# hub.domain.flight_planning.domain
Domain specification
# State
Definition of a aircraft state during the flight plan
# Constructor State
Initialisation of a state
Args: trajectory : Trajectory information of the flight id: Node id in the airway graph
# H_Action
Horizontal action that can be perform by the aircraft
# left H_Action
# right H_Action
# straight H_Action
# V_Action
Vertical action that can be perform by the aircraft
# climb V_Action
# cruise V_Action
# descent V_Action
# FlightPlanningDomain
Automated flight planning domain.
# Domain definition
The flight planning domain can be quickly defined as :
- An origin, as ICAO code of an airport,
- A destination, as ICAO code of an airport,
- An aircraft type, as a string recognizable by the OpenAP library.
# Airways graph
A three-dimensional airway graph of waypoints is created. The graph is following the great circle which represents the shortest pass between the origin and the destination. The planner computes a plan by choosing waypoints in the graph, which are represented by 4-dimensionnal states. There is 3 phases in the graph :
- The climbing phase
- The cruise phase
- The descent phase
The flight planning domain allows to choose a number of forward, lateral and vertical waypoints in the graph. It is also possible to choose different width (tiny, small, normal, large, xlarge) which will increase or decrease the graph width.
# State representation
Here, the states are represented by 4 features :
- The position in the graph (x,y,z)
- The aircraft mass, which can also represent the fuel consumption (integer)
- The altitude (integer)
- The time (seconds)
# Wind interpolation
The flight planning domain can take in consideration the wind conditions. That interpolation have a major impact on the results, as jet streams are high altitude wind which can increase or decrease the ground speed of the aircraft. It also have an impact on the computation time of a flight plan, as the objective and heuristic function became more complex.
# Objective (or cost) functions
There is three possible objective functions:
- Fuel (Default)
- Distance
- Time
The chosen objective will represent the cost to go from a state to another. The aim of the algorithm is to minimize the cost.
# Heuristic functions
When using an A* algorithm to compute the flight plan, we need to feed it with a heuristic function, which guide the algorithm.
For now, there is 5 different (not admissible) heuristic function, depending on self.heuristic_name
- fuel, which computes the required fuel to get to the goal. It takes in consideration the local wind & speed of the aircraft.
- time, which computes the required time to get to the goal. It takes in consideration the local wind & speed of the aircraft.
- distance, wich computes the distance to the goal.
- lazy_fuel, which propagates the fuel consummed so far.
- lazy_time, which propagates the time spent on the flight so far
- None : we give a 0 cost value, which will transform the A* algorithm into a Dijkstra-like algorithm.
# Aircraft performance models
The flight planning domain can use two possible A/C performance models:
- OpenAP: the aircraft performance model is based on the OpenAP library.
- Poll-Schumann: the aircraft performance model is based on Poll-Schumann equations as stated on the paper: "An estimation method for the fuel burn and other performance characteristics of civil transport aircraft in the cruise" by Poll and Schumann; The Aernautical Journal, 2020.
# Optional features
The flight planning domain has several optional features :
Fuel loop: this is an optimisation of the loaded fuel for the aircraft. It will run some flights to computes the loaded fuel, using distance objective & heuristic.
Constraints definition: you can define constraints such as
- A time constraint, represented by a time windows
- A fuel constraint, represented by the maximum fuel for instance.
Slopes: you can define your own climbing & descending slopes which have to be between 10.0 and 25.0.
