_problem: VrpProblem, ) -> Callable[[VrpSolution], tuple[list[list[float]], list[float], float, list[float]]]: return partial(sequential_computing, vrp_problem=vrp_problem)