# Constructor FlightPlanningDomain
origin: typing.Union[str, tuple],
destination: typing.Union[str, tuple],
aircraft_state: ,
cruise_height_min: = 32000.0,
cruise_height_max: = 38000.0,
weather_date: typing.Optional[skdecide.hub.domain.flight_planning.domain.WeatherDate] = None,
objective: = fuel,
heuristic_name: = fuel,
wind_interpolator: typing.Optional[skdecide.hub.domain.flight_planning.weather_interpolator.weather_tools.interpolator.GenericInterpolator.GenericWindInterpolator] = None,
constraints = None,
nb_forward_points: = 41,
nb_lateral_points: = 11,
nb_vertical_points: typing.Optional[int] = None,
fuel_loaded: typing.Optional[float] = None,
fuel_loop: = False,
fuel_loop_solver_cls: typing.Optional[typing.Type[skdecide.solvers.Solver]] = None,
fuel_loop_solver_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = None,
fuel_loop_tol: = 0.001,
graph_width: typing.Optional[str] = medium,
res_img_dir: typing.Optional[str] = None,
starting_time: = 28800.0
Initialisation of a flight planning instance
# Parameters
origin (Union[str, tuple]): ICAO code of the airport, or a tuple (lat,lon,alt), of the origin of the flight plan. Altitude should be in ft destination (Union[str, tuple]): ICAO code of the airport, or a tuple (lat,lon,alt), of the destination of the flight plan. Altitude should be in ft aircraft_state (AircraftState) Initial aircraft state. cruise_height_min (float) Minimum cruise height in ft cruise_height_max (float) Maximum cruise height in ft weather_date (WeatherDate, optional): Date for the weather, needed for days management. If None, no wind will be applied. objective (str, optional): Cost function of the flight plan. It can be either fuel, distance or time. Defaults to "fuel". heuristic_name (str, optional): Heuristic of the flight plan, it will guide the aircraft through the graph. It can be either fuel, distance or time. Defaults to "fuel". wind_interpolator (GenericWindInterpolator, optional): Wind interpolator for the flight plan. If None, create one from the specified weather_date. The data is either already present locally or be downloaded from https://www.ncei.noaa.gov constraints (type, optional): Constraints dictionnary (keyValues : ['time', 'fuel'] ) to be defined in for the flight plan. Defaults to None. nb_forward_points (int, optional): Number of forward nodes in the graph. Defaults to 41. nb_lateral_points (int, optional): Number of lateral nodes in the graph. Defaults to 11. nb_vertical_points (int, optional): Number of vertical nodes in the graph. Defaults to None. fuel_loaded (float, optional): Fuel loaded in the airscraft for the flight plan. Defaults to None. fuel_loop (bool, optional): Boolean to create a fuel loop to optimize the fuel loaded for the flight. Defaults to False fuel_loop_solver_cls (type[Solver], optional): Solver class used in the fuel loop. Defaults to LazyAstar. fuel_loop_solver_kwargs (Dict[str, Any], optional): Kwargs to initialize the solver used in the fuel loop. graph_width (str, optional): Airways graph width, in ["small", "medium", "large", "xlarge"]. Defaults to None res_img_dir (str, optional): Directory in which images will be saved. Defaults to None starting_time (float, optional): Start time of the flight, in seconds. Defaults to 8AM (3_600.0 * 8.0)
# check_value Rewards
value: Value[D.T_value]
) -> bool
Check that a value is compliant with its reward specification.
This function returns always True by default because any kind of reward should be accepted at this level.
# Parameters
- value: The value to check.
# Returns
True if the value is compliant (False otherwise).
# flying FlightPlanningDomain
from_: ,
to_: typing.Tuple[float, float, int],
phase: ,
current_speed: ,
) ->
Compute the trajectory of a flying object from a given point to a given point
# Parameters
from_ (pd.DataFrame): the trajectory of the object so far to_ (Tuple[float, float]): the destination of the object
# Returns
pd.DataFrame: the final trajectory of the object
# get_action_mask Events
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> StrDict[Mask]
Get action mask for the given memory or internal one if omitted.
An action mask is another (more specific) format for applicable actions, that has a meaning only if the action space can be iterated over in some way. It is represented by a flat array of 0's and 1's ordered as the actions when enumerated: 1 for an applicable action, and 0 for a not applicable action.
More precisely, this implementation makes the assumption that each agent action space is an EnumerableSpace
and calls internally self.get_applicable_action()
The action mask is used for instance by RL solvers to shut down logits associated to non-applicable actions in the output of their internal neural network.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider. If None, works on the internal memory of the domain.
# Returns
a numpy array (or dict agent-> numpy array for multi-agent domains) with 0-1 indicating applicability of the action (1 meaning applicable and 0 not applicable)
# get_action_space Events
) -> StrDict[Space[D.T_event]]
Get the (cached) domain action space (finite or infinite set).
By default, Events.get_action_space()
internally calls Events._get_action_space_()
the first time and
automatically caches its value to make future calls more efficient (since the action space is assumed to be
# Returns
The action space.
# get_agents MultiAgent
) -> set[str]
Return a singleton for single agent domains.
We must be here consistent with skdecide.core.autocast()
which transforms a single agent domain
into a multi agents domain whose only agent has the id "agent".
# get_applicable_actions Events
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> StrDict[Space[D.T_event]]
Get the space (finite or infinite set) of applicable actions in the given memory (state or history), or in the internal one if omitted.
By default, Events.get_applicable_actions()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Events._get_applicable_actions()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
instead of the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
The space of applicable actions.
# get_enabled_events Events
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> Space[D.T_event]
Get the space (finite or infinite set) of enabled uncontrollable events in the given memory (state or history), or in the internal one if omitted.
By default, Events.get_enabled_events()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Events._get_enabled_events()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
attribute instead of
the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
The space of enabled events.
# get_goals Goals
) -> StrDict[Space[D.T_observation]]
Get the (cached) domain goals space (finite or infinite set).
By default, Goals.get_goals()
internally calls Goals._get_goals_()
the first time and automatically caches its
value to make future calls more efficient (since the goals space is assumed to be constant).
Goal states are assumed to be fully observable (i.e. observation = state) so that there is never uncertainty about whether the goal has been reached or not. This assumption guarantees that any policy that does not reach the goal with certainty incurs in infinite expected cost. - Geffner, 2013: A Concise Introduction to Models and Methods for Automated Planning
# Returns
The goals space.
# get_initial_state DeterministicInitialized
) -> D.T_state
Get the (cached) initial state.
By default, DeterministicInitialized.get_initial_state()
calls DeterministicInitialized._get_initial_state_()
the first time and automatically caches its value to make
future calls more efficient (since the initial state is assumed to be constant).
# Returns
The initial state.
# get_initial_state_distribution UncertainInitialized
) -> Distribution[D.T_state]
Get the (cached) probability distribution of initial states.
By default, UncertainInitialized.get_initial_state_distribution()
calls UncertainInitialized._get_initial_state_distribution_()
the first time and automatically caches its value
to make future calls more efficient (since the initial state distribution is assumed to be constant).
# Returns
The probability distribution of initial states.
# get_next_state DeterministicTransitions
memory: Memory[D.T_state],
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> D.T_state
Get the next state given a memory and action.
# Parameters
- memory: The source memory (state or history) of the transition.
- action: The action taken in the given memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The deterministic next state.
# get_next_state_distribution UncertainTransitions
memory: Memory[D.T_state],
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> DiscreteDistribution[D.T_state]
Get the discrete probability distribution of next state given a memory and action.
In the Markovian case (memory only holds last state
# Parameters
- memory: The source memory (state or history) of the transition.
- action: The action taken in the given memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The discrete probability distribution of next state.
# get_observation TransformedObservable
state: D.T_state,
action: Optional[StrDict[list[D.T_event]]] = None
) -> StrDict[D.T_observation]
Get the deterministic observation given a state and action.
# Parameters
- state: The state to be observed.
- action: The last applied action (or None if the state is an initial state).
# Returns
The probability distribution of the observation.
# get_observation_distribution PartiallyObservable
state: D.T_state,
action: Optional[StrDict[list[D.T_event]]] = None
) -> Distribution[StrDict[D.T_observation]]
Get the probability distribution of the observation given a state and action.
In mathematical terms (discrete case), given an action
# Parameters
- state: The state to be observed.
- action: The last applied action (or None if the state is an initial state).
# Returns
The probability distribution of the observation.
# get_observation_space PartiallyObservable
) -> StrDict[Space[D.T_observation]]
Get the (cached) observation space (finite or infinite set).
By default, PartiallyObservable.get_observation_space()
calls PartiallyObservable._get_observation_space_()
the first time and automatically caches its value to make
future calls more efficient (since the observation space is assumed to be constant).
# Returns
The observation space.
# get_transition_value UncertainTransitions
memory: Memory[D.T_state],
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]],
next_state: Optional[D.T_state] = None
) -> StrDict[Value[D.T_value]]
Get the value (reward or cost) of a transition.
The transition to consider is defined by the function parameters.
If this function never depends on the next_state parameter for its computation, it is recommended to
indicate it by overriding UncertainTransitions._is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state_()
to return
False. This information can then be exploited by solvers to avoid computing next state to evaluate a
transition value (more efficient).
# Parameters
- memory: The source memory (state or history) of the transition.
- action: The action taken in the given memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
- next_state: The next state in which the transition ends (if needed for the computation).
# Returns
The transition value (reward or cost).
# heuristic FlightPlanningDomain
s: ,
heuristic_name: = None
) -> skdecide.core.Value[float]
Heuristic to be used by search algorithms, depending on the objective and constraints.
# Parameters
s (D.T_state): Actual state objective (str, optional): Objective function. Defaults to None.
# Returns
Value[D.T_value]: Heuristic value of the state.
# is_action Events
event: D.T_event
) -> bool
Indicate whether an event is an action (i.e. a controllable event for the agents).
By default, this function is implemented using the skdecide.core.Space.contains()
function on the domain
action space provided by Events.get_action_space()
, but it can be overridden for faster implementations.
# Parameters
- event: The event to consider.
# Returns
True if the event is an action (False otherwise).
# is_applicable_action Events
action: StrDict[D.T_event],
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> bool
Indicate whether an action is applicable in the given memory (state or history), or in the internal one if omitted.
By default, Events.is_applicable_action()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Events._is_applicable_action()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
attribute instead
of the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
True if the action is applicable (False otherwise).
# is_enabled_event Events
event: D.T_event,
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> bool
Indicate whether an uncontrollable event is enabled in the given memory (state or history), or in the internal one if omitted.
By default, Events.is_enabled_event()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Events._is_enabled_event()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
attribute instead of
the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
True if the event is enabled (False otherwise).
# is_goal Goals
observation: StrDict[D.T_observation]
) -> StrDict[D.T_predicate]
Indicate whether an observation belongs to the goals.
By default, this function is implemented using the skdecide.core.Space.contains()
function on the domain
goals space provided by Goals.get_goals()
, but it can be overridden for faster implementations.
# Parameters
- observation: The observation to consider.
# Returns
True if the observation is a goal (False otherwise).
# is_observation PartiallyObservable
observation: StrDict[D.T_observation]
) -> bool
Check that an observation indeed belongs to the domain observation space.
By default, this function is implemented using the skdecide.core.Space.contains()
function on the domain
observation space provided by PartiallyObservable.get_observation_space()
, but it can be overridden for
faster implementations.
# Parameters
- observation: The observation to consider.
# Returns
True if the observation belongs to the domain observation space (False otherwise).
# is_terminal UncertainTransitions
state: D.T_state
) -> StrDict[D.T_predicate]
Indicate whether a state is terminal.
A terminal state is a state with no outgoing transition (except to itself with value 0).
# Parameters
- state: The state to consider.
# Returns
True if the state is terminal (False otherwise).
# is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state UncertainTransitions
) -> bool
Indicate whether get_transition_value() requires the next_state parameter for its computation (cached).
By default, UncertainTransitions.is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state()
calls UncertainTransitions._is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state_()
the first time and automatically
caches its value to make future calls more efficient (since the returned value is assumed to be constant).
# Returns
True if the transition value computation depends on next_state (False otherwise).
# render Renderable
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None,
**kwargs: Any
) -> Any
Compute a visual render of the given memory (state or history), or the internal one if omitted.
By default, Renderable.render()
provides some boilerplate code and internally calls Renderable._render()
. The
boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
attribute instead of the memory parameter whenever the latter
is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
A render (e.g. image) or nothing (if the function handles the display directly).
# reset Initializable
) -> StrDict[D.T_observation]
Reset the state of the environment and return an initial observation.
By default, Initializable.reset()
provides some boilerplate code and internally calls Initializable._reset()
(which returns an initial state). The boilerplate code automatically stores the initial state into the _memory
attribute and samples a corresponding observation.
# Returns
An initial observation.
# sample Simulation
memory: Memory[D.T_state],
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> EnvironmentOutcome[StrDict[D.T_observation], StrDict[Value[D.T_value]], StrDict[D.T_predicate], StrDict[D.T_info]]
Sample one transition of the simulator's dynamics.
By default, Simulation.sample()
provides some boilerplate code and internally calls Simulation._sample()
(which returns a transition outcome). The boilerplate code automatically samples an observation corresponding to
the sampled next state.
Whenever an existing simulator needs to be wrapped instead of implemented fully in scikit-decide (e.g. a
simulator), it is recommended to overwrite Simulation.sample()
to call the external simulator and not use
the Simulation._sample()
helper function.
# Parameters
- memory: The source memory (state or history) of the transition.
- action: The action taken in the given memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The environment outcome of the sampled transition.
# set_memory Simulation
memory: Memory[D.T_state]
) -> None
Set internal memory attribute _memory
to given one.
This can be useful to set a specific "starting point" before doing a rollout with successive Environment.step()
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to set internally.
# Example
# Set simulation_domain memory to my_state (assuming Markovian domain)
# Start a 100-steps rollout from here (applying my_action at every step)
for _ in range(100):
# set_network FlightPlanningDomain
p0: ,
p1: ,
nb_forward_points: ,
nb_lateral_points: ,
nb_vertical_points: ,
cas_climb: ,
mach_cruise: ,
cas_descent: ,
graph_width: = None
Creation of the airway graph.
# Parameters
p0 : Origin of the flight plan p1 : Destination of the flight plan nb_forward_points (int): Number of forward points in the graph nb_lateral_points (int): Number of lateral points in the graph nb_vertical_points (int): Number of vertical points in the graph climbing_slope (float, optional): Climbing slope of the plane during climbing phase. Defaults to None. descending_slope (float, optional): Descent slope of the plane during descent phase. Defaults to None. graph_width (float, optional): Graph width of the graph. Defaults to None.
# Returns
A 3D matrix containing for each points its latitude, longitude, altitude between origin & destination.
# step Environment
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> EnvironmentOutcome[StrDict[D.T_observation], StrDict[Value[D.T_value]], StrDict[D.T_predicate], StrDict[D.T_info]]
Run one step of the environment's dynamics.
By default, Environment.step()
provides some boilerplate code and internally calls Environment._step()
returns a transition outcome). The boilerplate code automatically stores next state into the _memory
and samples a corresponding observation.
Whenever an existing environment needs to be wrapped instead of implemented fully in scikit-decide (e.g. compiled
ATARI games), it is recommended to overwrite Environment.step()
to call the external environment and not
use the Environment._step()
helper function.
Before calling Environment.step()
the first time or when the end of an episode is
reached, Initializable.reset()
must be called to reset the environment's state.
# Parameters
- action: The action taken in the current memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The environment outcome of this step.
# _check_value Rewards
value: Value[D.T_value]
) -> bool
Check that a value is compliant with its cost specification (must be positive).
This function calls PositiveCost._is_positive()
to determine if a value is positive (can be overridden for
advanced value types).
# Parameters
- value: The value to check.
# Returns
True if the value is compliant (False otherwise).
# _get_action_mask Events
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> StrDict[Mask]
Get action mask for the given memory or internal one if omitted.
An action mask is another (more specific) format for applicable actions, that has a meaning only if the action space can be iterated over in some way. It is represented by a flat array of 0's and 1's ordered as the actions when enumerated: 1 for an applicable action, and 0 for a not applicable action.
More precisely, this implementation makes the assumption that each agent action space is an EnumerableSpace
and calls internally self.get_applicable_action()
The action mask is used for instance by RL solvers to shut down logits associated to non-applicable actions in the output of their internal neural network.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider. If None, works on the internal memory of the domain.
# Returns
a numpy array (or dict agent-> numpy array for multi-agent domains) with 0-1 indicating applicability of the action (1 meaning applicable and 0 not applicable)
# _get_action_space Events
) -> StrDict[Space[D.T_event]]
Get the (cached) domain action space (finite or infinite set).
By default, Events._get_action_space()
internally calls Events._get_action_space_()
the first time and
automatically caches its value to make future calls more efficient (since the action space is assumed to be
# Returns
The action space.
# _get_action_space_ Events
) -> skdecide.core.Space[argparse.Action]
Define action space.
# _get_applicable_actions Events
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> StrDict[Space[D.T_event]]
Get the space (finite or infinite set) of applicable actions in the given memory (state or history), or in the internal one if omitted.
By default, Events._get_applicable_actions()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Events._get_applicable_actions_from()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
instead of the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
The space of applicable actions.
# _get_applicable_actions_from Events
) -> skdecide.core.Space[argparse.Action]
Get the applicable actions from a state.
# _get_enabled_events Events
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> Space[D.T_event]
Get the space (finite or infinite set) of enabled uncontrollable events in the given memory (state or history), or in the internal one if omitted.
By default, Events._get_enabled_events()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Events._get_enabled_events_from()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
instead of the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
The space of enabled events.
# _get_enabled_events_from Events
memory: Memory[D.T_state]
) -> Space[D.T_event]
Get the space (finite or infinite set) of enabled uncontrollable events in the given memory (state or history).
This is a helper function called by default from Events._get_enabled_events()
, the difference being that the
memory parameter is mandatory here.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider.
# Returns
The space of enabled events.
# _get_goals Goals
) -> StrDict[Space[D.T_observation]]
Get the (cached) domain goals space (finite or infinite set).
By default, Goals._get_goals()
internally calls Goals._get_goals_()
the first time and automatically caches
its value to make future calls more efficient (since the goals space is assumed to be constant).
Goal states are assumed to be fully observable (i.e. observation = state) so that there is never uncertainty about whether the goal has been reached or not. This assumption guarantees that any policy that does not reach the goal with certainty incurs in infinite expected cost. - Geffner, 2013: A Concise Introduction to Models and Methods for Automated Planning
# Returns
The goals space.
# _get_goals_ Goals
) -> skdecide.core.Space[skdecide.hub.domain.flight_planning.domain.State]
Get the domain goals space (finite or infinite set).
Set the end position as goal.
# _get_initial_state DeterministicInitialized
) -> D.T_state
Get the (cached) initial state.
By default, DeterministicInitialized._get_initial_state()
calls DeterministicInitialized._get_initial_state_()
the first time and automatically caches its value to make
future calls more efficient (since the initial state is assumed to be constant).
# Returns
The initial state.
# _get_initial_state_ DeterministicInitialized
) ->
Get the initial state.
Set the start position as initial state.
# _get_initial_state_distribution UncertainInitialized
) -> Distribution[D.T_state]
Get the (cached) probability distribution of initial states.
By default, UncertainInitialized._get_initial_state_distribution()
calls UncertainInitialized._get_initial_state_distribution_()
the first time and automatically caches its value
to make future calls more efficient (since the initial state distribution is assumed to be constant).
# Returns
The probability distribution of initial states.
# _get_initial_state_distribution_ UncertainInitialized
) -> Distribution[D.T_state]
Get the probability distribution of initial states.
This is a helper function called by default from UncertainInitialized._get_initial_state_distribution()
, the
difference being that the result is not cached here.
The underscore at the end of this function's name is a convention to remind that its result should be constant.
# Returns
The probability distribution of initial states.
# _get_memory_maxlen History
) -> int
Get the (cached) memory max length.
By default, FiniteHistory._get_memory_maxlen()
internally calls FiniteHistory._get_memory_maxlen_()
the first
time and automatically caches its value to make future calls more efficient (since the memory max length is
assumed to be constant).
# Returns
The memory max length.
# _get_memory_maxlen_ FiniteHistory
) -> int
Get the memory max length.
This is a helper function called by default from FiniteHistory._get_memory_maxlen()
, the difference being that
the result is not cached here.
The underscore at the end of this function's name is a convention to remind that its result should be constant.
# Returns
The memory max length.
# _get_next_state DeterministicTransitions
memory: ,
) ->
Compute the next state
Args: memory (D.T_state): The current state action (D.T_event): The action to perform
Returns: D.T_state: The next state
# _get_next_state_distribution UncertainTransitions
memory: Memory[D.T_state],
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> SingleValueDistribution[D.T_state]
Get the discrete probability distribution of next state given a memory and action.
In the Markovian case (memory only holds last state
# Parameters
- memory: The source memory (state or history) of the transition.
- action: The action taken in the given memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The discrete probability distribution of next state.
# _get_observation TransformedObservable
state: D.T_state,
action: Optional[StrDict[list[D.T_event]]] = None
) -> StrDict[D.T_observation]
Get the deterministic observation given a state and action.
# Parameters
- state: The state to be observed.
- action: The last applied action (or None if the state is an initial state).
# Returns
The probability distribution of the observation.
# _get_observation_distribution PartiallyObservable
state: D.T_state,
action: Optional[StrDict[list[D.T_event]]] = None
) -> Distribution[StrDict[D.T_observation]]
Get the probability distribution of the observation given a state and action.
In mathematical terms (discrete case), given an action
# Parameters
- state: The state to be observed.
- action: The last applied action (or None if the state is an initial state).
# Returns
The probability distribution of the observation.
# _get_observation_space PartiallyObservable
) -> StrDict[Space[D.T_observation]]
Get the (cached) observation space (finite or infinite set).
By default, PartiallyObservable._get_observation_space()
calls PartiallyObservable._get_observation_space_()
the first time and automatically caches its value to make
future calls more efficient (since the observation space is assumed to be constant).
# Returns
The observation space.
# _get_observation_space_ PartiallyObservable
) -> skdecide.core.Space[skdecide.hub.domain.flight_planning.domain.State]
Define observation space.
# _get_terminal_state_time_fuel FlightPlanningDomain
) ->
Get the domain terminal state information to compare with the constraints
Args: state (State): terminal state to retrieve the information on fuel and time.
Returns: dict: dictionnary containing both fuel and time information.
# _get_transition_value UncertainTransitions
memory: ,
action: ,
) -> skdecide.core.Value[float]
Get the value (reward or cost) of a transition. Set cost to distance travelled between points
Args: memory (D.T_state): The current state action (D.T_event): The action to perform next_state (Optional[D.T_state], optional): The next state. Defaults to None.
Returns: Value[D.T_value]: Cost to go from memory to next state
# _init_memory History
state: Optional[D.T_state] = None
) -> Memory[D.T_state]
Initialize memory (possibly with a state) according to its specification and return it.
This function is automatically called by Initializable._reset()
to reinitialize the internal memory whenever
the domain is used as an environment.
# Parameters
- state: An optional state to initialize the memory with (typically the initial state).
# Returns
The new initialized memory.
# _is_action Events
event: D.T_event
) -> bool
Indicate whether an event is an action (i.e. a controllable event for the agents).
By default, this function is implemented using the skdecide.core.Space.contains()
function on the domain
action space provided by Events._get_action_space()
, but it can be overridden for faster implementations.
# Parameters
- event: The event to consider.
# Returns
True if the event is an action (False otherwise).
# _is_applicable_action Events
action: StrDict[D.T_event],
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> bool
Indicate whether an action is applicable in the given memory (state or history), or in the internal one if omitted.
By default, Events._is_applicable_action()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Events._is_applicable_action_from()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
instead of the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
True if the action is applicable (False otherwise).
# _is_applicable_action_from Events
action: StrDict[D.T_event],
memory: Memory[D.T_state]
) -> bool
Indicate whether an action is applicable in the given memory (state or history).
This is a helper function called by default from Events._is_applicable_action()
, the difference being that the
memory parameter is mandatory here.
By default, this function is implemented using the skdecide.core.Space.contains()
function on the space of
applicable actions provided by Events._get_applicable_actions_from()
, but it can be overridden for faster
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider.
# Returns
True if the action is applicable (False otherwise).
# _is_enabled_event Events
event: D.T_event,
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None
) -> bool
Indicate whether an uncontrollable event is enabled in the given memory (state or history), or in the internal one if omitted.
By default, Events._is_enabled_event()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Events._is_enabled_event_from()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
attribute instead
of the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
True if the event is enabled (False otherwise).
# _is_enabled_event_from Events
event: D.T_event,
memory: Memory[D.T_state]
) -> bool
Indicate whether an event is enabled in the given memory (state or history).
This is a helper function called by default from Events._is_enabled_event()
, the difference being that the
memory parameter is mandatory here.
By default, this function is implemented using the skdecide.core.Space.contains()
function on the space of
enabled events provided by Events._get_enabled_events_from()
, but it can be overridden for faster
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider.
# Returns
True if the event is enabled (False otherwise).
# _is_goal Goals
observation: StrDict[D.T_observation]
) -> StrDict[D.T_predicate]
Indicate whether an observation belongs to the goals.
By default, this function is implemented using the skdecide.core.Space.contains()
function on the domain
goals space provided by Goals._get_goals()
, but it can be overridden for faster implementations.
# Parameters
- observation: The observation to consider.
# Returns
True if the observation is a goal (False otherwise).
# _is_observation PartiallyObservable
observation: StrDict[D.T_observation]
) -> bool
Check that an observation indeed belongs to the domain observation space.
By default, this function is implemented using the skdecide.core.Space.contains()
function on the domain
observation space provided by PartiallyObservable._get_observation_space()
, but it can be overridden for
faster implementations.
# Parameters
- observation: The observation to consider.
# Returns
True if the observation belongs to the domain observation space (False otherwise).
# _is_positive PositiveCosts
cost: D.T_value
) -> bool
Determine if a value is positive (can be overridden for advanced value types).
# Parameters
- cost: The cost to evaluate.
# Returns
True if the cost is positive (False otherwise).
# _is_terminal UncertainTransitions
) ->
Indicate whether a state is terminal.
Stop an episode only when goal reached.
# _is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state UncertainTransitions
) -> bool
Indicate whether _get_transition_value() requires the next_state parameter for its computation (cached).
By default, UncertainTransitions._is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state()
calls UncertainTransitions._is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state_()
the first time and automatically
caches its value to make future calls more efficient (since the returned value is assumed to be constant).
# Returns
True if the transition value computation depends on next_state (False otherwise).
# _is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state_ UncertainTransitions
) -> bool
Indicate whether _get_transition_value() requires the next_state parameter for its computation.
This is a helper function called by default
from UncertainTransitions._is_transition_value_dependent_on_next_state()
, the difference being that the result
is not cached here.
The underscore at the end of this function's name is a convention to remind that its result should be constant.
# Returns
True if the transition value computation depends on next_state (False otherwise).
# _render Renderable
memory: Optional[Memory[D.T_state]] = None,
**kwargs: Any
) -> Any
Compute a visual render of the given memory (state or history), or the internal one if omitted.
By default, Renderable._render()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Renderable._render_from()
. The boilerplate code automatically passes the _memory
attribute instead of
the memory parameter whenever the latter is None.
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to consider (if None, the internal memory attribute
is used instead).
# Returns
A render (e.g. image) or nothing (if the function handles the display directly).
# _render_from Renderable
memory: ,
**kwargs: typing.Any
) -> typing.Any
Render visually the map.
Returns: matplotlib figure
# _reset Initializable
) -> StrDict[D.T_observation]
Reset the state of the environment and return an initial observation.
By default, Initializable._reset()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Initializable._state_reset()
(which returns an initial state). The boilerplate code automatically stores
the initial state into the _memory
attribute and samples a corresponding observation.
# Returns
An initial observation.
# _sample Simulation
memory: Memory[D.T_state],
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> EnvironmentOutcome[StrDict[D.T_observation], StrDict[Value[D.T_value]], StrDict[D.T_predicate], StrDict[D.T_info]]
Sample one transition of the simulator's dynamics.
By default, Simulation._sample()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Simulation._state_sample()
(which returns a transition outcome). The boilerplate code automatically
samples an observation corresponding to the sampled next state.
Whenever an existing simulator needs to be wrapped instead of implemented fully in scikit-decide (e.g. a
simulator), it is recommended to overwrite Simulation._sample()
to call the external simulator and not use
the Simulation._state_sample()
helper function.
# Parameters
- memory: The source memory (state or history) of the transition.
- action: The action taken in the given memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The environment outcome of the sampled transition.
# _set_memory Simulation
memory: Memory[D.T_state]
) -> None
Set internal memory attribute _memory
to given one.
This can be useful to set a specific "starting point" before doing a rollout with
successive Environment._step()
# Parameters
- memory: The memory to set internally.
# Example
# Set simulation_domain memory to my_state (assuming Markovian domain)
# Start a 100-steps rollout from here (applying my_action at every step)
for _ in range(100):
# _state_reset Initializable
) -> D.T_state
Reset the state of the environment and return an initial state.
This is a helper function called by default from Initializable._reset()
. It focuses on the state level, as
opposed to the observation one for the latter.
# Returns
An initial state.
# _state_sample Simulation
memory: Memory[D.T_state],
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> TransitionOutcome[D.T_state, StrDict[Value[D.T_value]], StrDict[D.T_predicate], StrDict[D.T_info]]
Compute one sample of the transition's dynamics.
This is a helper function called by default from Simulation._sample()
. It focuses on the state level, as
opposed to the observation one for the latter.
# Parameters
- memory: The source memory (state or history) of the transition.
- action: The action taken in the given memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The transition outcome of the sampled transition.
# _state_step Environment
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> TransitionOutcome[D.T_state, StrDict[Value[D.T_value]], StrDict[D.T_predicate], StrDict[D.T_info]]
Compute one step of the transition's dynamics.
This is a helper function called by default from Environment._step()
. It focuses on the state level, as opposed
to the observation one for the latter.
# Parameters
- action: The action taken in the current memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The transition outcome of this step.
# _step Environment
action: StrDict[list[D.T_event]]
) -> EnvironmentOutcome[StrDict[D.T_observation], StrDict[Value[D.T_value]], StrDict[D.T_predicate], StrDict[D.T_info]]
Run one step of the environment's dynamics.
By default, Environment._step()
provides some boilerplate code and internally
calls Environment._state_step()
(which returns a transition outcome). The boilerplate code automatically stores
next state into the _memory
attribute and samples a corresponding observation.
Whenever an existing environment needs to be wrapped instead of implemented fully in scikit-decide (e.g. compiled
ATARI games), it is recommended to overwrite Environment._step()
to call the external environment and not
use the Environment._state_step()
helper function.
Before calling Environment._step()
the first time or when the end of an episode is
reached, Initializable._reset()
must be called to reset the environment's state.
# Parameters
- action: The action taken in the current memory (state or history) triggering the transition.
# Returns
The environment outcome of this step.
# fuel_optimisation
origin: typing.Union[str, tuple],
destination: typing.Union[str, tuple],
aircraft_state: ,
cruise_height_min: ,
cruise_height_max: ,
constraints: ,
weather_date: ,
solver_cls: typing.Type[skdecide.solvers.Solver],
solver_kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any],
max_steps: = 100,
fuel_tol: = 0.001
) ->
Function to optimise the fuel loaded in the plane, doing multiple fuel loops to approach an optimal
# Parameters
origin (Union[str, tuple]): ICAO code of the departure airport of th flight plan e.g LFPG for Paris-CDG, or a tuple (lat,lon)
destination (Union[str, tuple]):
ICAO code of the arrival airport of th flight plan e.g LFBO for Toulouse-Blagnac airport, or a tuple (lat,lon)
aircraft_state (AircraftState)
Initial aircraft state.
cruise_height_min (float)
Minimum cruise height in ft
cruise_height_max (float)
Maximum cruise height in ft
constraints (dict):
Constraints that will be defined for the flight plan
solver_cls (type[Solver]):
Solver class used in the fuel loop.
solver_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]):
Kwargs to initialize the solver used in the fuel loop.
max_steps (int):
max steps to use in the internal fuel loop
fuel_tol (float):
tolerance on fuel used to stop the optimization
# Returns
Return the quantity of fuel to be loaded in the plane for the flight